Sunday, December 6, 2009

Church Christmas Party and Santa

We had a very Christmasy day yesterday, as we went to a Breakfast with Santa, and a Church Christmas party. Both kids were having fun with Santa and had a great time at the party. It was a Feliz Navidad party with lots of great Mexican food, several pinatas, arts and crafts, face painting, Santa, balloon animals, Karyoke, etc... Everyone in my family was pretty happy. I guess they also did a "posada" which is a reenactment of Mary and Joseph looking for an inn and had a program that included the three kings. We ended up leaving a little early so we didn't get to see that part. It was a great party though.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ward Halloween Party

We did a family costume for the Ward Halloween party. Goldilocks and the three bears. Here we are with the award we won for cutest family costume (not to be confused with scariest costume, funniest costume, or pinkest costume). Anyway, it was fun night, and the kids of course got more candy.

School Spirit Days

On the week before the Ohio State/Michigan game Cole's school had a spirit week where they had a different theme every day. I didn't manage to do much all week since I was preoccupied with taking the NCLEX (nursing boards which I passed). I did manage to do a red Mohawk for crazy hair day, and get the kids in Ohio State gear for Friday.

Trick or Treating

What is it, Dec. 1st? Seems like a good time to finally post my Trick or Treating pictures. Juliet and Cole went as a witch and a Boohbah (PBS show that Cole loves, similar to teletubies). The weather in Ohio was fabulous in October as well as November, so everyone really got into the spirit of the holiday.

Cole adored this Barney. Kuddos to whoever is in that hot stuffy costume. He could have happily hung out with Barney all night long. Of particular fascination were Barney's giant toe nails. I guess toe nails can be cool....

Good thing Grandpa Jim is nice enough to carry Cole. Mommy wouldn't have done this for long.

Impulsively we decided to go Trick or Treating a second time with Mike and Kensie and family. They were going on a second night.
Juliet decided to wear an old costume of Lyna's this night. Here she is as Dorothy.

Nothing beats Trick or Treating with your cousin.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Good times in the garden of Valentino

I wanted to share a few more things that we've been up to for the last couple of months. We've had fun outdoors with a remarkably cool and comfortable Summer. With the kids at home we had a chance to do some fun projects like making this colored rice. It was a really fun tactile activity and Juliet thought it was fun to add some shells and pretend was sand.

We have been so lucky to have my brother, his wife Kensie, and their three beautiful kids living so close to our family. We've had a lot of fun with these guys, and gone on a lot adventures together.

Sometimes when their wasn't much to do, new methods of fun had to be invented. Juliet came up with this innovative "mud paint" project. As you can see, she really had a blast with this one. In fact, as we were getting ready to go to Grandma's today she said, "If you mix dirt and water together it makes mud paint." and I said, "Um...Juliet, I think we are getting ready to go, let's mud paint some other time."

Some moments we've been less than happy (isn't that the cutest sad face you've ever seen?)

But happiness always shines through!

Monday, September 7, 2009

A Bitter-sweet Summer

I haven't posted much this Summer, and it has been a Summer to remember, for many reasons. We've had 3/4 of the birthdays for our little family (Juliet keeps asking when her birthday is coming), we've played together, we've pulled together, we've worked together, and we've mourned together. We are a little tired, some days we are a little sad, but we are closer as a family.

This was Charles's face for much of August. On August 1, day before my birthday, he noticed that he couldn't move one half of his face. That is a pretty scary symptom, so we rushed to the ER. Thankfully, it was not a stroke. He has Bell's Palsy. This caused the nerves in half of his face to stop working. For several weeks he just couldn't use that half of his face. The worst for him was the dryness in his right eye. Blinking took major effort, and did not happen unconsciously as it normally does. It is amazing how much we take blinking for granted. So, blink a few times, it is a blessing.

On Tuesday, August 11, Charles's Mom Margaret passed away. We had a memorial service for her that Saturday, which was a beautiful event, and a celebration of her life.

Here's Charles with his Bell's Palsy smirk. He sang an amazing solo, and spoke with the use of only half his face. You go, Honey.

Juliet loves her cousin Analita, who didn't mind playing with her during the visiting time. Thanks Analita!

I'm so lucky to be Mom to these two beautiful children.

Don't you just want to snuggle this cutey, and nuzzle into that fuzzy head?

With our major loss from our family, we did have one small gain. We welcomed Zucci, the giant Zucchini into our family. Juliet loves her dearly. Thanks Lisa, for bringing this new family member to us.

Good night...and peace to all our loved ones. May you find many pleasant surprises in your life (like giant zucchinis) and find yourself stronger from the less than pleasant surprises as well.