Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Guess what I acquired yesterday???


I found this set of tables on Craigslist for $50.  $50 for both of them!

My dear roommate drove to the middle of nowhere with me to claim them.  One will go in our living room as a table between two chairs.  I don't know about the other one yet...  

I think I'll paint the table for the living room a cream color with french gray trim.  

And they definitely need new hardware.  I'm hoping to get started this weekend so hopefully pictures will come soon!

Friday, June 4, 2010


I have recently discovered Folgers Cinnamon Swirl Coffee.  I had it at a friend's house one night and was in love.

I can only find it in one grocery store in town.  I checked four others before I finally landed a container for myself.  If you like flavored coffee you should give this a try.  It has made my morning's much happier :)

Friday, April 30, 2010

My Friend...

My friend Annie has great taste!  You should visit her website and listen to her.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sad Day...

Unfortunately the Nikon Coolpix bit the dust over Easter.  Until she is replaced (hopefully by a Canon Powershot)  this blog will be a little sparse.  Until then friends...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Christ the Lord is Risen Today!

This is my favorite Easter song! 

Hope you enjoy hunting, dying and eating your Easter eggs and celebrating our Risen Lord!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What Have I Been Doing Lately???

  1. Taxes.
  2. Filling out my Census Form.
  3. Paying bills.
  4. Rearranging the pictures on the walls in my room.  (Pictures will follow - I promise.)
  5. Traveling and buying fun things. (Pictures will follow soon - I promise.)
  6. Getting sunburned while hanging out in my front yard (Thank Heavens for warm weather!!!)
  7. Getting ready to celebrate Easter - It's my favorite holiday next to Christmas.
  8. Discovering these in DARK CHOCOLATE at Kroger: 

And Friday I hit the road again for Easter Weekend in North Alabama!!!
A real post is coming soon...I've just been busy enjoying spring.  It's nice to ignore your computer for a while :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wedding Showers - A Few Fun Ideas!

It's wedding season!  Well, when is it not?  I've got the wedding of a dear friend in less than two weeks and a few weekends ago a few of us were fortunate enough to get to throw a shower for the bride-to-be!  If you ever need quick, but yummy shower food here are two recipes that will be a hit.  

Fruit skewers: pretty self-explanatory.  Cube fruit and skewer it.  You can mix it up with any fruit or cheese cubes.  The shish-kabob skewers are easier to hold and don't require multiple toothpicks or a fork...and don't they look pretty on this tray? 

*Note: these skewers are great to keep by the oven because they are perfect for checking  to see if a a cake or brownies are done.  Ever worried about burning your hand on the top oven rack because the toothpick is so short?  

An amazing and amazingly easy baked brie (and when I say amazing, I mean amazing):  This was made by another hostess who was kind enough to share the recipe.  She found the recipe on the Food Network Website and I sure am glad she did!

  • 1 (8 count) package Pillbury crescent rolls
  • 1 small brief wheel
  • raspberry preserves (you can use another type of fruit or make a compote: cramberrie, pear or apricot are great options!)
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • Chopped pecans
  1. Unroll crescent rolls and fan out in sunburst shape
  2. Place brie in center.
  3. Top brie with preserves
  4. Fold tips of crescent rolls over brie, sealing it in
  5. Brush top of pastry with egg. 
  6. Sprinkle with pecans. 
  7. Bake at 350 for 20-30 minutes, let cool 15 minutes before serving. 
  8. Serve with water crackers, can also be served with apple slices.
*The key is to use a good wheel of brie and a good jam.  Also, make sure to brush the top with an egg wash before you bake it to get the pretty, shiny "crust" on top.

Also a must for a great shower is great flowers!  Here is any easy how-to for a quick and pretty arrangement:

Step 1: Choose your container and fill with Oasis/Florist foam.  Either pre-soak the foam before placing it in the container or make sure you continually add water to the container until the foam has absorbed absolutely everything it can.  You don't want a wilted arrangement! 

If you need to, secure the foam in the container with a piece of floarl tape.  If you don't have any one hand scotch tape works just as well.  THis is especially helpful for shallow containers or ones with a rounded bottom.  

Step 2:  Choose the tallest flowers in your arrangemnt and place them first.  This is best done in odd numbers.  They are used to provide a framework for your arrangement.

Step 3:  After your tallest/center flowers are placed you cna begin begin adding re rest of the flowers.  I prefer to cover all of the "edges" first, i.e. the area around the base of the arraignment.  Make sure that there aren't any gaps and that you can't see the floral foam!

Step 4:  Now you can begin to fill in the middle of the arrangement.  This when you get to place the fun flowers. I chose pink and white tulips and white stock.  They have some height and the tuips can droop so they are great for adding some shape. 

Step 5: If you need another arrangement here is what I did for the second one.  I essentially used the exact same process except swapped the delphinium for stock and snapdragons and switched the hydrangeas for spider mums. 

Happy Showering!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Rest of My Room!

I believe I mentioned earlier (in my Christmas post) that I received a new bedside table for Christmas!  Here it is next to my bed.  I LOVE it.  LOVE it.  Doesn't it look so much better?

I also repainted my dresser this fall.  My poor dad - I borrowed his power-sander to get the old paint off and it was returned with a nice coating of pinkish dust that just doesn't want to come off completely... I used Benjamin Moore's Bavarian Cream (left from another project) and was very pleased with the color.  I'd still like to find some hardware in oil-rubbed bronze to match the bedside table. 

Here it is with a new lamp and some new accessories.  I added two pieces of McCarty Pottery, a tray for my perfume and a dish to hold the jewelry I wear every day.  

I also love to collect antique blue Ball canning jars.  I have several in my room and they make great vases and pencil holders.  

Here are some others on my mantle with a few more pieces of pottery. 

I am still on the search for a painting to hang above the fireplace.
The only space left in my room that I'm not quite happy with is my desk and the club chair beside it.  They are both too cluttered/ugly to show right now, but hopefully that can be fixed soon.