Wednesday, July 18, 2012

It's a beautiful day to be a Mommy...

I know I'm so behind on blogging but this one has to be done first because I'm just too darn excited to talk about anything else. :)
So as many of you know my beautiful sister is pregnant with her 1st baby. It's a girl and while her due date may have been August 12th she decided to cause a little havoc and will be joining us tomorrow. We found out today that July 19 would be the day and honestly I haven't stopped smiling. Even through the longest bedtime ever (Thanks Greyson) all I could think about was seeing her little face. While I'm already an auntie by marriage this will be my 1st time being an auntie from the beginning and I just can't wait to see my sister be the amazing mom I know she will be. I just honestly can't believe she's almost before she gets here I want to make sure I get out all my mommy advice and make sure she knows that while I won't get to be there in person (stupid hospital rules about kids and Mike being on a business trip) that I'm dying inside with happiness for her and Richie. Ok so here I go....

 First of all, enjoy every second you have with Amelia from the very beginning.
Don't stress about the small stuff and remember that it doesn't matter how she got here or what kind of diapers you use....what matters is how much love you give her. You're about to be completely in charge of a little persons well being and happiness which is a huge honor but a daunting task no doubt...follow your gut because 9 out of 10 times it's true....Mommy's do know best.
Remember to laugh when it gets tough and to not take anything too personally.
Once you're out and about remember that other mommy's can be mean. Don't give into the "mom'petition" because mommy'hood isn't a competition it's about doing the best you can for your family...
Tomorrow your world will change forever in the best way possible. It won't always be easy but it will always be worth it. It won't always go the way you plan but it will go the way it's supposed to.
 I am so excited for you and your little family. (I'm excited for me too because I can't wait to cuddle and spoil your little peanut) I wish with everything inside me that I could be there to hug you before you go back like you did both times for me but I can't. :(
Here's to a very happy July 19, 2012 for everyone...but especially Sara, Richie, and Amelia....congratulations on your greatest accomplishment yet!
AUNTIE Rachel :)