Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Caroline turns 2
My princess is growing up so fast. Caroline's personality has really started to shine these past months. She is Full of spunk, sass, & so much love! If you cross this girl in any way she is so quick to put you in your place! She is a screamer, unfortunately but we're working on that. On the other hand, she is the first one to crawl into my arms & snuggle with me when I sit down to watch a movie or read a book. She is full of sweet kisses & just loves to be held. Caroline loves to sing. Her favorite songs right now that she knows is "I'm Wishing" from Snow White, Ariel's song "Aa-a-a", "Jesus Wants me for a Sunbeam", & "I am a Child of God". She is a princess through & through loving all things pink & purple, all the Disney princesses/movies, & anything frilly or ruffley... like her tutu, & of course her princess high heels. Caroline is such a little peanut still but she eats so well. If it has butter, dipping sauce, whip cream, dressing, or any condiment she's all over it... eating only that of course. I'm amazed at how well she talks. She enunciates her words so well & seems to understand everything we say. Some funny things she says are: "Arrr matey" (with a grunt), "I dom" (I'm done, which sounds like Im dumb), & "Don't, don't, don't, don't" (just the way Gus Gus from Cinderella says it). Funny story: The other day I was making her a sandwich & asked her, "Would you like honey or jam?" She thought for a moment, "Ummmmm, DAM!" We are still laughing about that ;o) Some nick-names we call her are: Gus Gus, Care Bear & peanut. She still sucks her thumb & loves her special pillow. Her new favorite doll is the Pinkalicious doll we got her for her birthday. She also got a hot pink plasma car so now she can roll through the neighborhood in style. Caroline is the most precious little girl with such a querky personality. She's going to be fun as she gets older & I can see us being best friends. Love this girl!! For some reason I can't upload a single picture! I'm totally Bummin!!
Posted by Lauren Clyde at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 20, 2011
Laggers playing Catch-Up!!
I am not up to par with our blogging these days. Life has been full of all kinds of wonderful but it has been hectic at times too. I want to only remember the good times so I try and avoid blogging when I'm in a "mood". It's been a challenging past couple months to say the least but there has been a lot of Good too. I'm just going to start where I last left off:
Valentines Day ...We had our traditional Valentine's breakfast & the kids got cute little gifts from cupid.
Preston with Ava & Faith
More posts to come: Caroline's Birthday & our newly finished basement!!
Posted by Lauren Clyde at 3:30 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Happy Birthday Sweetheart!!!!
Posted by Lauren Clyde at 6:18 AM 2 comments
Friday, February 18, 2011
Posted by Lauren Clyde at 11:00 AM 0 comments