we had fun and wish Cord, Cole, Lily, Matt, Keegan, and Gma Mimi a HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Monday, July 30, 2007
~July Birthday Party~
Yesterday, the Harris Udall's, the Funaki Udalls's, the Canning Udall's, and Gpa and Gma celebrated all of the July birthdays!!! we had a blast! we opened presents, talked, ate some jell-o cake, talked and had fun! Gpa and Gma brought some Dora the Explorer party hats some noise makers and balloons.

we had fun and wish Cord, Cole, Lily, Matt, Keegan, and Gma Mimi a HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
we had fun and wish Cord, Cole, Lily, Matt, Keegan, and Gma Mimi a HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Keegan, do you know something we don't?
Click here and then scroll down through all the info about St. Johns until you see the section called Famous Residents.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Girls Camp
My mom and I are back from camp! We had a blast! There was lots of laughing and crying. :) we did tons of different things. On the first night we do this spiritual skit about our camp and there are 4 girls who dress up as indians and and act out as the narrator is reading. I was one of them! It was pretty cool. (see below)

We also went to the confidence course. There are different stations where you do physical activities. Here's a picture of me and my friend trying to make it across a wire from one tree to another:

The second years (Alli) went on a 5.6 mile hike!! It was really long and hard. But on the bright side it was beautiful!

We also went canoeing. Right after we got off of the lake it started pouring! Then a few minutes later it was hailing!!!

We had so much fun and can't wait for next year!!!

We also went to the confidence course. There are different stations where you do physical activities. Here's a picture of me and my friend trying to make it across a wire from one tree to another:
The second years (Alli) went on a 5.6 mile hike!! It was really long and hard. But on the bright side it was beautiful!
We also went canoeing. Right after we got off of the lake it started pouring! Then a few minutes later it was hailing!!!
We had so much fun and can't wait for next year!!!
Darton in the Drink
Happy Birthday, Cord & Keegan!
Cord and Keegan, I don't know if you will even see this, but even so, we wish you a happy birthday today. We'll celebrate with Cord tomorrow up at Symonie's house. Keegan, wish you were here! What will you be doing for your b-day? Will you see Boomer's family? Hope you have an enjoyable time! Love to both of you.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Blessed, Honored Pioneer!

June 1st we got to Independence safe after having our wagons break down and a great many more difficulties. On the 9th we started on the plains; seven or eight wagons and eleven men. June 11th we found an ox with a yoke on it. He was very wild and we got a rope on him and he ran at us and drove us, but we took him to Salt Lake City and sold him and divided the money. On the 12th we lost all our oxen and found some of them seven miles off. We found many dead oxen and graves of men. On the 24th we came to the Big Blue and forded it. On the 30th we came to the Platte River. The mosquitoes troubled us very much. Brother Vickers' child died the day before.
August 4th we forded the north fork of the Platte River. We had some trouble to get through and then we saw a widow's wagon turn over in the river. We saved the most of her things. A man who bad been drowned was found. August 10th we forded Sweet Water River at Independence Rock. The 23rd we came to Sulphur and Tar Springs.
September 5th, 1852, we arrived at Salt Lake City. I was very sick for a week. I was thankful when I recovered. My wife and I were rebaptized on the 19th of September and had all former blessings and the priesthood conferred on us. September 20th we started for Nephi City; on the 21st camped at Hot Springs, the first I ever saw. On the 24th we arrived at Nephi…I like this place very much. I feel at home here. I feel to record my thanks to God, my Father in Heaven for His mercies and blessings to me, for sending me on the earth in this age of the world, for health and strength and for bringing me under the sound of the Gospel and giving me His Spirit to guide me; for bringing me through all the dangers I have passed through and bringing me to this place, and I ask Him in the name of Jesus to bless me and my posterity after me according to His wisdom.
Click here to read the preface to his journal and some summarized entries - it's a quick read but full of great stuff (that I bet you didn't realize/know). David K. Udall also provided a commentary on his father's journal.
P.S. The top picture is of David Udall and his children after his wife died. He was only 34. David King was 12 years old in that picture.
Happy Birthday to Mimi (the Meemster)
Wir sind wieder in America!

We spent most of our time in Frankfurt visiting old friends and ward members. Brig experienced his first real bakery, Quark, a Doener, the Autobahn, and Germans sunbathing in their birthday suits! We spent 2 days in Dresden with Pia, her boyfriend, and their son, Luca. They showed us around on bike. Pia is now 7 months along with her second child, and rode a bike in a big city like it was nothing. We really enjoyed our visit with them. Flying military style (Space A) was worth our $75. Brig is back to work, and I will start on Thursday. We will share some of our German chocolate with anyone, as long as you pick it up yourself...
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Gone Fishin
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Making Waves in SJ
Movies Galore!

On Thursday, my mom, (Heidi), Cole and I (Alli) went to see Transformers! It was so good!!!! A lot of you girls are probably thinking, "No way. I DO NOT want to see Transformers. It's a boy movie." Well... think again. It does have a lot of action, but if you like Pirates, you'll like it! I promise!!! Then yesterday, I went with some friends to go and see Hairspray! I LOVE THAT MOVIE! It was really good! We went to the VERY first movie! we had so much fun and hope that you guys can go and see those movies!!!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Good Ole Days
Soon we'll say good-bye to Grandma's house

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
the Trekers!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Mexican Breakfast anyone?
I have no idea why this dance/song is titled as such, but I love it. This video makes me happy any time I see it--enjoy!
Happy Birthday Cole!!!
On Saturday, Cole turned 9 years old! He had a party with his friends. They went on a big scavenger hunt around the neighborhood. He had a blast. Today, Grandma Risa and Grandpa Barry came over and we had his birthday dinner: chicken nuggets, potatoes, jell-o and a salad. Then he blew out the candles on his cake: Sue's Surprise Cake! We all had a great time! Happy Birthday Cole!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Happy Birthday, Cole Bear!

You are 9! Wow! We hope you enjoy today and milk your family for all their worth. Are you having a party today, or just a family thing tomorrow? We'll see you later this month to celebrate and give you a few headslaps. We've loved you since the day you were born, and still do! (Too bad you aren't as fat as you used to be, but I guess that's for the best). We're thinking of you today.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Harry Potter Movie #5
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
While you were watching the HR Derby . . .
Meanwhile back on the RV Ranch

Sullivan also was on the "swinging Shumway float" in the Eagar 4th of July parade.
Thanks to Uncle Cord, Jefferson and Mitchell had the experience of a lifetime - following in the footsteps of the handcart pioneers at Martin's Cove. They both enjoyed it and learned "how hard it was for the pioneers." However, Jefferson thinks it would have been a piece of cake to go 1300 miles - he pulled every second of the trek. They both think Utah kids are a bunch of sissies with "new hiking boots" giving them blisters and having to wear gloves ("Gee we already have callouses, why do we need gloves?")
Happy Birthday, Matty!
Monday, July 9, 2007
Happy Birthday, Lillums!
Lily, what did you do for your birthday yesterday? Did you have any friends over to eat cake and ice cream? Get any fun presents? Tell us about it (Alli can type it for you)! We sure love you!
Visitors at the Cord Udall's
On the 4th of July, Sym, Matt, Nina, Satchy Baby, Grandma Risa and Grandma Barry came over for a barbecue and fireworks. Then, later that night, Amy, Jefferson, Mitchell, and Stella got here. Jeff and Mitch came to go on the trek to Martin's Cove with my dad. So Amy and Stella stayed with us for a few days. We had so much fun. Us girls did ALOT of shopping! :) It was a blast having them here. The day before they left, my mom's parents and brother came to stay with us for a few days. Then, they are leaving Tom, her brother, with us and they will be taking a tour in Nauvoo. Aren't they lucky??? We have had so many people at our home! It's been great!!!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Living the Camie Life
Hi everyone. Shayla and I have been gallivanting around the East Coast the last three days trying to catch a military "space available" flight to Germany. It has been quite the adventure. I now have a better appreciation for Camie's adventures. Don't you wish you were with us, Cam? We almost got a flight to Rota, Spain, and then were going to catch a flight from Malaga to Frankfurt, but there was no space due to a large group of Marines who got called to Iraq at the last minute. We missed in Dover, Delaware and now have been waiting in D.C. the last two days, hoping to catch a flight from either Andrews Air Force Base (where Air Force One is) or Baltimore Washington International. There are four flights over the next two days, so we'll see if there's any space for us. We'll know in the next hour if we've got one tonight (I'm sitting in a USO computer room in BWI). If not, it's waiting around for the next three days. If we don't get one by Wednesday, we'll call it quits and go sightseeing more around the Northeast. We've enjoyed seeing the sights here in D.C., and who knows where we'll be next. Last night we stayed at Ft. McNair, in an old building on the Potomac River, just across from the Jefferson Memorial. It's an interesting place--the oldest military post next to West Point. It's where all of the generals who work at the Pentagon live. Anyway, I better get going. Hope you are all doing well!
Friday, July 6, 2007
Funaki Family 4th Festivities
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