Monday, December 24, 2012

RV Update - Sully

Since our main computer has been broken, I have not been able to post pictures (Since Dec 2010). . . I am taking some time during this break to figure out an alternate solution. So here are a few of the happenings in our area

Sully and his friend Carson got braces!
Wrestling - Ho Hum.
Student Council - Homecoming Parade
Video Games
(This is our neighbor Kelton(5) who comes by on his quad and wants to play with Sully.

Utah Udall Party

Here are more pictures from the Utah Udall Christmas Party. We had a fabulous time! 

Thanks so much Sym and Matt for hosting us!.  Aki and AMe we missed you!

White elephant...

Nina played piano for us and Avalon sang...

Sym posted some great Nativity pictures but here are a few more...

We love all of you!!


Christmas Party

The annual Utah Udall Christmas party was on Saturday. It was lots of fun. To start the festivities we had a white elephant gift exchange. Satchel got a bag of about 30 bouncy balls (thank you Heidi!) and says he got the best present ever. Makai traded with me and took my soft, orange, fuzzy socks. Cord got some baby books and Peanut got some scrapbook paper. The happiest of all was Tevi, who got the (hideous) ballerina frog that makes an appearance every year. The frog might not make it to the party next year because Tevi loves it so much.

After the white elephant we had dinner--good soup and bread--and then we did a nativity with the kids and sang some Christmas songs. Nina played "Jingle Bells" on the piano and Peanut performed a rendition of "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas." Brig needs to record that one!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas piano recital

This is for Grandpa and Grandma and anyone else who cares to watch. Since Ame missed the Utah family Christmas party (she was sick), but had practiced to perform at it, we're doing it this way so her efforts aren't "wasted." I apologize for the low quality of the film....I must have exported it at the wrong resolution.

Click the link to play the video:

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ame's baptism & Vaha's blessing

Yesterday was a special day for our family. Aki baptized Ame then blessed Vaha. We enjoyed having so many family members here to support us, and feel grateful for the love shown by both my and Aki's families.
Ame woke up before 6 am and thought she should get ready for her baptism. Didn't want to dampen her enthusiasm, so I put her to work getting food ready for the lunch.
 (I spy Jude!)
We're so happy this beautiful family is soon to be plus one!
Ame with some of her good friends: Erin, Tylie, and Elise.
Cute cousins.
The man of the hour...thankfully he slept through everything.
Apologies for the blur. Cord & Heidi's family took off before we got a family photo, so I'm glad we at least have something!
(There's Nina! And Peanut!)  This is how the girls occupied themselves while the adults visited and boys played outside.
Where are their parents?
Attempt #2...not much better.
These two are not quite sure what to think of each other. Matt, thanks for always being a good sport (and for your help in the kitchen).
The wonderful priesthood holders who participated in the ordinances. Brig, Cord, Matt, Grandpa Vita, Aki, cousin Kolo, and younger brother Inoke (missing Scott Pratt).
Some of my favorite people. I hope the sun in your eyes didn't blind you.
After everyone was gone, I was glad to have little Vaha back to myself. I can't get enough.

Happy Birthday, Ame and Makai!

Ame turned 8 this month, and woke up to a bouquet of birthday balloons with some moolah tied to it. She couldn't wait to go play in the snow that a huge blizzard delivered the day before.
No birthday party this year, but Ame chose a matinee movie to see. Tevi gave her some great gifts from D.I. She seemed happy, especially after we crammed 8 candles on her cupcake.
Makai turned 10. His birthday week included a fun pack meeting, where he received his Bear and was made a Webelo.
It was Makai's turn for a birthday party this year, but instead he opted to take a couple friends to Salt Lake to eat at In-N-Out and go to the dollar movie. Not even a birthday cake!
This little grinch wasn't very happy that there were no birthday presents for him.
Here is our green burrito.
The best birthday present ever!