Sunday, August 15, 2010

Brig to the Rescue!

On Thursday the kids and I went to Provo to see the Skinner Udalls. It's so fun to have them back in Utah.

It was a beautiful day, so we went to a nearby park. Most of us were happy to hang out on the blanket, but the little boys wanted to swing.
It wasn't exactly what they were hoping for . . . until Brigham arrived to save the day.

I love to see. . .

Grandpa & Grandma . . . at the temple. (Sing it all you primary cousins). Trav & I were able to make an endowment session. Then Grandpa & Grandma brought the kids and they did baptisms - with grandpa & Travis. (Grandma & I got to watch and hand out towels.) The temple was beautiful and we enjoyed a tour of the offices and cafeteria. Of course, everyone loves grandma & grandpa. In case you didn't realize it, "We have family in HIGH places."
Definitely the highlight of our summer. (Well, yeah except for the reunion - where we saw them too.)
Get ready Tampico - here they come.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Where in the world is Camie?

Well, she was last seen at the Pioneer Day Parade sitting in front of the Elm Motel

She couldn't resist the fire department shower.

She then went to the BBQ at Aunt Karma's, but was very disciplined in not eating all the gross food there. (seeing these guys, who wouldn't lose their appetite?)
I think she was overwhelmed trying to count all the kids these cousins have.
5? + 5 + 5? + 6. Ai Yai Yai
We heard she also had a great time in Boise, Utah and New Mexico. Drop us a line from wherever you are now. We love you!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Nina Speaks

Yesterday Nina gave a talk in Primary. She was nervous, but all her practice paid off--she did a great job. When we got home from church, she humored me by giving her talk one last time. She was pretty much over it by then, but you can imagine how cute she was up at the microphone.

And yes, she has lost her two bottom teeth.