Sunday, December 9, 2012

What a bummer...

I was just told that this blog has reached it's limit on entries and pictures. :(
So I made a new blog that can be found at
There's nothing on it yet but I guess you'll be able to find my Santa blog on that one....What a bummer. I guess 4 years of blogs is pretty good....onto the next 4.
Love and Ava hugs,

Friday, December 7, 2012

My helmet decorating obsession..

So my favorite part of this helmet nonsense has got to be the decorating. Greyson's been in it now for 4 weeks and has had 3 different designs.
Mickey Mouse

FSU helmet

And now it has a very festive Christmas train!

I think his New Years design will be his last which is very fun. :) fingers crossed!!! His head looks amazing so I hope so!!! We go see the doctor again to get scanned on January 9th. They'll scan him and then make a decision....but you can barely see the flat spot so I'm guessing he will graduate. :) what an easy journey so far....and what a round little head!!

Love and Ava hugs,

Jingle bells and some cuteness...

YouTube Video

Love and Ava hugs,

Friday, November 30, 2012

Time to lower the crib...

Greyson learned to go from laying down to sitting!!!

Love and Ava hugs,

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Our camera battery died so we had to use my sisters camera for our thanksgiving festivities but I took a few on my phone and wanted to share my big mans first full meal. He had (and enjoyed) turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, and a tomato tonight for dinner. He enjoyed every second of it and sat there happily munching the entire meal. :) I'm thankful for my good little eater.
Happy thanksgiving!!!
YouTube Video

And here's a picture of my not good eater...who I'm over the moon thankful for too. :)

Love and Ava hugs,