Monday, August 10, 2009

Then What?

Today I'm reporting from yet another hotel room. Yesterday our office moved yet again to the wonderful city of Lubbock. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you choose to look at it, we won't be able to explore this city as we're flying home tomorrow. Do you hear my inner shouts of joy yet? But as I was inspecting our current living quarters today I read the "In Case of Emergency" instructions posted on our hotel door. Here's what I read:


If the door is not hot:
1. Open the door. Take a wet towel with you.
2. If hall is smoky, stay low, put a wet towel over your face.
3. Go to the nearest stairway. Go down to the first floor and exit the building.

If the door is hot do not open.
1. Stuff wet towels under the door.

Then what? That's all she wrote! So what do I do after I stuff wet towels under the door? Do I call 911? Do I attempt to break our third story window with the coffee table and throw my child to safety? Do I hide in the bathtub with the shower running? Do I pray to the powers that be that the fire magically passes us by? Needless to say, I was left feeling a little less than prepared...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Smoking Gun

Let me start by saying that I have a sensitive nose. Smells get to me like no other! It doesn't matter if it's a good smell or a bad smell, I simply can't stand it when my house, hands, or surroundings smell strongly of something for a prolonged period of time. Freshness, that's what I'm about...good CLEAN air! Unfortunately, we've been dealing with one of the most offensive scents as of late. Cigarette Smoke. Now before someone jumps down my back for not being accepting of other lifestyles, let me say that I have no problem with individuals who choose to poison themselves in the great outdoors. Like the "Marlboro Club" that congregates outside the hotel door for example. I can hold my breath long enough to make it upwind from the oh so NOT wonderful smell of nicotine. And I'll admit that their habit actually comes in handy when I'm making my way towards that key-card entry door with a heavy baby and an arm-full of groceries. There's always one of them thoughtful enough to open the door for us. But I must draw the line somewhere! So today I had to be the person I normally hate. You know the ornery picky one who complains to management? But I had to resort to calling the front desk today when, for the third day in a row, I smelled cigarette smoke. Hopefully they'll find that smoking gun soon and I'm sure when they do there will be someone in the hotel cursing my name for being that ornery person. But, if that's the price I have to pay for clean air, SO BE IT!!

Great Portrait Spots in UT?

As I've been trying to keep myself busy here in TX, I've decided a good use of this time would be to plan out all of the things we need to do when we get home so I'll be super organized. (Ha, ha, right?) For example, Tyler's 1st Bday Party, Christmas Cards, Family Pics, etc. Recently I've been online trying to find great places near home to take family pics and I've come across a couple in my search that I've never heard of or been to. So, I thought I'd ask ya'll (yes, we've been in TX too long) if you've ever taken photos here or know of any other good places near Provo to take family pics? One is The Castle Amphitheater in Provo and the other is Exchange Place in SLC. I'm hoping to find somewhere close to our house so Tyler will be as happy as possible so I'm leaning towards the Castle Amphitheater. Any other good spots anyone knows about?