Sunday, January 29, 2012

27 weeks and little bit of Ava sunshine!

 Welcome to the last week of our 2nd trimester! :) This week will be an exciting one full of glucose tests, prenatal yoga and a majority of our 80 days done and in the books. I'm still feeling good---but I can feel the tired'ness coming when i'm more active. Those are the nights that i'm asleep right after Ava. :) 
Now onto the little man this week! :) Due to an unexpected ultrasound last weekend we now know that he is at least 2lbs 3oz. Baby Center says he should weigh just under 2lbs so he is right on track with his big baby prediction. They say he is sleeping and waking at regular intervals, closing and opening his eyes, and even sucking his fingers. If he's anything like his sister he is definitely sucking his thumb! With more brain tissue developing his brain is very active now. They say that while his lungs are still immature they would be capable of functioning with medical help is he were to be born now. Lets not try that one OK little guy? Baby hiccups are also common from now on. I haven't felt any of those yet--but i'll keep you posted! :)
I think that he is definitely getting a little squashed inside there though because his movements have started slowing down a bit which everything says is normal and due to his new sleep patterns. 
I go to the doctor on Tuesday for my glucose test. Fingers crossed I pass that or it's no more ice cream or yummy stuff for this preggo. :( Not that i'm eating gallons of ice cream alone but it would be sad to have to give it up if I ever do get that urge! And hello---what pregnant woman hasn't wanted ice cream at some point?! The unfortunate part of this test is that a lot of times they get false results which means a lot of people have to go and do the 3 hour test (triple yuck compared to the 1 hour one I have to do Tuesday) and then end up passing that with flying colors. Hopefully that doesn't happen to me!! 

Now since there is no bump picture this week I've decided to give you some Ava pictures. 
I had this fake snow stuff for about 3 years now and came across it the other day in Ava's craft drawer. So while she was sick and we needed indoor activities I brought it out. It is definitely a crowd pleaser and Ava has been asking for it since. Here are a few pictures from that.

For Christmas I got a remote for my camera. This not only allows me to be in some of the pictures I take but Ava LOVES it as well. Whenever she see's my camera she asks me if she can take pictures of herself. Most of the time I let her and this is what we get. What a little ham. AND i might add some of them are FABULOUS pictures! 

Enjoy the week! 
Love and Ava hugs,

Saturday, January 21, 2012

99 excited mama! :)

26 weeks is here! And with this week comes the beautiful milestone that we are now under 100 days left to go!  I remember with Ava the next few weeks FLEW by. Time has pretty much flown this whole pregnancy (i'm totally jinxing it right now) but i'm really hoping I don't get swelling like I did with Ava in those last few weeks again. That would be miseeeerrrableeeee with a two year old to run after. 

So now onto the little man! :) Baby Center says that the network of nerves in his ears are better developed now and much more sensitive which allows him to hear all the fabulous conversations I have on a daily basis. He is also inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid which is essential for the development of his lungs. These breathing movements are good practice for that first breath of air he will take once these 99 days (or so) have passed. :) He is continuing to put on that beautiful baby fat and they say he weighs about a pound and two-thirds. He is now measuring 14 inches----the size of an English hothouse cucumber (hehe) from head to heel. What an exciting week of baby growth! 

Not too much going on this week. I'm going to take Ava's valentines day pictures---I was FINALLY able to set up my backdrop stand and white seamless paper yesterday. As you can see, I took a few more self maternity pics of the bump. They turned out ok---getting the focus right is really difficult when you don't have a stand in to help, but it's a learning process I suppose. :) 

Happy under 100 days! :) 
Love and Ava hugs,

Sunday, January 15, 2012

25 weeks!

Hi everyone! :) 
Our little man is now the size of an average rutabaga! :) He is measuring about 13 1/2 inches from head to heels and says he should be weighing in at about a pound and a half! He is apparently starting to get his baby fat which is super exciting because I love me some baby rolls! As the baby fat comes in it will begin to smooth out and he will look more like a newborn. He is also growing more hair which if we could take a peek inside we would be able to see it's color and texture! :) 
I'm feeling really good this week. Ava started school last week and this weekend we have had to deal with our first school germs cold. I'm hoping that Mike and I don't get it, but it's hard not to cuddle even when she has snot dripping out of her cute little nose. She's such a trooper though---even through all the snot and fevers she has been such a little lovebug. She must have crafted (put foam stickers on paper, painted, colored, glitter glued) about 10 hours this weekend which we all know Mommy loved! :) 
I don't go back to the doctor until the end of the month when I have to do my glucose screening test. It's a gross test that consists of drinking a very sugary fruit punch then having my blood drawn an hour later to see how I deal with all the sugar, but it's not so terrible. Just a little hyper baby for the morning...
I'm starting to feel him a lot. He woke me up for the first time last night with his nocturnal partying. I don't mind though. I love being able to feel him move and see my stomach jump around like there's an alien inside. 
I think that's it for this week! Hopefully our week consists of Ava feeling better and more crafting! :) 
Love and Ava hugs,

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Chicken Nuggets PLEASE Mommy!

I think this time i'm going to let the pictures and the video speak for themselves. Ava and I had a chicken nugget picnic on the floor....maybe I should start eating all my meals down there with her.....hmmmm. By the end she had eaten 5 1/2 nuggets. 

Love and Ava hugs,

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Ava's 1st day of school!

Today was a big day! Ava started school today! It's January 10, 2012 and since my little lady likes to sleep Mike and I got to wake her up this morning. I went in without my camera and she was just not in the mood so I decided to go take some pictures. :) Sleepy Angel. Once she was up, she was the happiest little lady ever. You would tell her she was going to school and she would smile and yell "yay school!" Whew---thank goodness. :) 
Good Morning Ava! It's time to wake up! :) 
School today! 
All morning this was her face when you told her she was going to school! :) 
Beautiful. :) 
Shirt change! :) It was a little colder this morning then I thought it was! 
Running around the house! 
A little train playing before school! 

My beautiful girl on her 1st day of school....sigh....
In the car on the way to school. "Trains come too mommy?" 
Once we got to school, Ava walked with her lunch bag (thanks Maya) into her classroom. She was a little shy about the situation but seemed good. I spoke with her teacher about her eating habits (love) and things that she likes and I told her I was leaving. The tears started. She gave me the biggest hug ever and a huge kiss. And mommy my head i'm saying "you will not cry, you will not cry." And I didn't cry! 
Big girl walking up to school with her lunch bag. :) 
I'm ready Mommy! :) 
Showing Mommy her numbers. :) 
I'm not so sure about this place Mommy....stay? 
While Ava was in school I kept myself busy with dollar store shopping, the post office and brunch with a friend. The time honestly flew by. 
At noon, I came back to pick up my girl (just like I promised!) She was in the corner playing nicely with the cars and trucks (surprised?) She didn't notice me so I went inside. 
You can see her in the back corner....
Still didn't notice mommy and I was that close.....and saying her name. She was in car heaven I guess. :) 
I'm so cranky----this is her face when she finally did see me and  it's such a fuzzy picture. That'll teach me to bring my little point and shoot camera to big events like this. :( Oh well....
Ava and her friend Mia. :) Mia's mommy used to work with me. 
Ava and her teacher Miss Miranda. She's fabulous...Ava hasn't stopped talking about her since we got home.
When we were leaving she said she wanted to wear her backpack....she wouldn't do it this morning. :) 
Our big girl. :) 
 All in all, I think the day went pretty amazing. Miss Miranda said she did awesome. On Tuesdays they have a little 15 minute church service that all the kids attend and apparently Ava saw the instruments from the bigger services on Sundays and told Miss Miranda "cool, wow cool!!" What a silly! :) She also ate a little bit which I wasn't expecting. We left and she kept saying "school tomorrow?" and while she didn't seem upset that she has to spend the day with me tomorrow I was thankful the comment came out of her mouth. 
My heart feels good now that the first day is over...
So far so good! 
Love and Ava hugs,

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Beach baby---i think so! :)

Today after we dropped Maya off at the airport we decided to take a quick trip to the beach. Ava has been asking to go pick shells since we went on vacation in October so we decided it was time. We didn't even change her into her bathing suit because the past few times we have gone she will touch the sand and say she wants to go home. (Our sand here on the east coast isn't as packed down as it is on the west coast of Florida where we went for vacation and she had a blast) We honestly just hoped to get her to sit on a blanket and dig a little with her shovel. Boy did she prove us wrong. :) Our little girl has turned into quite the beach liker. I'd say beachlover, but I think we have a few more visits before we hit that milestone. She did awesome. First we picked up a few shells and walked down the beach a bit. Then Ava and Daddy built a fabulous little castle and "pool." I'd call this a very successful beach day (hour) for all!! :) 

My pool is filling up! 
Ok, ok! That's enough water now ocean! 

After the beach we decided to take Ava through a carwash. We usually handwash the cars so she has only ever been through one carwash in her life---at like a year or so, and she HATED it. This time she just patiently sat until Mommy's car was out of the "chug wash" and was very clean. 

What a fabulous day it was today. :) I now have a beach "liker" so i'm the happiest Mommy on the block. :) 
Bring on the sunscreen! 
Love and Ava hugs,