Saturday, March 28, 2015

Snow Days

We had lots of snow days this winter.  Most were just little snow showers of a couple inches, but we also had at least three bigger storms with 6-9 inches of snow each.  Buford and Puddin are definitely getting some age on them now and they don't run as much as they used to so I was happy to see them enjoy the snow again!  The first set of photos were taken on Feb 17.

The next group of photos were taken on March 5...clearly it's better to wait until it stops snowing to get better pictures!

This winter I also took tons of macro photos of snowflakes, frozen bubbles, and icicles!  While I took way too many pictures of these things and probably deleted 90% of them afterwards, I still enjoyed it :-)  I rarely share any photos of other things on here except our dogs (and sometimes our kids too), but I thought I would add some more winter photos to this post.  I just finished editing everything tonight so these are the ones from just a couple weeks ago!  I really do love macro photography!  I was definitely happy to see the thaw though and I am so ready for Spring!