Monday, March 29, 2010

Courtney's 8th Birthday

Her didj from us

My cute kids

Ready to blow out candles

Pet shops from Grandma and Grandpa

My beautiful Courtney is 8! Wow, time has just flown by us! I will never forget that first moment I laid eyes on her and the feeling I felt when I knew she was ours! She is a blessing sent to us from God to brighten our lives. I love how she is always so friendly to everyone and has such a contagious smile! She loves to dance, sing, read, and play with her pet shops. We started her day with church where she was so excited to have the congregation sing happy birthday to her! Then we took the kids and Cydni to see How to Train Dragons in 3D. What a great movie and we all had a blast! Then we had her favorite dinner, pizza and homemade cake from me! (Yes, I am proud of my first real decorating job!) Grandma and Grandpa Spangenthal and Dan, Wendy and Cydni were all able to join us in celebrating. We love you Court!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Climbing back up the mound

Maggie and Courtney sliding down on their belly's

Tyler teaching the neighbor girls how to dig

We finally had some nice weather, so we were outside getting the ground ready for sprinkler installation. Our new neighbors behind us happened to be doing the same thing. They have 3 little girls and they hit it off with our kids! The house next to us is still being built and there are 2 huge piles of dirt in that backyard. All the kids decided to play on the dirt hill and they had a blast! Of course, afterward they were stripped down and thrown directly into the tubs! A little dirt never hurt anyone, right?

Aunt Susan's short visit

Maggie, Courtney, Susan and Tyler

Scott and Susan

Driving home from the airport, Maggie fell asleep

Scott's sister had a one-night layover in Salt Lake City and so we went and picked her up to spend the day together. The kids had a blast with their Aunt Susan! I had been sick, so I wasn't great company, but the rest of the gang played Wii and had a great lunch together. We loved seeing her and wish she could have stayed longer than 7 hours!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The race

Mark Martin's car

Kasey Kahne in the pits

Starting the race

The Air Force Thunderbirds

On Sunday was the Nascar race and the weather was gorgeous! The Air Force Thunderbirds did a flyover, as always, and it is always a thrill to see them! The race itself was great even though our drivers didn't win. We always have a great time with Dan and Wendy and love going on this trip! I miss our kids while we are gone and I am thankful Grandma and Grandpa are always willing to watch them for us! I am glad to be home with the kids and very happy we had a safe trip!

Hoover Dam

The Dam

Viewing the scenery

Our next stop was Hoover Dam. It was great to see it again, as we hadn't been there in about 8 years or so. We had great weather while we were riding, but at this point, by back side was pretty sore and I wanted to get back to the trailer and relax!


Oatman, where we stopped for lunch

The mules that were everywhere!

Scott and I riding

Dan and Wendy as we start along Route 66

We rode to this great little town called Oatman where the mules were very friendly and everywhere! We had lunch is this little diner that had dollar bills stapled all over the walls. They even had a fun, ha ha, gunfight in the street. There was even entertainment by Billy Bob Bob who played about 6 instruments at once and had his wagon behind him! Great memories!

Las Vegas 2010

In front of the London Bridge in Lake Havasau, Arizona.

Dan and Wendy

Last week we had our annual trip to Las Vegas for the NASCAR race. We go with our great friends Dan and Wendy. We took the motorcycles and rode to Laughlin, Nevada the first day we were there. We stayed the night at a hotel/casino and then went riding the next day into Arizona and then back to Vegas. We had a great time and saw some beautiful places!

Road Trip 2009

July 2009

Places we have Visited

Christmas 2008

Fall Fun

Gateway Discovery

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