Friday, October 29, 2010

Weird and annoying stuff

Park your Horse Trailer in my driveway - $20 (VA)
Do you need a place to park your horse trailer temporarily (1-4) months?

$20 per month up to 4 months.
I have room for one.
Call for details.

xxx-xxx-xxxx - ask for Kelly.


Only a horse trailer?  Why not an RV?  Only for 4 months?  What happens then?  Strange.........

AQHA Mare 22YO solid paint sorrel, a little over 15 H.H., rides english OR western, great with men, livestock, dogs, and cars. Very gentle, not headshy, stands for farrier, and is super calm. I think she would probably make a good beginners horse considering how calm/gentle she is and a good listener under saddle. The only reason I'm selling this sweetie is because my husband wants a younger horse. I don't own a trailer therefore it would be simpler for me if you could do the hauling.

$850 or Trade for the following:
Younger horse (pref. spotted)
Pistol/handgun in GC
Horse trailer in GC


Another one dumping their older horse and expecting to get way more than they should.


andalusion mares for barter super nice (NC)
we have two super nice and show quality andalusion mares that are ready to go we are searching for either a trade on horse trailer, paint horses, and or black and white spotted saddles. economy is ruff for everyone right now and that is why we are willing to barter a little here. the daughter is about 15.1 hands not registered neither one of them. the other one is her mother who is 15 years old and just a slight bit under weight but we are working on that and beleive she was used as a brood mare before we traded for em. these both either way are high dollor horses and we all know it. so you have the daughter all neck reined and ready to go. and the mother is being worked under saddle and lightly worked also and is comming along very nice. so lets barter and tell me what ya got and what we can do and help each other out. call me anytime day or night


This person is smoking something.    Anyone have a black and white spotted saddle?  LOL
Shire Gelding - $1000 (VA)
7 year old Shire gelding, Dunn with white hocks and feathers, nice trail horse, has been to concerts for Buffalo Soldier events and kid rides. Getting rid of due to health issues with me last year and the weather. Sold all my tack and horse trailer and other horse. Make me a nice offer. Has had his shots and waiting on vet for coggins update. If you want to test ride ok but he is cold and bring your own saddle he has a large barrel. Again $1000. obo call Garrett

xxx-xxx-xxxxNOTE: this picture shows his winter coat
What a sad looking horse.

Dixie needs a home!!!! - $200 (VA)
Dixie is an 8 year old mare racking pony. She is almost 14 hands high. Dixie is white and brown with a black tail and mane & has a beautiful rack. Havent had her checked yet but pretty sure she is with foal. Stud is on premises. Such a sweetheart and loves attention! Easy to catch and loads easy. We just have too many here and need to downsize. We do have a horse trailer and can deliver if not too far away. If interested please call xxx-xxx-xxxx if no answer please leave a message or text. We are asking $200.00 obo
Get the stud gelded and you won't have too many horses!
apploosa sold - $100 (WV)
Tonto is 16yrs and around 16 to 16.5hds. He needs a home ASAP. Trail rides with other horses greet does needs not like to go along. He is a tank will go anywhere u point him. Would make a great lesson horse. He has COPD but have had no problems with it. Stands for vet, and walks right on the trailer. Have any questions please feel free to call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx. sold


16 yrs old with COPD and built like a tank for $100? - can you say 'horse meat'???

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Let's Cut Corners

4 Horse Aluminum Trailer - $4250
Streight load four hores trailer with triple axle and air ride suspension. Tires are good plus 2 new spairs. It has a swing center divider plus horse dividers that are all removable for other uses. The frame is steel and all the sides and top are made out of 1/8 in dimond deck alunimum. There are many storage compartments and front slide out saddle storage. This trailer is 8.5 ft wide and17.5 ft long and was built to haul horses to Alaska Call LaMont @xxx-xxx-xxxx


This is REALLY strange...and is a 'streight hores' trailer with 'spairs' and 'dimond' deck??

Today's blogger is Helen - thanks!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Just add spray paint!!

Older trailer for 1 horse can use some work but priced right for a frugal buyer. This one has been sitting a while and we sure don't need it. Maybe you do. Very solid metal floor and trailer frame. Excellent paint. Feed bunk in front with front window. Low to the ground to help with loading. Wiring needs to be replaced as well as tires. Take advantage of a "fixer upper". Cash only or OBO


This is the same trailer I sent previously, but they did a "spray" paint job and said it is "excellent" paint........uh......NO!

Today's blogger is Helen - thanks!

See Oct 19 entry - it was more expensive BEFORE the paint job!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Topless in Arizona

Older Hale 2 Horse Trailer...For Tall Horses...Dual Axel...Step-up type...Newer Floor..."Escape" Door...Saddle Compartment...Needs one of those bolt on hitches(see pic, they are around $25.00)...$575.00 or best offer...Reply here or call xxx-xxx-xxxx... If no answer, please leave a message. All calls will be returned....NO TRADES


As short as that trailer is, I doubt it is made for tall horses.  A tall horse would have his head well over the front 'roof'.  The hitch area looks like a really scary welded on piece of metal that would probably fall off on the first trip.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Green machine

LiveStock/Horse Trailer *REDUCED* - $300 (MD)
LiveStock/Horse Trailer

Tandem Axle
Hauls up to 4 with middle dividing gate
Rear and Side doors
Solid Bed.
This trailer does need sheet metal work and new brakes.
$300 OBO
Serious inquiries only please


This needs to be reduced to scrap metal!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bumper Pull Bus

7.5 X 20 Horse trailer bumper - $600 (IA)

bumper hitch horse trailer 7.5 X 20

good steel
needs new floor
cargo type rear doors  and walkin side door


Another bumper pull box that weighs a lot and needs work!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Buy me - I have character

We have a one horse vintage horse trailer for sale. It needs cosmetic work and some repair but it definitely has character.

Strange paint job - reminds me of the Care Bears.  The roof looks 'cloudy' and the front design looks like a rainbow.

Thanks to Helen

Monday, October 18, 2010

Not for your high dollar dressage events

Horse Trailer - $400 (WI)
Two stall with storage needs tires. Not pretty but solid. It has a tandem axle. If you care about cosmetics then it will need to be sand blasted, painted and have some holes in the roof fixed. Floor walls and doors are solid. I've hauled a standard bred and a quarter horse in it at the same time. Can fit a bale of hay, feed and tack in storage area. If you are looking for something to haul your dressage horse to high dollar events this is not the trailer for you. Call After 4 PM


Ummmm - if I'm looking to haul my horses SAFELY, this is not the trailer for me!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

All that for only $100?

Horse Boarding - $100 (VA)

Horse boarding available on 100 plus acre farm with plenty of ride out and on the farm, trails, large fields, flat land, and hills for exercising and adventure. Large pond (fenced off for horses safety), new non barb wire fencing, automatic waterers, newly updated barn, seperate storage area for all hay, large round pen, large pastures with small turn out groups, access to shelter, no additional cost to hold for vet/farrier/blanketing/etc. Owners always welcome to ride and or visit their horses. Quiet laid back facility run to the top quality of excellence a farm can have. Trainer/Manager on location. Many references available. $100 per month includes daily grooming, checks through out the day, twice daily feeding, and hay. Vet and farrier costs responsibility of owner. Excellent quality pastures, hay, grain, and care.


As the average board near this location is around $350/month  - with no grooming - this seems too good to be true.  Even pasture board (with NO feed or attention at all) is around $150/month.  I spend around $110 per month  for hay and grain for each of my horses.  How on earth do they expect to make any money????  For those rates, I should move my horses!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Another Project!!

Arndt 2 Horse 7,3 Tall Ramp Load Horse Trailer - $3250 (NC)
I have a mint condition totally redone Collin Arndt 2 Horse bumper pull 7,3 tall 6 ft wide and 12 ft long. The trailer is blue with cream top. It has great paint and been shot with 2 coats of clear. The trailer has brand new tires and rims. The trailer lights all work and two 3500 Ibs axles and electric brakes. The trailer has rear drop ramp with heavy supported springs and center divider that comes in and out. If you have a tall horse this trailer will work it will haul two full grown horses or livestock. The trailer uses a 2 inch coupler and has new solid treated floor trailer is fully padded and windows slide out. This trailer is made like many Shoops I have sold in the past Arndt trailers are made solid and well respected brand. The trailer has diamond plate all over it the nose and fenders and well worth the money NC title in hand. Call xxx-xxx-xxxx thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A nicely done project.  This one you really can just put in some mats and go!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

2 for 1

2000 Express $2,000 (TX)
2 horse trailer good tires and good floor and 6 yr old tenn. walking horse gaited, trail rider, classy, gentle price is firm only sold together


That poor horse needs some groceries and a good brushing.  Only sold together?? Is the horse attached to that green thing?

Friday, October 8, 2010

Interesting feature

Horse Trailer - $2100
1989 Harrison two horse TB height, bumper pull, real good condition, recently painted, excellant breast and butt bumpers, good tires, wood floor boards replaced and ends tarred, all electric works,
trailer ready to go


This is a horse trailer, right??  LOL

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I fell through the floor!!!

Older Horse Trailer - $200 (MT)
Approx. 1969' HALE
Two horse, bumper pull, step up straight load. This trailer has a tack compartment, escape door and half open rear end. It does have a divider but it is not removable. Very sturdy, walls tongue and metal are all in good condition. Just needs mateniance done. All the lights work last time I checked. (spring 08')
The TLC.......
The floor will need replaced. ( I am 130 and fell through it). The tires will need replaced as well. The jack doesn't like to go up. I have hooked it up and pulled it, and it pulls great. I have only moved this trailer once, and it was empty.
Asking $200
Let me know if you have any questions and would like to view it.
Thank you!!


Seems to me she should have removed the floor to prevent anyone else from falling through and getting hurt...


And in a totally different section, I found this:

1979 Champion

Two horse, bumper pull, step up straight load. Has an escape door and the divider is removable. This trailer has a tack compartment and full (four section) doors. I purchased this trailer in spring of 08' from Idaho. I used to haul my 15.1 QH and it pulled great. I only used this trailer for a few months and it has sat for over a year now. The floor is sturdy and in great shape, the bearings were packed when I bought it. I was in the middle of upgrading this trailer when I moved. On the bottom of the doors is a 5" strip is cut off. ( It was rusting away) I have replaced one door section but not the other(as you can see in the picture). The interior side walls are plywood. My plan was to attach rubber sheets to the plywood so the interior would be rubber. All the lights work and the tires are decent. I have taken most of the original wood out and primed underneath. The tack compartment has also been primed and comes with new carpet that just needs cutting to fit.
Asking $500


These two ads probably should have been combined.  :-)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

When horses fly, I will buy this trailer

older horse trailer - $500 (RI)
i have a horse trailer that i want gone selling my land and dont need it its been sittin for 10 years probly be better for utility or birt bikes it has electric brakes the tire are dry rotted but hold air for a few days the floor on the inside is ok i put 2 horses in it but ten years ago


Wow - just wow.

And it is full of junk too!