Vanity of Vanities

>> Saturday, August 29, 2009

A girl in our ward is Emma's reading buddy at school. Apparently she told Hannah that when she met with Emma, that all Emma talked about was how much she liked her own hair. That is was very pretty and curly.

Sometimes I catch Emma looking at herself in the mirror and saying how beautiful she looks.

None of my other daughters have ever done this. A healthy self-esteem is good, but it seems that Emma is taking this a bit too far. How do I combat the vanity without crushing her self image? I thought that getting older would fix the problem, but so far no luck.



The Games Kids Play

>> Friday, August 28, 2009

Emma just came up to me and told me that she's playing house with Mary, Joseph, Heavenly Father, and baby Jesus. I'm torn about whether or not to put an end to this. On the one hand she's just a little girl, but on the other hand it reeks of sacrilege.

Any thoughts?



>> Thursday, August 27, 2009

I got a call from the high school this morning asking about a note Ashley turned in to excuse her absences for SRC. They said the signature looked strange and that when they compared it to mine it didn't match. I (while laughing to myself) told them no, I did not sign a note for Ashley.

I was told that Ashley was going to be called down to the office and given a truancy which she would need to work off. Also, she now has to take SRC for the whole term instead of just until midterm and that the school will no longer accept handwritten notes from her and that absences will have to be excused through my email.

She tells me that she didn't think that I would accept her excuses the absences and consequently wouldn't write her a note.

She now knows that I won't lie for her and will have to face the music when she gets caught.

Welcome back to school!


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