Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My motivation

The story about the tiny frogs

There once was a bunch of tiny frogs
who arranged a running competition

The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower

A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the
race and cheer on the contestants

The race began....=>


No one in crowd really believe that the tiny frogs would reach the top

You heard statements such as:

"Oh,WAY too difficult!!!!
They will NEVER make it to the top"


"Not a chance that they will succeed .The tower is too high!"

The tiny frogs began collapsing one by one

...except for those who in a fresh tempo were climbing higher

and higher

The crowd continued to yell

"It is too difficult!!!No one will make it!"

More tiny frogs got tired and gave up but ONE continued higher and higher and higher

This one wouldn't give up!

At the end everyone else had given up climbing the tower

except for the tiny frogs who after a big effort was the only one who reached the top!

~want to know who and how this one frogs managed to do it?

The winner was


Always think of the power which words have bcoz everything you hear n read will affect your actions!

i willingly to be DEAF person...if

The words can't take my most wonderful dreams n wishes away from me.The ones i have in my heart!!
n above of all...
always think we can do it...
be +ve

Monday, May 17, 2010

tell me why:(

In my dreams, Children sing
A song of love for every boy and girl
The sky is blue, the fields are green
And laughter is the language of the world
Then I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need

Tell me why,(why) does it have to be like this
Tell me why, (why) is there something I have missed
Tell me why, (why) cause I don't understand
When so many need somebody
We don't give a helping hand
Tell me why

Every day, I ask myself
what will I have to do to be a man
Do I have, to stand and fight
To prove to everybody who I am
Is that what my life is for?
To waste in a world full of war

Tell me why, (why) does it have to be like this
Tell me why, (why) is there something I have missed
Tell me why,(why) cause I don't understand
When so many need somebody
We don't give a helping hand
Tell me why (Tell me why)
Tell me why (Tell me why)
Tell me why (Tell me why)
Just tell me why (why, why, why)

Tell me why, (why) does it have to be like this
Tell me why, (why) is there something I have missed
Tell me why, (why) cause I don't understand
When so many need somebody
We don't give a helping hand

Tell me why (Why why, does the tigers run?)
Tell me why (Why why, do we shoot the gun?)
Tell me why (Why why, do we never learn?)
Can someone tell us why we let the forests burn

(why why do we say we care?) tell me why
(why why do we stand and stare?) tell me why
(why why do the dolphins cry?) tell me why
can someone tell us why we let the ocean die

(why why if we're all the same?) tell me why
(why why do we pass the blame?) tell me why
(why why does it never end?)
can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends (x2)

When so many need somebody...
We don't give a helping hand...
question that need an answer..
not from all of us..
but in reality perhaps we all should answer it why....
answer and take an action...

save palestin
unite 4 muslim.....

Taking picture… getting picture…

Taking picture… getting picture…

“Having fun taking a picture and happy to see picture ”

Realiti bila seseorang meminati photografi sebagai hobi . bersahaja sewaktu shoot gambar,berpuas hati dan gembira bila melihat gambar hasil kreativiti sendiri.Yang lebih penting,tanpa mengira jenis dan saiz kamera yang digunakan.Jika itu realiti bagi seorang amatur,bagaimana pula bagi seorang photographer professional?

rendah rupanya ak...bkn ak yg rendah..tuan mmg tinggi..hehe,it doesnt matter ..the most important is who besides me.. Tuan Haidar bin Abu Bakar,speaker pada hari tersebut yang banyak berkongsi pengalaman,ilmu dan teknik-teknik berkaitan fotografi.ketiga-tiga modul yg di jalankan memang byk memberi output pada dri ak dan juga peserta-peserta yang lain..

pada sesiapa yang belum mengenali Tuan Haidar..beliau having a Diploma in Photography Uitm.Professional photographer with more than 27 years of experience in professional photography.He was President of ASFON W.P. for 6 years.Kalau tak silap ASFON W.P stand for "angkatan senifoto wilayah persekutuan".telah mengajar ramai newbies in photography,organise workshops and photo classes.Beliau juga salah seorang tenaga pengajar Nikonian Academy..hehe,sesiapa yang berminat nak membeli cam nikon,boleh la dapat khidmat percuma.

berbalik soalan kt atas,bagaimana gerangan si professional bila shoot,memang amat berbeza dengan kita.mereka akan memastikan gambar yg mereka shoot betul2x cantik dan berkualiti..tidak seperti kita sekarang,shoot ikut suka dan edit guna photoshop...waaaa...terasa kot...ak memang suka aktiviti ni...he,mereka yg profesional boleh dikatakan create a picture not shoot a picture.mereka doing anything to get a good shoot.

byk ak belajar,tak terdaya rasanya untuk menulis semuannya,teknik pengcahayaan;cahaya terus,cahaya pantulan,cahaya terserap.cahaya pantulan baik utk mendapat gmbr yg cantik,teknik komposisi,lense,bila kita perlu gunakan shutter speed yang tinggi,depth of field,framing technique and many more:)

apa yg ak nak kongsi,waktu yg sesuai utk shot picture adalah di awal pagi dan petang,waktu yg x sesuai antara 11 pagi -3 ptg,pada waktu mlm,senja is da best(waktu syaitan baru nak menonjolkan diri),yg paling best soalan yg selama ini bermain dikepala akhirnya terjawab;nikon vs canon...which one better?canon memang bagus in term of electronic technology;confirm kalau newbise mesti kekok nak guna,then nikon is user friendly,function is easy and not too complicated.color is also the best...he..

memang kalau dulu taking picture is fun...tapi sekarang,aku rasa taking picture dah terlalu teknikal,macam-macam nak kena setting utk dapatkan gambar yg menarik...so,jgn terlalu teknikal,having fun taking a picture...gunakan sebaik mungkin kreativiti kita...kerana pada setiap gambar ada cerita di sebaliknya,hanya yg tertentu bisa menafsirkannya~

~antara yang hadir~

bagi ulat-ulat buku,MPH dg kerjasama national library telah mengadakan jualan buku bermula 14-23 Mei 2010..jom ramai-ramai..promosi hebat utk semua buku yg di jual..cit,hehe..promoter upahan ker ni?

slogan yg di sukai:

bangsa membaca...
bangsa berjaya...


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