Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Awesome family video!

This is definitely worth a re-post so we can all watch it again. The very talented Cole does it again with capturing our family at our last reunion in Utah. This makes me excited for the next one in 2017!

Udall Family Reunion 2014

Tevi's baptism

I have no system for journaling or scrapbooking at present, but I wanted to record this somewhere while it was fresh in my mind. I also wanted to share these photos with my family, so I thought the old blog would be an okay place to do that!

We had a wonderful weekend as we celebrated the special occasion of Tevi's baptism. We were grateful to have Uncle Brigham & Aunt Shayla and their kids come down from Denver to support Tevi. And of course we loved being able to spend time with Grandma and Grandpa--as Grandpa said, their mission president allowed them to go AWOL for a few days to be here. :) Our friends Stormy and Ryan and their girls also came down. I hope Tevi boy knows he is loved!

Tevi was baptized with one of his good friends, Ruby Hawken.
This is how well photos before the baptism went...that's the best smile that Aki could muster! :)  But once the service started and we focused on why we were there, all the stress melted away and we just felt grateful for little Tevi and his desires to do what is right (most of the time).
See? All better...Aki really was happy to be there. Ha! Ummm, one of these things is not [dressed] like the others (good thing she's standing in the back)!
Tevi's two Denver cousin/friends: Max and Sydnei.
Grandpa was a witness for the baptism and also confirmed Tevi a member of the church, giving a wonderful blessing. Grandma played the piano so beautifully for the service—before, during, and after. What sweet memories for Tevi!
I feel so much love for all these people! Uncle Brigham was also a witness for the baptism and said the closing prayer. He and Shayla brought delicious food for us to eat, and gave Tevi a baptism memory book that he continues to work on completing.

I know it sounds cliche, but we feel very blessed and humbled. Through several experiences during the last few days we were reminded of what's most important, of all the blessings we have and experience daily, and of the remarkable families we come from. Our faith and motivation are renewed, our hearts softened and tender. We LOVE you all and look forward to the day we see you again!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Kendama tricks for Grandpa

Hi Grandpa,
Here are some videos I made you to help you learn kendama tricks! Just click on the words Part One and Part Two and you will see the videos on youtube.

Part One

Part Two

[Part Three coming soon]