
blog no longer in service

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belmont girl

This Belmont Girl is not only romantic (hopefully she had a romantic evening alone in the tub)
But she's smart (refering to melted wax directly on the tub)
and sensitive too!
" cleaning it was making me sick from the smell. Sorry. P.S. But I tried :)"
She is certainly a catch.

it's sad...

...But I think I am going private. Ugh, it pains me to even say it.

So, if you view my blog and I don't know you, that's ok. Leave a comment so I can verify you aren't a psycho and I will invite you. No problem there.

Come out of the wood work. Don't be shy. Trust me, I want to be popular...so let me know who is reading my nonsense.

If you don't want to leave your email in a comment then you can email me here:




tyler's twenty-five!

Doesn't he look intense about his birthday cake?
We ate lunch at Tucano's, thanks to a generous gift card given to us at Christmas ;). That's where I saw sushi at the salad bar, got brave, tried it, couldn't chew fast enough, dry heaving, gagging, and coughing. Let's just say I got my curiosity out of my system. And yes, I do realize there is better sushi out there than that...I am still not interested.
Then we just hung out and enjoyed each other's company. That's really all we could do because our tummies were so full. And then we invited some of Tyler's friends over to celebrate and eat cake!
And yes, I made sure there were 25 candles. It was a little smokey for a while, but totally worth it. We played a fun little game too, thanks to Chad and Rachel's recommendation. Basically, someone thinks of a questions and everyone answers anonymously, then you try to guess who said what. Here is a little taste of the fun we had.
Question: If Mini-Me starred in a movie, what would the title be?
1. Little Big Man
2. Sho'ty Down Under
3. Mini-Me and Me
4. National Lampoons North Pole Extravaganza
5. Half-Pint Pimp
Then baby Henry had to get his diaper changed. It was a dozy. Not to mention we are all crammed in a tiny living room, aka, no where to escape the odor. I was laughing so hard tears came. Every time I would stop laughing, I would immediately gag. I think laughing might be the remedy to my gag reflex. Whoo. That made like 8 full out gags that day. Wow.
Yeah, it was an awesome day. Oh, and just for kicks, what's your favorite title? Mine is number 5.
Overall, Tyler had a splendid birthday! He's my favorite.


i would use the word "tag"...

...but the person who "tagged" me hates that word and listed it as one of her 25 things...so I guess I will just say, uh, someone requested me to list 25 things about myself.


I LOVE pickles. So much in fact that I think it grosses Tyler out a little. But, I hate them on burgers, unless it's from Pete's, then it's good.


I get really sad and mopey when the littlest thing is wrong with my health.


Whenever I am driving and the person in front of me does something that could have caused an accident, I get mad, honk, throw my hands up and look at them like they are the biggest idiot I have ever seen...and then feel really bad immediately.


I can't hate people, no matter what they have done. I've tried and failed.


I learned recently that I don't type correctly, but I am still fast so I don't care. At least that's what I tell myself.


I don't do things I am not good at. Bowling, won't go. Sports, nope. It's something I need to get over. Pretty prideful of me.


My emotions are tied 100% to my stomach. If I am stressed, or someone is mad at me, or if I am mad, I get nauseated and can't eat at all.


I like clean dogs, but I never want one myself. None of them could compare to Roady anyway.


My favorite number is 9. I like it.


If I were an Indian, my name would be Square Toe


I was in 3 car accidents in a 4 year time period. None were my fault and I couldn't prevent any of them. Two involved uninsured people. I get headaches now. For a year after my last one, when I would see something that could create an accident, I would follow it out in my mind. Sick.


I want to be a Calligrapher. But I don't do anything about it.


I don't like getting wet. The only time getting wet sounds fun is if I am cold and the water is hot.


TV Shows I am addicted to: What Not To Wear, The Office, Good Eats, John and Kate Plus 8. Two that keep me cool, and two that make me old/nerdy.


I have always wanted a pencil skirt and have never owned one (a decent one anyway).


I hate having to use my upper body strength. Wait. What upper body strength? Ha.


In the past 2 weeks I have began to hate left overs. It's sad.


I eat a Jr Cheeseburger from Wendy's or a burrito from Taco Bell for lunch almost everyday. Yuck.


I have learned that the only way to get friends is to be one. You can't wait for people to take initiative. It will almost never happen. Since I have learned this, I love RS so much more now. And I am happier.


My mom is the best decorator I know. Her house is my favorite place to be. No corner goes neglected. I miss seeing it more often.


I love to go to restaurants. Everything about it. It's my favorite past time.


I hardly ever listen to music anymore. Shocking, I know. I think it's because I am never alone. I have never been comfortable listening to whatever I want in front of other people, unless it's my mom, or Kim, Kelli or Jill (because they love the same dorky stuff I do). But when I listen to it, it makes me really happy.


I can't wake up in the morning. Really. Can't.


25 is a lot


I have man-like taste when it comes to food. Wings, red meat, burgers, hot dogs...mmm

It's finally over. If you made it through that, good job.



Made from the Ziggy pattern on the Ravelry Website,

I present to you a gift for baby Olive Jones,

Hence the "Olive You". I just had to.

And Auburn, I am assuming you have received the package by now. If not, I am sorry you had to see it for the first time over a blog. I just couldn't wait anymore! She's too cute!
And I am glad this knitted project didn't involve having to be worn by someone. Self portraits are not my thing.


what's new

It has come to my attention that Belmont is boring when it's not bikini season. It has also come to my attention that 75% of my blog posts are about Belmont.

In other words, sorry for the recent lameness of my blog. I am working on creating drama here at the office to provide you all with some entertainment. So far, no luck.

Um, I did start another blog. It's mostly to organize my own life and make sure I make dinner every night to save us money. Basically, I figure if I commit to the blog world to provide dinner, I must. It's called "cooking while poor", since that's my life right now. Easy and yummy stuff that won't disappoint and won't break the bank either.

My house is clean. After being gone over Christmas and getting sick for nearly 2 weeks then having a fiesta to throw, I finally found a free Saturday to clean the casa. I am happy.

My cousin is getting married. Yay! I am super thrilled for her. They are perfect for each other. Bravo. Which also means I get to visit AZ sometime soon. A plus, for sure.

The puppies are for sale now. They are darling. I wish I could see them in person.

Uhh...it snowed again. It's cold. Thank goodness for underground parking, minus the fact that water drips through the ceiling and it feels like an ice box...that's basically what it is.

The job is still slow. Cleaning Inspections start next week again, so I am sure I will have some lovely things to share soon. Stay tuned, y'all.