Showing posts with label Basing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Basing. Show all posts

12 August 2018

-SHOWCASE- The Ninth Age Empire of Sonnstahl Quick Starter Army

Hi all!

A couple of month ago,i was searching for some ideas and i accidentally entered a forum named "The ninth Age" and i found that some peoples was revamping the old Wahammer Fantasy!

There i found lots of amazing conversions, a great community and a ton of pictures about lovely old armies!!!
( i afterwards discovered that this project is alive from many years hehe!!! )

So i decided to remove the dust from my old Empire Army and build and paint a small force for The Ninth Age Quick Starter games.

That's the result...
I hope you like it  ;)

Empire of Sonnstahl Quick Starter Army (About 800pt Army)



Heavy Infantry

Light Infantry

Electoral Cavalry

Thanks for reading!!!

PS: if you and your friends are "nostalgic" with square bases, i suggest to visit  The Ninth Age Forum

See you soon!!! :)

11 April 2017

-HOW TO MAKE- Marble and Tiles Bases


Today i want to show you a very simple procedure that i use for making tiles bases...

The only "strange" tool you need is a Leather Piercer...

You can find it on almost every supermarket or E-Shop and it's a very cheap tool...

PS:  i use it also to make rivets ;)


First of all i've used a plastic base to draw the circles needed...
(In this example i've used a "soft" 2mm plasticard)

...Then i've drawn the tiles pattern...

...At this point i've used the leather piercer with a soft pressure (because i want to texturize not to pierce the plasticard) and a sculpting tool to carve the lines...

And that's the result...... :D

I've filed to round the edges and i've painted them :D

I hope you enjoyed this simple tutorial and that will help you to realize your bases!


03 March 2014

-SHOWCASE- Trollbloods Champions

Hi All!!!

I've just finished painting my Trollbloods Champions!

I really like these guys, especially when they rolls 4d6 damage while charging (5d6 with eMadrak Blood Fury spell)!!!

That's my finished unit with a leader and four grunts
I hope you like them!

Thanks for reading!!!!

10 February 2014

-SHOWCASE- Hordes Trollbloods Janissa Stonetide


Even if my game results are not yet satisfactory (*cough *cough), i'm still painting Hordes Trollbloods miniatures!

This is my finished janissa Stonetide :)

Because she's a kind of "elemental manipulator" i made the base like stone spikes erupting from the ground

I hope you like it!!!

PS: Maybe i put too much lipstick hahahahaa!!!!

Thanks for reading :)

05 February 2014

-SHOWCASE- Hordes Trollbloods Captain Gunnbjorn

Hi all and welcome back!
In these days i have a lot of work to do and i don't have much time to update the blog, but in the evening i keep on paint like a madman :)

As i explained in my previous post,i felt in love about this new game (new to me) so i started to paint the Hordes Trollbloods.

The Privateer Press models are rich in detail, many of which are visible only after you have primed the miniature, and the game system is fantastic :)

This is my first Trollblood, the Captain Gunnbjorn
I hope you like it :)

Thanks for reading!!!!

04 December 2013

-HOW TO MAKE- Snow Bases

Hi all!

Was for a long time that i wanted to paint some miniatures different than those of the GW range, so I've recently bought some Privateer Press miniatures, just to "taste" a different manufacturer and different materials.

I went to my friend's game store and i started to wander among various blisters and boxes, and i fell in love for Hordes Miniatures, but i'll show you how i've painted these models later, because today i want to show you how i make snowy bases...

So, get ready to work!!!

At first look you can see that All Privateer Press bases have the external edge raised, that it makes possible to customize the terrain much better rather than other bases.

I glued a piece of cork with hot glue (but you can also use PVA glue), and i made a little edging with green stuff where the water effect will be poured, then i covered the rest with sand.

I primed all bases with black primer, in order to give a first shade

I started with a first brown layer, then i've highlighted with a brighter brown.

I painted the stone with panzer grey and i made ah heavy drybrush with Khaki White...

I used paints from Lifecolor Mimetic Paints Range because i love the matt surface they leave when dried, but you can use any acrilic paint.

Then i weathered all bases with Dark Earth pigment, in order to give to all bases a dusty effect.
I thinned the pigment with lot of water and some drops of Matt warnish that will serve as pigment fixer...

That's the result...

After painting the edges with black paint, the bases are almost ready to be glued to miniatures...

I added some grass tuft...

Now it's time to make it snow! :)

I made a mix of PVA glue and Games Workshop snow effect up to create a kind of paste that will subsequently be brushed all over the base.

In this example i wanted to make a melted spring snow...

If you prefer, you can add more snow to represent a heavy winter snowfall like this.

After gluing the miniature to the base, i added a few drops of water effect to represent the frozen puddles created by melted snow...

That's the result!

There are lot of types of snow, for example you can make ice by adding more water to mixture, or make a fresh snow by adding more snow sprinkles on a layer of PVA glue

I hope this simple tutorial has been helpful!

Thanks for reading!!!!

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