Sunday, February 19, 2012

Revolving Toy Fund

Few things everyone should know about Ty:

He is a natural salesperson...
He will search FOREVER for "The Deal"...
He will never buy anything unless he knows he can make a profit on it...
He gets tired of things (and people...can't believe I am STILL around...jk...) QUICKLY...
He is adventurous and NEVER likes to waste a single moment in a day...
He LOVES toys...

Put those things together and you get "THE REVOLVING TOY FUND"...

It hadn't had much action for awhile...but at Christmas time he decided it was time to sell some of the stuff he doesn't use anymore...or that he wanted to upgrade, etc.  Some of those things included:

His snowboard/Boots/bindings
Monte Blanc Pens
Couple AR's
and about 3 more guns that I have no idea what they are
A sniper mat (that he won at a competition)

In return we are now owners of:

2 road bikes (watch out we come)
a .22 Pellet gun
Go Pro 2
and a couple more guns that according to him are different than his other ones :)

Any bets on how long these things will be in our family?? 

Valentine's Day

I'm not a huge fan of Valentine's Day.  I think it is silly that there has to be a special day set aside to show or tell someone you love them.  I would hope that everyone does that every day anyway...and for me...if ty wanted to do something special for me--I would MUCH rather have it be on a random day...a total out of the blue surprise (he did that once...well several times...but one time he bought me my very first ipod--a little PINK shuffle and he put it under my pillow.  I didn't find it until that night when I went to bed...and he was already at work...I LOVED it...and not just for the present...but to know he had been thinking about me earlier in the day...saw something I would love...and got it for me...not because he HAD I think a lot of people feel on Valentine's day...but because he wanted too!!)  To me--that is the best...

But having said that...I also realize that the girls love little notes...they love little parties...they love something out of the ordinary...So I figured what's a couple bucks (for candy) and about an hour worth of time (to blow up balloons and cut out/write out hearts :)) make their morning a little different.  It really wasn't much...but they LOVED it!

Happy Valentine's Day to the four LOVES of my LIFE!!

Hip Hop

Lexi has wanted to take Hip Hop forever...

I looked up a few different places/studios--and it seemed like none of their times ever worked with our schedule....

So when a paper got sent home last month from school saying they were offering a hip hop class on Tuesday nights we were all over that...and having our neighbor friends (Hayden and Kaylee) do it with us made it even better!!