Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Happy Birthday, Rock Star!

Update:14Oct, 11.31pm

Assalamualaikummm…Lama aku tak update! Jangan kata aku keluar ber-tabligh sampai ke India. Jangan kata aku pergi mencari guru agama. Jangan kata aku masuk sekolah pondok! Aku cuma malas, menyampah, bosan, sibuk, serabut, serabai plus segala macam perasaan negatif lagi…Pasal apa?Pasal apa-apa lahhh…Ya! Hidup ini memang begitu, Cuma kena bijak adapt aje… twist-kan jadi positif maka indah lah hidup kita…Sebab aku dah twist-kan perasaan negatif tu, tu pasal aku menulis!Aku berpositif...

Jalan makin hari makin sibuk…Syukurrrr! Panas terik di tengahari…Syukur! Hujan rahmat tiap-tiap petang turunnn…Syukuuurrrr! Minyak turun lagi 15sen…Syukurrrr! Rebat masih lagi ditebus…Syukur! Paklah resign Mac nanti…Syukurrr! Kita bakal dapat First Lady baru Mac nanti…Semoga sentiasa sihat untuk menguruskan Bakti!

Ayuhhh…Kita bersyukur atas segala kenikmatan dan rahmat Tuhan kepada kita…! Atas segala keperitan hidup…

Kesengsaraan hidup…Kesempitan hidup… Kebuluran terhadap duit…Kebingungan terhadap politik…Campur pulak dengan segala problem yang menimpa…Sekurang-kurangnya kita diberi peluang untuk terus bernafas atas muka bumi ini….Wajib kita bersyukur!

Umur semakin lama semakin lanjut…Jangan kata dah dekat nak mati! Sebab kita tak tahu bila nak mati…Bukan kita yang tentukan soal hidup-mati! Sementara diberi peluang untuk hidup, hiduplah dalam keadaan bersedia menghadapi mati! Lepas mati hidup lagi…Hidup yang takkan mati!

Cukup untuk impromptu 10minit! Ingatan untuk aku, Lady Dark dan lu orang semua…

Last untuk aku sendiri, Selamat Hari Jadi Untuk Aku!Terima kepada lu orang yang ingatkan bahawa aku semakin hari semakin tua usianya.... -Aboo

DISCLAIMER: I know this is not as sensational as HINDRAF barging into open houses in the name of democrasy... or our PM's long awaited desicion on if he will contest or not... or if our prisons are up to standards of atleast 4- star hotels... or the silence of Anwar, but here it goes anyway....!

And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. (Abraham Lincoln)


Yes... it is officially his birthday...

if there was one thing i could say, it would be that i am glad i wasnt Aboo fr the past year...

yup,loads have happened this past year for this guy... moving away from a life he obviously loved... coping with living in between jobs, coping with his Masters Degree, coping with multiple job interviews, coping with me going through my finals, coping with a new living environment, and finally settling into a new place, with a new job, new friends, new pay and thankfully NOT a new girl, haha!

but through it all, he stood tall. Always with pride and his rokok Peter by his side! dunno how he did it, but he made it...

so here it is to Aboo... may this new life (...and old gal, keke) bring you lots of joy... happiness...serenity... and fulfillment... and may you live all the days of your life...

OKAYYY... i have to admit something... i have NO IDEA what to get him for his birthday... which is probably the main reason im posting this... any ideas????

The more things change, the more they remain the same. (Alphonse Karr)


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