30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 30

>> Sunday, November 30, 2008

I am grateful for...

Mom and Dad. They have been very helpful and supportive, especially this last year with all the "bad stuff". Thank you for all your help! I love you!

Here's a copy of the toast I wrote last summer for my speech class:

While quirky and unconventional, my mom has always exemplified all that is best in a mother. My mom doesn’t like to bake and hates making crafts, but she finds math books fascinating. She doesn’t follow the latest styles or know how to fix her hair, yet she never missed a back to school night. Mom raised 7 children who are smart, independent, and strong willed.

When I was young we didn’t have much money. Instead of working, mom sacrificed and made due with very little so that she could be home with us. She found many ways to economize. For example, whenever we had chicken for dinner my mom would split it into 8 pieces for the rest of us while she would eat the liver. When mom bought ice cream, she knew it would be eaten quickly. So, to be fair she would use a ruler and cut the block of ice cream into 9 equal pieces so that everyone would get some. With the little extra money mom and dad did have, mom spent it giving us dance and piano lessons instead of spending it on furniture or clothes. She would tell us that we could always buy things later, but we wouldn’t have another chance to learn the piano.

Education was always very important to her. We were raised knowing that a good education was necessary and that we were expected to get good grades and to go to college. Through the years mom proofread countless papers and spent many nights helping us with our algebra. Recently mom has returned to college to fulfill her lifelong dream of earning a graduate degree. She just graduated last May with her master’s degree in education with a math emphasis.

Even now when I’ve grown, my mom is still there for me. Knowing how busy and overwhelmed I am with school, especially during finals, she drove out from California to spend the week with me and watch my children and clean my house while I study.

My only wish is that someday I can be as good of a mother as she has been.


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 29

>> Saturday, November 29, 2008

I am grateful for...

The cats -- Sylvester and Charlie. They give the kids someone to pick on besides each other.


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 28

>> Friday, November 28, 2008

I am grateful for...

Things that I'm not going to tell you. We all have lots of things happening in our lives that we don't tell other people about, especially in a public blog forum. So, for those things that I won't mention, I'm thankful.


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 27

>> Thursday, November 27, 2008

I am grateful for...

Grandma Veldron's stuffing recipe, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, Black Friday ads, a clean house, husbands who clean out the turkey and help stuff it, roaster ovens that leave the regular oven free, a fireplace, playing games, brothers who like to talk accounting, Bishops who have extra tables we can borrow, people who help cook without being asked, a tv that is downstairs for the younger kids to watch, guests who do the dishes, ABBA, and leftover turkey sandwiches.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

(William has some pictures if you can get him to post them.)


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 26

>> Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I am grateful for...

Finding an easier and simpler recipe for fudge. There's no marshmallow cream, and if you do it in the microwave it only takes minutes. Hooray!!

Foolproof Chocolate Fudge

3 cups (18 ounces) semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 (14-ounce) can EAGLE BRAND Sweetened Condensed Milk (NOT evaporated milk)
Dash salt
1/2 to 1 cup chopped nuts (optional)
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract


In heavy saucepan, over low heat, melt chocolate chips with EAGLE BRAND® and salt. Remove from heat; stir in nuts (optional) and vanilla.

Spread evenly into wax paper lined 8- or 9-inch square pan. Chill 2 hours or until firm.

Turn fudge onto cutting board; peel off paper and cut into squares. Store covered in refrigerator.

Notes: Microwave: In 1-quart glass measure, combine chocolate chips with EAGLE BRAND® and salt. Cook on HIGH (100% power) 3 minutes or until chips melt, stirring after 1 1/2 minutes. Stir in remaining ingredients. Proceed as above.


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 25

>> Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I am grateful for...

Currently it's $1.70 at the Chevron down the road.


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 24

>> Monday, November 24, 2008

I am grateful that...

The primary program is over and that I survived.


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 23

>> Sunday, November 23, 2008

I am grateful for...



30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 22

>> Saturday, November 22, 2008

I am grateful for...



30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 21

>> Friday, November 21, 2008

I am grateful for...



30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 20

>> Thursday, November 20, 2008

I am grateful for...



30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 19

>> Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I am grateful for...



30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 18

>> Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I am grateful that...

I no longer have to bathe anyone else. Emma has come of age. All I have to do is turn on the shower and she takes care of the rest. She dresses herself, brushes her teeth and hair, fixes her own breakfast, and finds her own shoes. As soon as she learns how to do laundry and iron her clothes I'll be set. Mornings have become so much easier.


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 17

>> Monday, November 17, 2008

I am grateful for...

My junk. This kids tell me they have a school project, I pull out my ribbon, colored staples, and alphabet stickers. I'm told that they need to make a model of a brain, I get one of my old mannequin heads and shave the hair off and tell them to color the brain on it. I find out they need an explorer costume for the next day, I pull out an old floppy hat and staple up one side for that swash buckling look. Need a last minute birthday present? Out comes the jewelry making supplies. Pictures tomorrow? Just let me grab my scissors and fix you up.

Being crafty has its advantages.


Emma and the Case of the Missing Bananas

>> Sunday, November 16, 2008

OK, Thursday I went to the store and brought home 2 bunches of bananas. Then Friday I looked in the cupboard and found that they were all gone. I confronted Emma (who's my big banana eater) and asked her where they went. She said she ate them.

So, Friday I went to the store again and bought 4 more bunches of bananas so I could make banana bread. On Sunday I got all the ingredients and started to make banana bread. I went to the cupboard and...

the bananas were gone. It had only been 2 DAYS!!

I called Emma to me and asked about the bananas. She says she ate them. I asked if they were under her bed. She said no. I asked where all the peels went. She said she threw them away.

The mystery is that: 1. she usually starts a banana and leaves it half eaten on the counter for me to find (which didn't happen), 2. she usually doesn't throw away the banana peels, 3. there should have been a pile of banana peels in the trash which I would have noticed, 4. she's only 5 years old, and 5. because she should have the runs or something from eating that many bananas!!!

So, I can't believe she ate that many bananas, yet I can't find the bananas so they must be gone. But, then I tell myself -- 6 bunches of bananas?!

Anybody have any clues?


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 16

I am grateful for...

Libraries. Without them I couldn't read nearly as much as I do.


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 15

>> Saturday, November 15, 2008

I am grateful for...

The prophet. I know this is an obvious one. But, I'm saying it anyway. I'm grateful that our prophets are men of God who we can always follow with confidence. They aren't surrounded by scandal and controversy. They aren't subject to the whim of the people. They stand strong and are unwavering.

For the visiting teaching message this month I chose the talk by President Monson on "Finding Joy in the Journey". I found it appropriate for Thanksgiving. Being grateful for what you have now and not waiting for tomorrow (when your think things will be better) to find joy.


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 14

>> Friday, November 14, 2008

I am grateful that...

Hannah has found a new interest. I've haven't touched a sewing project for years, but, because of a school assignment I had to pull out the sewing machine. Hannah is studying pilgrims/colonists and had to pick an assignment to do. There was a list of things like making a tin lantern, making candles, dying clothes, and making ink out of berries. I told Hannah that the only thing I was qualified to help her with was making a patchwork quilt. So that's what we've been working on. Hannah caught on quickly and was soon zooming along with sewing the squares. She wanted to know how to do everything and made me explain how to thread the bobbin and how to put the squares together. She even stayed up until midnight because she didn't want to stop. Hannah has even declared that she likes sewing better than American Girl dolls, and now she wants a machine of her own for Christmas.

As much as I hate the school making us do these time consuming and expensive projects that there is no way the kids could do without parental help... I'm glad that because of it Hannah has discovered something new.


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 13

>> Thursday, November 13, 2008

I am grateful for...

Good days. Every once in a while you have a good day, or moment, with your family that you want to remember forever. No one's screaming, pouting, or whining. Everyone's calm and happy. It's wonderful to recognize those moments and try to breathe in the peace.


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 12

>> Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I am grateful that...

Travis is so good with technology. He fixes computers, cell phones, ipods, flat irons, hair dryers, printers, cars, PS2, ...

I don't know how people survive or can afford to not have a tech wiz in their home.

He's my honey buns.


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 11

>> Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I am grateful that...

We live in a Davis Creek II Ward. This is the friendliest, kindest, and most welcoming ward we've ever been in (and you know we've been in quite a few). Some wards have felt clique-ish, but everyone is welcoming here.

Over the summer they were very supportive and helpful with Ashley and Travis being in the hospital. They helped with babysitting, dinners, laundry, ...

The bishop and relief society president come over just to see if we're ok.

Neighbors bring treats over for no reason.

Everyone goes to Hyrum's annual cookie party. He is an eleven year special needs boy who everyone cares for. The neighbors bring cookies, have water fights, and play with the dunking machine -- even the adults.

For Christmas they have a neighborhood block party with Santa, a bonfire, treats, and a food drive.

On Halloween, I have neighbors who serve nachos, homemade donuts, and soup. Another neighbor decorates over 30 pumpkins we go look at.

One evening Celeste needed to go to the conference center for BNY but I had school and Travis wasn't home from work. A neighbor gave her a ride.

Jill, the young women's president, always makes sure everyone feels included. She comes into relief society and gets mad if anyone is sitting alone and makes sure that either they move and or someone comes to sit next to them.

Celeste tells me there are many cute guys (who are also nice).

During stake girls camp, in all of the other wards the girls were fighting and being disrespectful to their leaders. Not in our ward. Everyone pitched in and was happy.

We have a neighborhood spring cleanup where people sign a list with yard things they need help with (removing a stump or an old swing set). Then everyone gets together on a Saturday and goes through the list getting these things done.

We love our ward.


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 10

>> Monday, November 10, 2008

I am grateful that...

I know how to cut hair. Otherwise Travis and the kids would be looking shaggy and scraggly.


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 9

>> Sunday, November 9, 2008

I am grateful for...

dove milk chocolate, cheesecake, lemon meringue pie, baked custard, cupcakes, trifle, fudge, chocolate covered marshmallows, lemon bundt cake, chocolate chip cookies, donuts, banana bread, jelly bellys, sugar cookies, ice cream, rice krispie treats, jello, lemon bars, magic cookies bars, german chocolate bars, rolo cookies, cinnamon rolls, snickerdoodles, white chocolate, coffee cake, chocolate mousse, hot chocolate, and whipped cream.


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 8

>> Saturday, November 8, 2008

I am grateful that...

We have modern medicines. What would we have done 100 years ago? We need our eczema cream, ritalin, lithium, morphine, whatever it is they gave Ashley in the hospital, epidurals, tylenol, excedrin, aleve, soma, antibiotics, citalopram, sleeping pills, no doze, chocolate...


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 7

>> Friday, November 7, 2008

I am grateful that...

My kids are so great. They know that out finances have been under the weather for the last 6 months and they have been wonderful about it. Kids normally ask and beg for everything and give you guilt trips about what their friends have that they don't and how now they'll be social outcasts.

But, knowing how we're struggling, they don't ask. Even when the cupboards and fridge are empty they don't ask.

Actually, on the other hand, maybe this is actually sad.


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 6

>> Thursday, November 6, 2008

I am grateful that...

Except for the weekend of Cheryl's wedding (when I wasn't here to see it, so actually it didn't happen) it hasn't snowed yet in Farmington, only the mountains.

If I keep denying the existence of winter, it won't happen.



30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 5

>> Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I am grateful that...

My being in school has forced me to step back from micromanaging the kids. As a result the kids are surprising me by stepping up and learning to be responsible for themselves because they know that I'm not watching over their shoulders.


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 4

>> Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I am grateful that...

I will be done with school in 6 months and I will never ever Ever EVER EVER!! take another class EVER again.


Happy Election Day


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 3

>> Monday, November 3, 2008

I am grateful that...

Hannah is doing much better in school this year. In the past she has been disorganized and had missing assignments. This year she has a harder teacher who requires a lot of work and projects, and who doesn't accept late assignments. Hannah has been staying on top of everything herself and is doing well. (Partly because of the Ritalin and partly because she's being more responsible because she know she can't get away with it anymore.)


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 2

>> Sunday, November 2, 2008

I am grateful that...

Travis is sleeping. For years Travis has suffered from insomnia and has relied on sleeping pills which make him groggy and grumpy the next day. When he started his new medication this summer they gave him a prescription sleeping pill that worked well at first, but after a while required more pills to work. So, he ran out and the doctor wouldn't refill his prescription until the end of the month. I told him that he couldn't take the over the counter pills anymore. He had a couple of bad nights, and then he began sleeping again. I'm not sure what happened, but I'm grateful that he can fall asleep and stay asleep all night.


30 Days of Gratitude -- Day 1

>> Saturday, November 1, 2008

I am grateful that...

Ashley's braces are coming off Monday so she will finally stop complaining and whining about how ugly they make her, and she promises to start smiling for me in pictures again.


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