Accomplish or Do Not Begin.

Salam to all.

Accomplish or Do Not Begin.

Accomplish or Do Not Begin.

Accomplish or Do Not Begin.


I love that motto. And to be honest, I was quite impressed by it.

I now want to recite that every morning.



The so-called recruitment treasure hunt by the Sky Adventure Club. Imagine running here and there, climbing cum running 7 floors, etc. etc....

I was always the last one to arrive in my team, and I was sooooo letih giler.. God, if there were to be another two stations, I think I'm gonna quit. Seriously..

But the good thing is, my team was the first one to complete the whole race! Yeay!!!!!!

Even if that's the case, I doubt that Mr. Kayu will choose me. Hoooooooooh..

Whatever lah, I had an enjoyable time!

Oh yeah, yesterday, I went to the first Tae Kwon Do practice with Athirah. Aiman was there too..

Note: My belt is 'Invisible'.. Imagine that..

The first lesson (it's not actually a lesson la.. ) is 'Kicking', if I'm not mistaken one is called 'Chopper Board'? and the other one is 'Front Kick'.

That was first lesson you know?? I thought maybe the first lesson is the easy easy one lah, as in 'punching' or 'blocking' or whatever.. You know, the 'hak, hak, hak' thing...

Good thing I didn't suffer from muscle aches or anything..


Tomorrow we'll be having the City Survival Skill Workshop, and I'm really looking forward to it!

What's even better:

I'M GOING HOME TOMORROW NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! Yippppiiiiee!
InsyaAllah! I can't wait to see Mummy and dad and mimi and naim!


Accomplish or Do Not Begin.

Accomplish or Do Not Begin.

Accomplish or Do Not Begin.

I've travelled this far to become a neurosurgeon, and I'm not looking back.

I will accomplish what I've started.


I know you will do the same, right?

Location: The Web, Taylor's Uni College. 1931hours.

Baju kurung + Kasut sukan.

Salam to all.

Yes, I wore baju kurung with kasut sukan. So what?

Life is erm, okay la. I still need to get a hold of the money I'm spending here... hoooooooh..

I don't know what to write right now. The idea is there but just not in the mood....

Physics is okay, the teacher did some recap on basic physics skills..

Math urm, quite a trouble at first, but now getting better.

English? What can I say? My favourite!!!! My class won the charade against 'budak-budak law'.. My group presented 'En-Shrek-ted'...

Chemistry? OMG! Giler lah.. the idea behind the electron configurations sometimes pushes my logical sense to the limit.. I mean, does a little electron influence a lot??? (Okay, so maybe it does..)

Bio is fine.. Kinda love the DNA topic once I get a grasp of it...

Agama is so informative, as in what I learnt so far, is something that I really wanted to know.. It's not like the SPM syllabus, but more of how to answer people's question on Islam.

I can't wait to start another week of learning.. (Wany, be positive, be positive, be poooosssssiiiiitttiiiivvveee)

Oh God, next week, all classes will end at 4.00 pm (exp Friday). God, please give me strength..


Salam to all.

Today is my first day at Taylor's. Class starts at 9.00 and suppose to end at 4.00.

Now I'm in The Web.

Will be heading for maths class now!

So far so good lah!

Double Dose of McD.

Salam to all.

This morning, Suja (my lovely youngest aunty <--bukan bodek tau, memang betul! ) and Kak Nana (cousin) were soooo nice to take me and Athirah out for 'jalan-jalan'.

First stop, Ayah Mie's house.

Everybody was there except Ale. (oh God, I lack creative juices today.. Words seem not to come out of my head..)

Cute and cuddly little Rayyan was there too! So CoMeLLah ThAT guy!!!!!!!!

Mama Shima brought us to McD at SS 15 (if I'm not mistaken). I ordered McChicken. It was like a girls day out for us! (Me, Suja, Kak Nana, Lynn, Mama Shima and Athirah) Topic discussed includes : 'Kegarangan seseorang dan teori genetik dalam mempengaruhi tahap kegarangan' (wah, skema giler nampaknya..) Official sponsor: Mama Shima.

Later, Suja gladly brought me, Athirah and Kak Nana to Subang Parade.. Suja bought CD, Athirah bought Reader's Digest.. Bought McD again. This time, I ordered Spicy McChicken Deluxe. Official sponsor: Suja! (Note to self: Next time, order McChicken only. Murah dan tak dak lemak..)

Alhamdulillah. Rezeki banyak harini..

Saya penat panjat banyak tangga.

Salam to all.

EAP Test. (English for Academic Purposes).

Seriously like crazy. My brain was like so berkarat giler.

Soalan senang pun tak leh jawab betul-betul. Essay lagi lah. Cissssssssssssss...

Grammar pulak semua macam dekat-dekat jawapan dia.


Oh yeah, just now we (Dalia, Zubet, Athirah and me) celebrated the end of the Orientation Week with 4 really mahal giler slices of Secret Recipe cake... Quite sedap but it actually costs more than my lunch.. 0.o

What can I say after a week at Casa and Taylors?


Taylor's is definitely a nice place to learn. Like I've mentioned before, I really love the whole environment there... The trees, the benches (there are so many of them!), the guards??? Hahaa.. but erm, not the stairs la.. Why? Because you can see them everywhere!!!!! (Every morning we have to climb 4 sets of stairs to reach the Multi Purpose Hall... and I will usually 'tercungap-cungap' for air..)

The lecturers? As of today, each and everyone of them looks friendly and ready to lend a hand. Zubed kinda 'fall in love' with this really handsome lecturer... Hahahaha.. Seriously, his face somehow reminds me of an anime character.. Maybe it's because of his spiky hair..

I kinda like Ms. Julienne (I think that's her name.. ) She looks really tough and her facial bone resembles suja's. Mrs. Hoe (our program director) is sweet but we know that she means real business from her tone every time she speaks.

The students? Erm, okay la.. All of SAM students were divided into 20 groups of 12-14 people. Mine was Group 4 (Apparently our group didn't change the name..) At first, everyone was like, so blur blur.. Some chose to talk, some chose to listen, some chose to pretend not to care.. In the end, we managed to produce a nice sketch and a slide presentation.. I am really proud of my Group!!!! (just so that I will not forget their names, I listed them out: Lucas (leader), Florence, Syafira, Amira, Akmal, Redha, Aiman, You, Diana, Naddy, Athira (not my housemate), Lee and me)

I can't wait to start our class! Seriously!!!!!!!

What about Casa?

Hurm.. My first impression was 'Casa is a great place to live in but the surrounding area kinda creeps me out'.

The security here is not something the management take lightly. We have to use our access cards to enter the Casa and the guards (lots and lots of them) will roam the whole area. (One actually walks in front of me as I type this post...) (My current location: next to the door of A-09-02)

Well, as tight as the security may be, there is still a case of people losing their valuables..

It happened today, by the way. We (my roommates and I) know that during our meeting with the hostel manager... (Zubet wanted to lodge a report about her broken lamp and at the same time, a student came in to report her stolen laptop..) OMG!!!!!!

About the hostel management, so far so good lah! They've responded fast to my complain about my door. In Zubet's broken lamp case, that problem was solved within 20 minutes after she lodged the report.

Laundry is quite expensive, as in more expensive than my previous school (of course la weyh!). Normal price: RM 2.50 per kilo. Taylor's student price: RM 2.20 per kilo. To date, I have spent RM 4.40 for laundry.. Washing clothes on my own isn't a good option. No designated area to do that.. (unlike my ol' school) And if I were to do that in the bathroom, sangat- sangatlah tak selesa...

Oh yeah, I haven't try the swimming pool yet, in case you're wondering..

So far, so good lah..

More stories coming up.. Really really really really really really hope the connection will last.

First day.

Salam to all.

This will gonna be soooo simple.

First day? Went well alhamdulillah...

Managed to solve a problem with my bank account ON MY OWN, pay fees ON MY OWN (not that I've never done that before, okayyyy), buy food ON MY OWN (not that this is the first time la...)..

Yes, call me whatever.

I'm happy with myself thank you very much.

P/s: Setakat harini tak pernah jatuh katil lagi.. Nauzubillah... hohoho.. gilerlah katil dua tingkat tu!


Salam to all.

When I was small, I used to think that priceless means valueless.


Oh yeah, I need to get these few stuffs before I start my journey to my 'new' home.

1. Study lamp. I think the 'one and only' lamp in my room is not sufficient. I love to do things at night, so this is a necessity..

2. Small fan. You know what? I think there's suppose to be an air cond in my room (judging from the wires dangling on the wall). But I don't really care la whether or not they will install (I couldn't find a better word) the air cond. Anyway, there's no ceiling fan, just a standing fan. With my bed six feet high in the air (haha.. sounds like my bed is hovering in mid air), I don't think I can feel any movement of air from the standing fan...

3. (I don't know what it's called, but I know what it is). Since there's only one power switch in my room, this will be really really handy if I want to charge my phone and use the standing fan at the same time. (Do you know what this thing is called??)

4. Mirror. Not that urgent really because there's one in the bathroom.

5. Maggi? (Haha, not you Haziq!) Maggi will be my emergency food and will be eaten only and only if I am sooooooo malas giler to buy any food.

6. Umbrella. This one no need to buy. Just bring one. (It's raining in Penang right now. And I'm lovin' it!)


P/S: Thanks for coming Manissa! Hope you can come again!

P/s/s: I won't regret choosing a career in Medicine, Chom.

Saya nak jadi macam Nadal.

Salam to all.

I can't help but to think how a career in sports seems to be more rewarding compared to other career, lets say, medic.


Yes, yes, medic's rewards lies in the smiles of the people you helped.

What do you think?

International sportsmen/sportswomen (Nadal, Sharapova, Hamilton, Ronaldo, etc..) :
1. works hard since childhood.
2. millionaire by the age of 30.
3. Can retire by the age of 35.
4. Well known and adored by fans from every continent of the world.
5. World-famous companies chased them to offer sponsorships. Money is chasing them, not them chasing the money!

1. works hard since childhood.
2. college starts usually at 18 years of age.
3. Medical degree starts usually at 20.
4. Starts making money during internship, usually at 25.
5. Has to be mentally strong to overcome daily stress, not enough sleep, dying patient and god forbid, getting sued for malpractice.

Stop it lah. Too late to change career path already.


Part Arba'ah

Salam to all.

I guess I can see the hikmah in starting the Orientation on the 14th of July.

I can finish writing about my Umrah experience.
If you had missed the first three posts, do find it at my archive. The titles are 'Part Wahid', 'Part Ithnani' and 'Part Thalathah'

At the end of Part Thalathah, I mentioned that my encounters with the 'Guards of Masjid Nabawi' had been pleasant and somehow they seem to like me.. haha!<--perasan....


We (the ladies) wanted to visit the Raudhah on our last night in Madinah. As always, we weren't the only one wanting to do so. Ahead of us were crowds of people grouped into their countries of origin. Each group was monitored by a guard holding a sign board bearing the name of the country. I could see 'Turkey' and within that group, were bigger-sized-than-us-Malaysians ladies. I was amazed to see so many people.

From where I stood, I still couldn't see the Raudhah. Then suddenly, a guard pulled my hand and asked me to follow her. I was shocked. I looked at Auntie Shimah and she nodded. The guard kept saying 'Sini Ibu, sini Ibu..' and she directed me towards a bunch of people grouped under 'Bahasa Melayu (If I'm not mistaken)'. Bahasa Melayu wasn't limited to Malaysians only, but it includes Indonesian too.

The situation there was under control but I could see the people waiting in turn weren't patient. After like 10 minutes, it was our turn to go.

Raudhah was SO FULL OF PEOPLE. It wasn't easy to find a spot to solat. Even if you do find one, I tell you it won't be comfortable. I could see Che Je and Suja praying behind me, but I took the chance to just doa. At one point I have these lots and lots of things that crossed my mind at the same time and my mouth couldn't keep up with the doa. But I know, even if I didn't say it out loud, Allah heard all my prayers.

Again, Raudhah was SO FULL OF PEOPLE. After a few minutes, a guard asked us to leave to give way for others. She kept chanting, 'InsyAllah datang lagi, InsyaAllah datang lagi'. All of us walked slowly and reluctantly out of Raudhah. Each with a pair of red watery eyes. Tok We pointed towards the Maqam Rasulullah, a place not far from where we stood outside Raudhah. (Ladies are not allowed to visit the Maqam Rasulullah) My eyes watered, oh God, bagilah aku dapat datang sini lagi, Ya Allah. Bagilah aku dapat datang sini lagi, Ya Allah, bagilah aku dapat datang sini lagi, Ya Allah.

We gave salam to Rasulullah PBUH and his two companions, Saidina Abu Bakar as-siddiq and Saidina Umar al-khatab. I've heard a hadith before stressing that if you give Salam to Rasulullah even after his death, it is the same as doing so during his lifetime.

Another incident happened when we wanted to exit the Masjid Nabawi. The queue of people exiting through the Saidina Usman gate (If I'm not mistaken) was quite long. Again, all of a sudden, a guard pulled my hand and directed me to a less crowded gate.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention a little bit about the Air Zam-Zam. That scientifically-proven-to-be-the-best-water-on-Earth was very very easy to obtain here in Madinah (inside the Masjid Nabawi to be exact). There were big, light brown containers arranged in neat lines at the back of the ladies' praying area. It will be such a waste not to drink it as many times as you can. For me, I made a habit of drinking it everytime I went into and out of the Masjid Nabawi. And I will refill my little bottle with it to drink it at our hotel.

I don't know about others but I found out that the taste of the Air Zam-Zam here in Madinah is quite different from the ones I used to drink back in Malaysia. Mama Shima said that it could be because we are drinking it in the Tanah Haram... Hurm...

Speaking of Tanah Haram, I realised that my body didn't emit the usual odour we get after a hard day. Seriously, my baju kurung didn't smell anything at all. Another proof was my socks. I've worn it to Masjidil Haram (lets fast forward a bit shall we?) for many many days and I even got it wet a few times during ablution. And you know what? The socks didn't turn out as dirty as I expected it to be and of course, none of those 'wet socks' smell. No. Nada. Tiada.

And it wasn't just me. Che Je experienced it too. She said that her pair of white pants didn't get dirty at all and she'd worn it for days! Even our Ustaz Faris worn the same brown jubah for three days straight, because it didn't get dirty or smelly. (I think he worn the same jubah la, I don't know if he has more than one jubah of the same colour and pattern.. Mohon ampun ya Ustaz???) SubhanAllah.

On our second and last day in Madinah, we went for a tour. Ustaz Faris lead the whole group consisting of me and my ten family members and another ten or eleven other people. The tour started from our hotel. (the captions are below the pictures)Breakfast. I just loooove the keropok..
Three sisters waiting in excitement. From right, Suja, my mom and Che Je. (ignore the lady in purple jubah)

Roads in Madinah. The roads are very clean, as in cleaner than Malaysia la..In front of our hotel. See the Madinah Hilton? The Masjid Nabawi is situated behind the building next to the Madinah Hilton.Still in front of our hotel, but from a different angle. Men here always and I mean always wear white jubah. There are many shops along the road. Note: If you want to buy nice ladies' jubahs, buy it in Madinah. It's cheaper (I guess) and definitely wider choices are available. Oh yeah, it's difficult to find a coloured jubah. Mostly are black. Price for a simple abaya (after 'tawar-menawar': 40-45 riyal.Masjid Bukhari.Roads in Madinah. (See the ladies in black jubah?)First stop, Masjid Quba'. The first Masjid to be built in the history of Islam.Please click on this picture to read the notes.The men's section of the Masjid Quba'.Inside the ladies' section.'Disini Tersedia Macam2 Korma'. Cool huh??? (Picture taken on my way to the tour bus)Some of the foods on sale. Some of the stuffs on sale.My mom and Tok We inside our tour bus. (Picture taken while waiting for the others to arrive.)All of us can't wait to go to the Ladang Kurma!And here we are! Mimi posing with her choice of Pokok Kurma.Inside the 'one-stop kurma shop'.Kurma Nabi or Kurma Ajwad. One kilogram is about 70 riyal if I'm not mistaken. Kinda expensive but Rasulullah had said that if a person eats 7 of his kurma, he/she will insyaAllah be free of curses or evil spells for the day. Here in this store, you can just taste any kurma for free. And you can also enjoy..Complimentary teas!

*to be continued*InsyaAllah.

The Third Ride.

Salam to all.

I'm suppose to wake up this morning lying on the upper bed of the double decker bed of the middle room of A-9-10, CASA Subang, USJ 1, Subang Jaya, Selangor. (I can't remember the postcode)

Yes, that was the initial plan.

But now, I am back in Penang. Yeayyyy!

Although the registration and the apartment check-in was yesterday, orientation for SAM Students shall begin on the 14th. So, instead of lepak-ing in my cramped-but-kinda-cosy apartment, I decided to return home. Actually, I don't mind spending my whole week doing nothing there (nothing to do because the Wifi isn't activated yet). The reason I'm going home is to escort my mom to the airport today. She'll be leaving for The US..

TUC (Taylor's University College) looked very welcoming indeed. I really love the tall trees here and there (well, not that much really but still enough to create the cool ambience at some spots) and the connecting buildings reminded me of my old school, Almashoor. Not much time was available for me to explore the whole place yet, but that shouldn't be a problem. I have the remaining days of 2008 and the whole of 2009 to do so.. =)

The MPH (Multi Purpose Hall) was where the whole lecturing took place. Some of the points that still managed to cling to my memory was 'You must get TER 85 and above to fly'.. and 'No, don't jump right into the swimming pool when you arrive there at the CASA Subang.. Go get the Access Card first' and 'These numbers are not for you to kacau-kacau the seniors aaahh??'

At about 1.30 p.m, we (my dad, my mom and me) decided to go to the Casa on our own, instead of utilising the bus service provided. I was feeling nervous and excited. Nervous of thinking things like 'Who will be my roomate(s)??', 'Will I get a nice comfy room with windows not directly facing the sun?' and excited of the whole new things I'll experience..

The bus obviously didn't arrive yet because the queue to board the lift was not that long. There were 4 lifts altogether but because of there are 28 floors (25 apartment floors and 3 of parking) they took a quite some time to reach the Ground floor.

Ting! 9th floor. My dad with my big black luggage, my mom with my red file and me with my purple pail headed towards the tenth unit which is on the right side. A helpful young lady waiting at the counter provided me with my Access Card.

Now for the unit. Like I told you before, the place was cosy but somehow cramped. Well, I'm still grateful all in all because:

  1. Kina (my Add Maths mentor back in Langkawi) is my roommate. Thank God! At least, I've known her before..
  2. I got the upper bed. Yeayyyy!
  3. Yes! The window in my room is NOT facing the sun! (It's not like I hate the sun so much, but I just don't like the heat and the ray..)
  4. My study table is facing the window (although there's not much thing to see.. It's facing the corridor..)!
  5. Most of the Langkawian girls are on the ninth floor too!
  6. We got Astro (basic package only I guess, but still, at least I can watch CSI and House and of course, Dr. Carter in action!) Yippie!!!!!
  7. Wifi will be available starting from next week I guess. What more can a student ask??
  8. There are more than one restaurant located inside the Casa. Which means, I don't have to eat at the same place every night.
  9. There is an In-house warden. I felt a bit relaxed. (and joy of course, because the warden will not be monitoring us like wardens do in Langkawi, hehe!)
  10. There will be 5 o'clock and 6 o'clock buses taking us from TUC to Casa. So, I can still lepak at TUC after class! Oh yeah, 9.15 pm bus also got one! <--manglish.

At about 2.30 p.m the queue at the lifts was beyond bearable (at least for me, because I tend to 'kurang sabar' and 'cepat rasa bosan' especially during a hot afternoon). I couldn't imagine how Aunt Shima (aunt), Mimi(lil sis), Sasha(cousin), Naim(lil bro) and Kak Nana(cousin) willing to climb nearly 12 floors (from G to P1, P2, P3, 1,2,3.... 9) to reach my unit, just so to skip the looooooooooong queue. Ayah Mie joined us later after his tiring climb too. I was really touched!

So, that was it. I'm looking forward to learn new stuff and do new things!

Thanks mom, for all the things you bought me, for the time you spent to get the requirements done, for all your experience you told me, for all the love and care you showered me with and of course, for all your unending prayers.. I love you mom, even though my actions sometimes portray otherwise..

Thanks dad, for all the things you bought me, for your worries about my safety, for your concern about my health, for driving me here and there, and of course, for trusting me. I love you dad, even though I sometimes do things I shouldn't..

A long journey awaits me. And I can't wait to board my third ride.

White = pure ?

Salam to all.

I don't know about you guys but whenever I open this site I get a message which says something like

'Error. Not implemented at line 179 at'

(If you happen to experience the same thing, do let me know okay?)

What la weyhhhhhhhhhhh??

My solution: try to tackle the HTML.

Tackle punyalah tackle.

At last, I somehow pressed the revert button.

And guess what?

The very beautiful lady you used to see at the left hand site of this blog disappears.. (kinda dramatic don't you think?)


And now I'm stuck with this very, very, very simple layout.

Sebab dah malas nak tukar. Dah 12.57 am. Mengantuk.

Well, at least I still have all my widgets.. Alhamdulillah..

Kalau tak jenoh nak cari balik satu-satu..

I guess this might be a sign from above.. A symbol of the new life I shall begin; college life.

To tell you the truth, I'm not entirely happy (about college, not about this blog of mine). Grateful, yes. But.. well, let's just say I didn't get what I expected to get.

And yes, I think what God is giving me now is even better than what I've asked for. Maybe I didn't realise it yet.

White background is a must.

A good read for everyone.

Salam to all.

I found this article from my senior's blog.

I kinda agree with what he said. Along the way, I sometimes thought that he was referring the whole thing to me! 0.o

(God, I have to improve... )

And the title is

The art and skill of self discovery

Seriously, it's really worth reading.

Keep writing, y'all!

Salam to all.

Looks like my'Check Them Out' list is getting longer and longer.. Good!

Keep writing, y'all!

*Oh God, please please please let there be Internet connection in my soon-to-be room in CASA Subang... Please!!!!!

Oh ya, I have to say that I'm less worried registering at that college in SS15, compared to when I have to register at Langkawi... Back then in Langkawi, I was the only one from my school and I know absolutely NOBODY!

(Waktu tu memang cuak giler lah.. And when I'm cuak, usually my face looks so garang [they call it 'bek keng' in Kelantan or 'cengae' in Kedah.'])



Sixteen was sweet, seriously..

(kek ini telah dihantar Manissa melalui MMS.. Sepatutnya lilin tu bergerak-gerak sikit tapi tak pa lah.. Anyway, kek ni memang hebat! Tiga tingkat tu!! Mengalahkan kek kahwin!! Thanks Man!!!!!!)

Salam to all.

In Malaysia, a sixteen-year-old can basically do nothing.

In US, a sixteen-year-old is already a millionaire.


My sixteen was filled with:

1. Program Gemilang (PG),PG dan PG.. [Program Gemilang adalah program untuk meningkatkan prestasi SPM] Hahahaha.. Dulu punyalah malas giler nak buat worksheets yang cikgu bagi.. stakat buat yang Kertas 1 saja.. haha, kalau karangan tu, memang tak buat lah.. nasib baiklah Cikgu John tak mintak.. english essay buat pulak.. hurm.. Tapi PG best la jugak... agak menyatu padukan rakyat Urayville..

2. Sambutan demi sambutan. Birthday celebration yang siap ada kek coklat (hasil sponsor ahli-ahli kelasku) untuk menyambut birthdayku, manissa dan skud secara sekaligus.., sambutan 100 hari menjelang SPM (hari tersebut tidak wajar di'rai' tetapi wajar di'geruni'.. ohohohoho), dinner PUM la, dinner BADAR la, dinner Blitz la, dinner Urayville la, Annual Dinner la, dinner XYC la, sambutan raya la, Graduation la, dinner ngan Sir Hilmi la, etc... mana tak gemuk?? ish, ish, ish..

Yang paling best, 2nd dinner ngan Jue pada malam sebelum exam SPM yang first, iaitu malam sebelum BM1,2 dan Sejarah. Kononnya nak sambut kedatangan SPM la.. hahaha.. makan tempoyak ikan sembilang hasil sponsor Nadhirah Halim.. Thanks ned, sedap giler.. dan roti 2 keping hasil sponsor Amiirah Rosli.. sebenarnya tindakan itu agak inconsiderate jugak la sebab lauk tu boleh dihidu sebatu, tapi kami berdua tak cukup nak share ramai-ramai.. sorryyyyyy especially to Budak-budak TL..

3. Kebanyakan masa sebelum dapat result SPM diisi dengan rasa gerun dan takut, menyesal, gementar dan perkataan yang sama erti dengannya.

4. Setelah mendapat result SPM pulak, kebanyakan masa diisi dengan persediaan untuk menghadiri Interview.. gementar, takut, rasa tak bersedia,semuanya ada.. dicampur dan diadun seperti rojak..

5.Sebulan setelah interview, alhamdulillah dapat pergi Umrah bersama keluarga..

6. Pulang dari Umrah, kebanyakan masa diisi dengan rasa gentar untuk tahu result Interview.. (tak abih-abih rasa gentar.. ish!)

7. Dah tau result interview, hari-hari tunggu posmen depan rumah dengan harapan akan menerima surat dari MARA.. Tunggu punyalah tunggu.. Bila dapat tau kawan-kawan yang lain dah dapat surat, apa lagi, gementar kembali.. eH, Mana surat aku ni????? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaarggh!

8. Dah dapat surat MARA, sibuk nak 'study' <--kononnya lah.. mulalah episod berkemas-kemas.. Maka daku cari balikla segala benda yang digunakan di langkawi dulu.. selimut maktab yang striking pink tu, calculator 570 yang sangat berjasa waktu SPM (tapi terlupa nak bawak waktu exam SPM Physics! boleh pulak.... ish), pencil box berhias watak-watak Disney Princesses, beg galas biru yang selalu guna pegi prep, dan lain-lain lagi..

Dah dapat surat MARA jugaklah daku jadi tak tentu arah.. medical check-up la, bukak account BSN la, etc.. yang paling tak tentu arah, pasal CASA Subang tu.. hurmmmmmmm, dah la makan kena cari sendiri... hohhhhhh, kalau budak KMB senang jer.. tak pe, tak pe, redha, redha.. syukur je apa yang dapat... nasib baik dapat, betul tak?

9. Jue hantar SMS, 'Hehe.. aku takOt ak trtidO sbb nk wish awal jd ak nk wish jela eh..hehe. Hepi burfday@slmt menua..welcOme 2 17. Hakhak..%-)'

Nadzirah hantar SMS, 'Happy birthday to you dearest wany!sweet 17.smoga sentiasa brd dalam rahmat Allah...insyaallah gd luck 4 ur future undertakings!!!Study hard play hard PRAY hard bk kt directr KMB. hehe, all d best 2 u'

Wahida hantar SMS,' Epy burpday..dhtua. ...Nah kek..'kek'.. he9 semOga sntiasa brada d bwh lembyung rhmat Allah..t8 cre..

Ishmah hantar SMS,' Nani epi bzday. Moge dipjg umur dan murah rezeki~'

Ikha hantar SMS, ' Happy burfday nani!'

Amiirah hantar SMS, 'WanY!:D sorry! Kte taw awk orang 2nd wish kte bday n kte mOst prObably yg laaast skali wish awk..=.=' sorry! HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY! Slamat ari kerepOt! :P g amek lesen n pegang stereng! Lgi stahun bOley tgk wyg abOve 18! :]

Lynn hantar SMS, 'Nani!! Hapy belated birthday!! Smalam nk msg lupa r nani..'

Kay ay banyak kredit.. dia call terus untuk menjawab pertanyaan ku mengenai MSU sekali gus meneka sama ada hari tu birthday ku ataupun tidak.. selamat betoi..

Mum orang yang paling awal wish on the 2nd July.. Mimi orang yang first skali wish on the night of the 1st July..

Tapi kitorang dah celebrate birtday tu kat EQ pada malam 28th June.. haha!

Fitri, Nani, Azra, Anis, Saira, Ili Najihah, Jue (jue wish dua kali) pula wish melalui Friendster..

Manissa hantar MMS (beserta kek diatas),

'Dear! Sorry 4 d late wish-.-it honestly slipped my mind :( Nway, better late den never rite? :D heh.soo, happiest belated birthday ya! may Allah bless u even more with each passing year.take care, tightest hugs.loves (x'

Kepada yang sempat wish, thanks so much la!!!!!!!! Terharu! (sebab diri sendiri ni jarang ingat birthday orang.. ohohohoho)

Kepada kawan-kawanku yang birthday dia dah terlepas dan ku tak sempat wish, sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! But I still love you guys alright???

Itu sajalah buat masa ini.. Mungkin inilah post terakhir sebelum ku berangkat ke Ben's Inn di SS18 esok.. Best oh Ben's Inn! <-- sebenarnya ni rumah Ayah Mie..
Hoooooooooh.. daftar kat Taylor's hari Ahad ni.. kiranya ni la malam last tido kat rumah.. isk, isk!

Where are they now??

Salam to all.

Sekarang ni sunyi betul.
Yelah, geng-geng sumer dah start blaja... Hurm.. dimana mereka ya?


  1. Kay Ay: Foundation in Medicine, Management and Science University, Shah Alam, Selangor.

  2. Skud: A-level Engineering, Kolej MARA Seremban, N9.

  3. Fitri : Foundation in Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Tronoh, Perak.

  4. Aizat: A-level Engineering, Kolej MARA Seremban, N9.

  5. Haziq : Sains Fizikal, Kolej Matrikulasi Pulau Pinang.

  6. Abe : *Kolej Matrikulasi Kedah, Changloon.

  7. Arip Sukun : nanti nak tanya balik. InsyaAllah gi New Zealand kot, buat TESL..

  8. Fiqry: Foundation in Engineering, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

  9. Amii:Foundation in Pharmacy, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

  10. Manissa: South Australian Matriculation, Taylor's University College, Subang Jaya, Selangor.

  11. Aina : IB Biotechnology, Kolej MARA Seremban, N9.

  12. Husna : Sains Hayat, Kolej Matrikulasi Perlis.

  13. Alyaa : Sains Hayat, Kolej Matrikulasi Perlis.

  14. Aereena : Diploma in Accountancy, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam.

  15. Syafiqah Nadia : Foundation in Law, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam.
  16. Jue : *A-Level, Kolej Yayasan UEM, Tanjung Malim, Perak.

  17. Syef : InsyaAllah nak gi Mesir bulan 8/9 ni. Course: Medic.

  18. Niny : Foundation in Medicine, MSU, Shah Alam, Selangor.

  19. Reefhan : IB Medic, Kolej MARA Banting, Selangor.

  20. Fathul : Foundation in Medic, Kolej Shahputra, Kuantan, Pahang.

  21. Marni : IB Medic, Kolej MARA Banting, Selangor.

Roomates :

Jue: sama seperti diatas.

Aishah : Sains Hayat, Kolej Matrikulasi Johor.

Ili : masih belum dapat dihubungi.

Best mates:

Faiz(ah) : American Degree Transfer Program, Taylor's College. (Tak sure sama ada Taylor's Business School ataupun yang lain)

Sha(hi)d(a) : Kolej Matrikulasi Kedah, Changloon.

Ol' mates :

Nadzrah : Diploma in Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Seberang Perai.

Nadzirah : IB Medic, Kolej MARA Banting, Selangor.

Syafiqah Azmi : Diploma in Graphical Arts (kalau tak silap), Politeknik Johor Bharu.

Nurun : Kolej MARA Kulim.

Fatimah Khairi : Degree in Architecture, Taylor's College Petaling Jaya.

Aiya, miss you guys so much la..

Important note: Should there be any mistakes (cth: tersalah lokasi, tersalah kolej ataupun tersalah course..), please inform me as soon as possible through SMS (MMS tak boleh sebab handphone saya tak dak colour screen, let alone 3G or whatever), snail mail, email, comment, or just leave a comment at the chatbox. Thank you. *=yang telah diperbetulkan.

Daily obligation