Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Eight Months old!

I cannot believe Layla is eight months old...I remember this time last year, anticipating her arrival. I was so stressed out about the wedding. I could not imagine my life with a baby! Now I cannot imagine my life without her.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I have to post this video of Layla because it is so cute! It is funny how you appreciate the little things when you have a baby... usually Jayson and I would be mad and bored if the power went out at 8 at night, but Layla keeps up very entertained :) We had a power outage last week and Layla discovered the flashlight. She cannot keep things out of her mouth and the flashlight was no exception. She kept putting the light side in her mouth and it lit up her whole face! Well...I guess I don't have to explain it because, we got it on camera! Enjoy!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Spring is almost here!

I know I have been a horrible blogger lately...I am going to try to blog once a week from now on...
That said, so much has happened since the last post. Layla is very close to crawling. She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks, she has moved forward with a hand or leg now and then, but she doesn't have the motion down yet. It is so funny she will get up on her toes and downward dog in yoga and then just plop down. I almost don't want her to crawl because it is going to be a lot of work and I love her as a baby! Not to mention I am going to be OCD about vacuuming...more than I am now and that is scary!!
This video was made by Jayson! So cute, it almost made me cry! I know everyone will enjoy it. Layla is 7 and 1/2 months old right now. She is so curious and vocal about everything, especially Buster, Oliver and their disgusting toys! Every time I turn my back Oliver is giving her one of his gross toys and she puts it straight in her mouth. I am thinking of throwing all their toys away, but I think Oliver would roll over and die. Layla climbs on us like we are jungle gyms and screams a the top of her lungs for fun. She is a wild and Jay are always laughing at how insane she is... She will talk and yell for like 30 minutes straight. I think she has a lot to say...we are going to be in trouble when she can talk. She can say daddy and I it is clear as is so cute! She is nowhere near mom or mama or mmmmm....someday! I took a bunch of pics of her last week when I played hooky from work. I am going to put them on this blog because they are too cute! And for those of you who are mad at me for not sending you pics...just right click on the pic you like and go to save as on the pop up and you can have a copy for yourself :)
Jayson and I are doing good...I have been working and taking classes for work, so I am exhausted! Even though work is only part time! I have no idea how people work full time! I give mad props...who says that mad props! Jayson is training for the Wasatch back relay in June where he will be running a lot of miles! He is keeping himself very busy! We miss all our out of townees and hope to see you all soon!