remember, you are Gaston Monescu. You are a crook. I want you as a crook. I
love you as a crook. I worship you as a crook. Steal, swindle, rob. Oh, but
don't become one of those useless, good-for-nothing gigolos.”
Trouble in Paradise
is my ideal film story. I love stories with thieves and con artists. I love the
romanticized idea of sophisticated jewel thieves. Usually they are men who are
devishly handsome and ooze charm. Trouble
in Paradise also has the added bonus of having been made in the glamorous
film world of the 1930s on top of being a story about thieves and con artists. To
me it is the perfect setting with an almost perfect story.
In Italy, a man has been knocked unconscious. Two women
are knocking on his door but get no answer. Staying in the next room is a Baron
(Herbert Marshall). He is standing on the balcony of his hotel when he sees a
beautiful woman (Miriam Hopkins) riding past his view on a gondola. The woman
comes up to his room. She comes in a huff worried that people will start
talking that a countess with a high social standing will be seen in the room of
a Baron. The phone rings, the call is for the countess. She tells the Baron
that it is the duchess of some country. On the other end it is just a regular
woman and she calls the “countess” Lily and that her dog has done something to
the carpet.
The man who was knocked out is named Francois Filiba
(Edward Everett Horton). The police are in his room. He tells them that a man
had just walked into his room claiming to be a doctor and wanted to check on
his tonsils. Filiba tells the man there is nothing wrong with his tonsils. When
this “doctor” told Filiba to open his mouth the man hit him and took his
The Baron’s servant tells him about Filiba being robbed.
The “countess,” whose real name is Lily, tells him she knows he is a crook. He
replies that he knows she is a thief herself she has taken Filiba’s wallet and
he felt her take it out of his pocket. They figure each other out. The “Baron”
is a world renowned thief named Gaston Monescu. Lily and Gaston become lovers
and literal partners in crime.

In Paris Madame Mariette Colet (Kay Francis) runs a very
successful perfume factory her husband had left to her when he died. She is
seeing two men. One of them is simply called Major (Charles Ruggles) and the
other happens to be Filiba. Mariette is playing them both. She does not have
feelings for any one of them but likes their attention. She goes to an opera
one night. She had arrived with Filiba and sat in a box with Major. During the
day she had bought a brand new purse studded with diamonds. At a break in the
opera Marietta goes to the bathroom. A moment later, Lily also walks out. When
the opera is over Marietta is frantic about her bag it cost her 125,000 francs.
Lily and Gaston have situated themselves in a room in
Paris. They are reading their own separate newspapers. Lily jumps up excitedly.
She sees there is a reward for the missing purse with a reward of 20,000
francs. Gaston had planned to sell it but he figures he would not get half as
much as the reward. They decide to be honest and give the bag back and collect
the money. Men and women are lined up all around Mariette’s house thinking they
have purse. Gaston comes in playing a sort of hero when a crazy Russian man
comes in and tells her that people are suffering and she has the nerve to spend
so much money on a simple bag. He speaks to the man in Russian and gets him out
of the room. Gaston tells Mariette his name is M. Laval. He takes out all the
things in her bag just to show that he has not taken anything out. As she looks
around her room for her checkbook Gaston has a look around the house for a
safe. He finds it and eventually works his way into getting Mariette to hire
him as her secretary.

Gaston moves himself into every facet of Mariette’s life.
He manages her money and even changes the amount of some of her insurance
policies. He even hires Lily as his own
secretary. Lily mentions that Mariette has a lot of jewelry but Gaston reminds
her that they are only in it for the cash he does not want to take anything
Mariette throws a party where Major and Filiba are in
attendance. Gaston sees Filiba and asks him if they have ever met before.
Filiba thinks Gaston is just trying to butter up to him so he can move up the
social ladder. But the part goes on Filiba cannot shake the feeling that he has
met Gaston somewhere before. Gaston gets Lily alone and tells her they have to
clear out Mariette’s money that night because Filiba will figure him out and
blow their cover. He has Lily get them two fake Spanish passports and tickets
to Munich for a midnight train. Mariette is supposed to be going to a party
that night it is perfect for Gaston to take all her money. Unfortunately he did
not plan on his boss seducing him. They try to talk each other into staying and
going. Lily tries to get in touch with Gaston but he does not pick up the

Gaston finally gets Mariette to leave to go to dinner at Major’s
house. He calls Lily to buy a ticket for the following morning which makes her
furious. At Major’s party, Filiba figures out who Gaston is. Mariette leaves
she cannot handle what Filiba is going on about. Before she gets to her house,
her business associate goes there and confronts Gaston. He knows who he really
is. Gaston had arranged certain things that if need be he can make it look like
the business associate had been the one stealing the money.
Lily is the next one to come to the house. She wants the
money and she wants to get away from Gaston. She was worried he would become a
gentleman and fall in love with Mariette. Just as she is about to storm out the
front door Mariette’s car pulls up to the front. When Mariette comes in she
immediately goes upstairs to Gaston. He confesses who he is because he knows
she will not call the police. She loves him and he loves her. They both wish
their relationship could have worked out. Lily is still in the house and she is
furious. She confronts both Gaston and Mariette. She still takes the money from
Mariette and Mariette lets her take it without any issue. Lily storms out of
the room and Gaston follows. He comes back to tell Mariette that he has to
In the car Lily and Gaston find they have both pick
pocketed each other and fall in love all over again.

I really liked the cast. Miriam Hopkins gets top billing
even though she is not in the film very much. With Hopkins I like her but after
a while she can become too much. She seemed to be very aggressive but not in a
bad way and she just talked too fast at certain moments and at times she just
seems like she tries too hard. I honestly do not think the script allowed for
Hopkins to get too crazy so she was actually quite calm and controlled and very
good. I liked her with Herbert Marshall. Marshall I have seen him in like
snotty society roles where he is stiff and boring. The man just oozed charm. I would
have fallen for him in a moment. He was the perfect gentleman thief/con artist
in the 1930s. Kay Francis was good but her character was such a bore. Mariette
was way too gullible. The part definitely could have gone to someone with
lesser talent but Mariette had a bigger part and thus needed a star. Her chemistry
with Marshall was great. I always like
seeing Francis in films no matter what her role is.

Ernst Lubitsch was such a great director. His comedies
are subtle, brilliant, and genius. There were so many innuendos and lines that
if you catch them and understand them you cannot help but either laugh or
blush. What I really like about Lubitsch’s comedies is the way he captured his
characters’ sex appeal and the sexual tension between them. He also left a lot
to the audience’s imagination which, let’s face it, is probably dirtier than
what could have been shown on screen! I wish romantic comedies could be made
like Lubitsch’s.
Now at the beginning of this review I said that Trouble in Paradise has an almost
perfect story. As much as I liked the film and I liked the story thieves and
con artists I did find it a bit boring. I think that comes down to the characters
of Mariette and her just agreeing to everything and the rivalry between Major
and Filiba for Mariette’s attention. Other than those aspects Trouble in Paradise is an excellent
Pre-Code film (so much Pre-Code goodness that I can spend another page just
gushing about it but I will hold back) and one I suggest watching if you can
find it.