by Barbara Loe Fisher
NVIC Co-founder and President
June 9, 2015 – Sacramento, California

You are here because you love your children.
And there is no power on earth greater than the love we have for our children.
The right of the state to tell us what to do to our bodies and the bodies of our children ends where our right to protect our lives and our children’s lives begins.
No liability free doctor inside or outside of government should be given the power to punish us if we choose not to play vaccine roulette with liability free vaccines.
We believe every life is important. We will not look the other way while those of us vulnerable to vaccine injury and death are being sacrificed in the name of the greater good.
When the State considers one of us to be expendable, then we are all considered expendable.
We will not give up our human rights for our civil rights. We will not give up the human right to informed consent to medical risk taking in order to exercise our civil right to an education and medical care and employment.
We are the daughters and sons of liberty. And we will defend freedom of thought and speech and religion and conscience in this great country of ours because that is what it means to be an American.
We will come to this state Capitol and every state Capitol again and again to fight for our human and civil rights.
We will come to this state Capitol and every state Capitol again and again to fight for our human and civil rights.
At the end of the 20th century, a small group of parents with DPT vaccine injured children launched the vaccine safety and informed consent movement in America. No matter what this legislature or Governor chooses to do, today is the beginning of an historic fight for the people and by the people for vaccine freedom of choice in the 21st century.
California, you are leading the way.
What do we want?
Our mission continues.
California Health Committee Majority Votes to Reject Human, Civil and Parental Rights
View NVIC's Barbara Loe Fisher giving testimony
on CA SB277
on CA SB277
The thousands of mothers and fathers from small towns and big cities in California, who made the pilgrimage to Sacramento this year to voice opposition to a bill (SB 277) that would eliminate religious and conscientious belief vaccine exemptions, witnessed hardball politics in action on June 9, 2015 when the California Assembly Health Committee majority voted to approve the bill 12 to 6. Hundreds of parents and their children, some of whom had traveled in buses for seven hours to simply come to the microphone and state their name, city and “I am opposed,” were left standing helpless in the halls and overflow rooms of the Capitol building when the Committee Chair ended the five hour hearing without allowing them to testify.
Before the hearing was abruptly closed, 70 persons testified in favor of SB 277 while 624 testified against the bill. It was David versus Goliath as the wealthy, politically powerful medical and pharmaceutical industries backed by government moved to crush citizens from all walks of life standing up for their human, civil and parental rights.
Bill Blocked From More Hearings
After Pan and Allen presented the bill, the opposition was allowed to give 25 minutes of formal testimony. In addition to NVIC President Barbara Loe Fisher, others who testified in opposition were education attorney George Fatheree, parent of a severely vaccine injured son; pediatrician Jay Gordon, M.D.; statistician Melissa Floyd and educator Bianca Amann. Civil rights attorney Allison Folmer with Parental Rights Foundation was scheduled to testify but the 25 minute limit ran out and she was unable to present.
No other public hearings are scheduled in Education, Judiciary or Appropriations Assembly committees. Some Health Committee members expressed concern that the bill was being rushed through the Assembly by Senate bill sponsors pediatrician Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) and attorney Ben Allen (D- Santa Monica) without deliberations other relevant Assembly committees.
If SB 277 is approved by the Assembly and Governor Brown signs it, California parents will be forced to give their children more than 40 doses of 10 federally recommended vaccines or homeschool unless they can find a doctor to write a medical exemption that doctors deny to 99.99 percent of children under federal guidelines.
California Citizens - Take Action Today
California Citizens - Take Action Today
NVIC State Advocacy Director Dawn Richardson issued an Action Alert for California citizens immediately after the June 9 hearing on the NVIC Advocacy Portal that electronically connects Portal users with their own Assembly member and Governor Brown. She called on all Californians to immediately contact their Assembly members and Governor Brown.
NEWS BREAKING TODAY: The Assembly has already read SB 277 twice since June 9 and could vote at any time today or this weekend to send the bill to the Governors desk. Visit and call your Assembly member in the district and Sacramento offices immediately and talk to him or her personally.
Please forward this article to your family and friends and ask them to join the tens of thousands of Americans using the free online NVIC Advocacy Portal to educate their legislators. Portal users get Action Alerts with talking points in their email boxes about vaccine bills moving in their own state and also receive the NVIC Newsletter. NVIC updates the Portal daily so users can track vaccine bills in all states.
Please forward this article to your family and friends and ask them to join the tens of thousands of Americans using the free online NVIC Advocacy Portal to educate their legislators. Portal users get Action Alerts with talking points in their email boxes about vaccine bills moving in their own state and also receive the NVIC Newsletter. NVIC updates the Portal daily so users can track vaccine bills in all states.
No forced vaccination. Not in America.