Thursday, November 1, 2012


We had so much fun on Halloween! We went to a pumpkin patch... Layla went trunk or treating, trick or treating, had parties at preschool and the list goes on!!!

Eva had a lot of fun too but she mainly ate candy! She was supposed to be snow whites dwarf but wouldn't wear the hat!! So we had to go with the back up... Ladybug!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Layla started preschool last month and she is in love... She went on her first field trip to the grocery store today! Her favorite part was the box crusher!

I love how she is front and center in this picture of her watching the baker decorate a cake.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Layla's birthday

Layla's birthday came and went without a post :(
It will never happen again.
She is a big four year old now! I can't believe it. I know I say it a lot but I wish she would just stop growing!
She tells me and Eva what a big girl she is every day!
We had a swimming party for her at our new pool this year. She had lots of fun with all her new neighbor friends and old friends/family! She had a Barbie cake and got lots of awesome presents like a Barbie 4 wheeler, scooter, sand box, and lots of barbies! What a lucky girl! (she requested chucky cheese for her "other" birthday she is apparently having soon) love her

My big baby

Layla started preschool today! She was ecstatic, I was sad. I have been trying to talk her out of preschool, but who am I kidding... She is the boss.
She loved it. She played house, learned about parts of the body and had a snack... She begged to go back tomorrow.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Long time no see!!

Well this summer has been extremely busy, as summers always are... But moving into our new house added a whole new meaning to "busy". We are loving our new house and neighbors!! Life is good. I will post pictures of the house soon.

Eva is almost 16 months! She is the cutest thing. So cuddly. She has a bad temper and screams at her sister a lot. She loves Ollie, strollers, bikes and driving Layla's four wheeler. She is obsessed with putting on shoes and clipping buckles of any sort. She is talking a lot lately, most of it is jibberish, but she seems to know what she is saying. Her new trick is jumping :).

Layla is loving her new neighborhood! She has lots of new friends that she runs amuck with in the caldesac. She only wears dresses... No matter what. (a very trying stage) she is starting preschool in 2 weeks. We took seven inches off her hair last week... She is looking good! Her personality is hilarious, without fail she makes me laugh all day!

Here are some fun pictures of the summer! I will have to go back and add some posts later.Let's see we had Layla's birthday somewhere in this crazy summer, talithas wedding and lots of fun days

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Big Birthday Party

We had a fun birthday party for Evies first birthday. All her friends were there. She ate cake, played with balloons and watched her mom open presents :). It was fun.

She is just the cutest thing.

She laughs so silly  and chases Layla around, she started giving kisses yesterday... the best.

She is cutting her top 2 teeth right now, it doesn't seem to be bothering her too much? She also loves clapping!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

my baby is one (tear)

It is true... she is a year old. Time has slipped away. This little girl is a sweetheart, we couldn't have asked for a better baby. I took her to the zoo today for her birthday with her cousins, auntie and grandma. She had a blast. She really loved the monkeys (Layla too). She can't wait to be a part of the cousin gang and run around with them, although she is pretty close to running these days.