Our kids had a week off of school in mid-February, so we decided to go to southern Spain in search of sun and warm weather. The good news is that Spain is absolutely beautiful, the mixture of Moorish and Spanish architecture is amazing, and the castles, cathedrals, and palaces impressive. The bad news was that we didn't quite get the sun and warmth we had hoped for; Spain, like much of Europe, is enduring one of the wettest and coldest spells in recorded history.
So to warm ourselves up, here was our very first breakfast: churros and chocolate. In this breakfast feast, you take the churro (fried dough), dip it in sugar, then dip that into liquid chocolate that can be described as somewhere between pudding and hot chocolate. Once we discovered this little gem, it didn't take long for us to agree to taste test throughout our holiday.

In all, we spent 8 days in the Andalucia region with 2 days in Malaga, 3 in Seville, 1 in Cordoba, and 2 in Granada. We stayed in the city center in all cities (hotels and apartments) and had a nice mixture of wandering the old historic areas and traveling to palaces up high. Here is a view down from an old palace (and light house) in Malaga, with the bull ring in the foreground.

We then went on to Seville, which has a really beautiful old core. This is where Christopher Columbus sailed from when he crossed the seas in 1492 and we retraced a bit of his history, including where his remains rest. But really we walked and walked and walked and just marvelled at how beautiful things were (plus walking kept us warmer). We took an excellent guided walking tour for a few hours as well.

We loved the public squares, fountains, (mostly) pedestrian environments, stonework, and architecture all around us.

After a while, the kids seemed to stop noticing the narrow, curving streets, the detailed architecture, the different street signs, and the vehicles and mopeds seemingly not caring that pedestrians were all around. They thought much of what they saw reminded them of their three months in Greece two years ago. Lucky kids.

That said, what makes southern Spain so remarkable is the vast influence of northern Africa over the region's history in religion and design. Mosques became churches and palaces were used and built upon over time, creating some stunning buildings to explore. This picture is an internal garden from the main palace in Seville.

Each inside and outside 'room' had a different design, pattern, and look, which made exploring really interesting.

And even when we were just waiting around, regrouping, or thinking about what to do next, the kids could easily find something to do in one of the many beautiful small courtyards.

Seville has the 3rd largest cathedral in the world, and come April, we will have visited the the top 3 (#1: Vatican; #2 St. Paul's in London). The size and details of these buildings are unbelievable and inspires respect for the artisanry and makes one wonder if the time and money would have been better spent.

Seville also operates a rent-a-bike program where you can check out a bike and return it anywhere else in the city and payment is on a per 30 minute basis (the first 30 minutes are free). Bikes were the same design as in Paris and were used to some degree, but not as much as in Paris from what we could see.

We then left Seville and spent a day and night in Cordoba trying to stay dry while watching local news of floods all over the region. We visited the ruins of an old synagogue - the only reminder that Cordoba once had a thriving Jewish population and the Alcázar, a massive mosque that was partially redesigned to include a church. The building was deemed too beautiful to tear down completely by the Christians once they took over the region several hundred years ago, but they did insert a massive and ornate church in the middle. The building is essentially a massive open room divided by minimal columns and arches, creating the perception that the building goes on forever (which was designed that way on purpose). It was incredible.

Here the old Muslim section (left) transitions into the later built Christian section (right). Different styles for sure and it wasn't clear they belonged together in this way, but certainly the building told the stories of the changing power within the region over time.

We then went on to Granada and sampled some regional cuisine (falafels, couscous, pakistani tea), but we decided to opt out of the hookah.

After some more walking around another beautiful city, we went to the Alhambra, a massive palace overlooking the city to one side, and being towered over by the snow capped Sierra Nevadas on the other.

The Alhambra is known for its incredible inside spaces and its incredible outside courtyards and gardens. Water runs throughout the space and was designed in an integrated, beautiful and impressive fashion throughout the grounds and buildings. Unfortunately for us, it was hard to completely appreciate the elaborate water designs because we were trying to get out of the deluge of water from the skies. Nissa's shoes became sponges and Mindy couldn't quite ever get warm.

Here is a view from inside looking out to the city beyond and below.

And just as we were contemplating significantly abbreviating our visit, the clouds broke and the sun appeared for a short time. We took advantage of the opportunity to climb the highest tower and explore the gardens a bit.

It momentarily got so bright, the kids could barely look up at the camera. We soaked up every bit of sun that we could.

Here is one of the many landscaped garden spaces.

And here is some of the outdoor space and palace buildings inside the fortified walls, with the main city beyond.

In addition to the main sites, we also went to a small Flamenco show in Seville and went to the Picasso museum in Malaga (his birthplace).
And that was about it. Spain was a bit wetter and colder than we had hoped for, but still the cities were beautiful, the kids were fantastic travelers (again), and we now have a goal of finding churros y chocolate elsewhere in the world.