Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First day of school 2010

Tyler putting on his backpack

Courtney is all ready

My two grade schoolers

Tyler at his desk

Tyler in his classroom

Today was Tyler's 1st day of Kindergarten and Courtney started 3rd grade! Oh my, I feel very old! I remember Courtney's 1st day of Kindergarten and wasn't Tyler just born? Courtney did great as usual. She is a social butterfly and actually said "You aren't walking me to my room are you?" I guess I am just too embarrassing to walk her, ha ha! She is getting too mature! Tyler did pretty good and I was definitely expecting the tears as he is very clingy and not too social yet. He cried a little and then stayed in his seat so I could go to work. I took off a few hours during the middle of the day and picked him up from school and took him to lunch! It was fun! Then it was back to daycare with Maggie. He really did great and I was proud of him!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Chalk drawings

The kids had a great time drawing with chalk the other day! Tyler made a huge picture covering the entire square of sidewalk! He said it was the sky and grass and him and dad! Maggie made a turtle and Courtney had to have a peace sign and a rainbow in hers! Love their imaginations!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tyler and his daily doings!

Tyler is my little daredevil, even though he is probably the sweetest and most sensitive little guy I know! He decided to go parachuting like Dad and proceeded to jump off our back deck with an umbrella! Thank goodness he didn't break anything or get hurt at all! I almost had a heart attack! Then the other night he was jumping on the couch, even though he had been told a hundred times not too, and he put his tooth through his lip! After a trip to the ER, they didn't have to put stitches in and it should heal fine! Oh, this little boy knows how to push my buttons! But I love this little guy more than life and I am so glad he is in my life!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Moving rock

The kids had a blast riding on the tractor when Scott and I were moving rocks to the back of the house after we had finished the side of the house along the street. I am glad they had fun, because I was exhausted after working outside for 6 hours! Thank goodness for our nice neighbor we met who came over and helped us out! So nice to be in Hooper with great people all around us!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Rainbows and Tumbling

Maggie can do great headstands!


Tyler, Cydni, Maggie and Courtney

I love this picture of a full rainbow we had the other day! Maggie has started tumbling when I changed Courtney to a different studio. They both absolutely love it! They want to go every day! Cydni goes to the same place and they all love to practice with each other! Oh, to be limber again, but then I don't think I was ever! Courtney has really improved at this place and Maggie seems to be a natural, probably due to the fact that she has no fear! I hope to get more pictures soon!

Road Trip 2009

July 2009

Places we have Visited

Christmas 2008

Fall Fun

Gateway Discovery

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