Friday, November 24, 2006

wedding plans

we are so happy and very excited to celebrate our wedding in hawaii!!!
we plan on this joyous occasion to take place November 10th 2007 (tentative)

we invite all of our family and friends to join us.
we will be sending out "save the date" reminders soon...

more info to come.....

we're engaged!!!

(rheina)....wednesday November 22nd, 3am in the morning....i'm tossing and turning...wondering when am i going to do this? well, he's snoring so if i decide to do it is the time!!!
....i am having a hard time putting this ring on his finger...darn it, i don't want him to wake up..oh won't fit!! plan is ruined...i'm not going to let this stop me..slowly, quietly, patiently...i slip the ring on his pinky hope this ring doesn't fall off in the middle of the night....

(spencer 6am)...babe?...babe? i have really bad heart burn can you please do me a favor and go get me some milk? what is this ring doing on my finger? you don't know? what does that say inside?....OH MY GOSH!! OH MY GOSH!!! that is so cool!!

(5 minutes later...) that is the coolest thing in the world!!!

(rheina) ......soooooooooo is that a yes or a no?

as of november 22nd...i am officially engaged!!! i will officially be Spencer Austin Harmon- Baladad haha j/k (rheina)