Saturday, October 30, 2010

perihal dunkin donuts

I've been working quite hard lately, bersyukur sangat rezeki saat2 akhir. Dpt bayar segala hutang tertunggak n sket2 crossing out stuff from my wish list. but lagi 3 weeks i'm supposed to resign, nk kata ape ek kat manager? antara tagline i've been thinking is "i'm sorry, fate has called and it is time for me to go back" or "i quit!!!" ckp dengan penuh drama smbil grab satu donat kt shelf. hehe, fun jugk kn? drama queen. Tp i'm planning to smbung buat part time kat Malaysia, tak tau la kenapa I have a big addiction for part time work, smbung kt dunkin donuts, hoping to be the ruler of donuts! hahaha! cool kn? maybe bukk empayar kt kedua-dua kmpung halaman, or mayb just mayb cilok resepi die n bukak restaurant sendiri, terbaik jugk mcm tu.

ape2 pun kne smbung pk cmne nk resign, its between two choices,

cabut lari! (duit gaji akhir kne tolak dgn harge uniform nzd70x2pairs)


jd gentleman n letak surat resignation which involves menghadapi kesedihan crew2 lain (awww, ur leaving?), rangka surat n printing it out.


oh lupe nk kate, i jd x keruan cmni is because aku bru keje 1 bulan, =(

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

scared of death

negara jiran diuji pelbagai ujian bencana alam, negara kita memikirkan hiburan.

Ya Allah, aku mohon perlindungan-Mu.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

i'm back (prt 2)

eh? mcm tu je abes blg td. lupe dh mcmane nk tulis a good blog story.

well, here's my attempt to make my latest entry as cool as possible.

Welcome spring, go home winter! we miss the sun! i want flower beds and sakuras. n plg penting, let feijoa n strawberries live. i'm willing to dip dem in whipped cream smbil lyn movie with mr pefect and mrs chic flicks in a perfect happy ending. den in a couple of months i'll b back in Malaysia, old enough to vote, participating in real knowledgeable world issues and try to develop our country d best i can. for now, bimbo cap on.

p.s all taken from different google images. lame huh? (am not very good with cameras ma)

i'm back!!!

Yoshhhhh! lamenye x tulis kt cni, smpai wallpaper-admin dh remove my old wall paper.. ingt nk singgah for blog hopping (nk cr contact lense korea, yg kasi mata besar tu) den tringat blog sndiri yg dh bersawang ni. Fuh2! Well since my last post was 11 bulan yg lalu, n raya, puasa, blk from mesia dh berelepas ngn begitu lajunya, sy x rase sy mahu tulis ttg semua tu,,, or should i?

So what did happen to me this one year smpai x smpat nk tulis di dada blog ni?

December 2009: Kak ain tunang,, bz22

Jan 10: Happy new year!!!

Feb: blk Auckland: pindah umah bru..wanginye rumah yg kecil ini,,

March: klas start, sy amek Chinese. bjaye jugk fulfill resolution sesi 08-2009

April-June: bufday ummi, my bufday, fatin illinye bufday, eman nye bufday,, etc. oh ye, kak ain kawin! congratz!!

July: Bersatu games, melancong south Island

August: bufday si encik, mengaja kt sekolah, bulan puasa..

September: sedang melalui, bulan raya!

n tarikh sah kami blk mesia 4 december 2010! thrilled? nervous? excited? mmg sume tu yg rase! tp yg lg syioknye, i'll b back to reality, (tunang, kawin? mengaja, ipba? beli kereta, nek lrt?) n dis long vacation in Auckland (cuti bergaji) will be over, sigh.

jeng2,,so shud i keep on writing bout my life to come? i'll try my best telling stories and my adventures of life, since ni saat agk genting like packing boxes, cuci umah smpai bersih so dpt blk duit bond, nk g aussie lg skali, buat garage sale (or x jd? pg td bru gali blk bju yg konon2 nk jual. bkn ape, syng! plus sjuk kt luar,, ), bekerja dgn cemasnya kt dunkin donut,,, so forth.