Sunday, July 28, 2013

Udalls + Funakis summer fun

While Brig was madly studying away for the bar next week, Shayla and kids came to Stansbury Park for a visit. We really enjoyed having them. I took so many photos of Aya because she's so darn precious and sweet.
The two babies, chewing on something like always!
Take kids, swimsuits, a garden hose, and a trampoline on a hot summer day, and you've got yourself some fun memories.
Si, doing his own thing. He's not even 2 yet but can speak so well!
Eating some peas. (See her toes? She loves to chew on them.)
Shayla brought some sugar cookies, and I had frosting and sprinkles, so the kids got hopped up on sugar
Pretty mama and daughter
And another pretty daughter
These two tried their hand at the Wii

Funakis' summer (thus far)

Here are some photos for Mom and Dad (and anyone else who cares, of course).
All three kids played soccer
Aki built a firepit in the backyard
Marcus' family came to visit; we made s'mores in the firepit
We enjoyed celebrating Aki on Father's Day
Symonie, Emily, and Lindy had a girls' night in SLC with the Udall aunties (don't know why photo is's too bad)
Made a trip to Denver and went to a little amusement park. It was fun!
Our newest nephew, Lopi, came to visit from Hawaii (Junior's son)
4th of July festivities included a cookout and fireworks with the neighbors
Funaki family reunion in Spanish was only 100 degrees that day. Killed me.
Celebrated Mimi's 91st birthday