Monday, December 10, 2007


I forgot to mention...

Little Drummer Boy is not on my list of favorite Christmas carols- in fact, when it comes on the radio I usually change the channel to prevent the "pa rum pum pum pum" from getting stuck in my head- however, if you want to hear the coolest version of Little Drummer boy in the history of the song, visit the Ryan Shupe and the Rubber Band website at and pull up their jukebox in the tabs on the top of the page. It's under the album "The Gift" and if you don't absolutely love it, YOU'RE CRAZY!!!! (If you want some easy listening, check out the whole album. They're all pretty stinkin' good arrangements!)

Friday, December 7, 2007

Christmas Culture

" And all the Angels in Heav'n did sing,
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day;
And all the Angels in Heav'n did sing,
On Christmas Day in the morning.
Then let us all rejoice again,
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day;
Then let us all rejoice again,
On Christmas Day in the morning!"

It's definitely Christmas! This last couple of weeks Gordon and I have had the opportunity to go to a few Christmas concerts and I must say, there's nothin' like Christmas Carols to get you in the Christmas spirit! We went to the Kurt Bestor concert with Gordon's family, the Ryan Shupe/Peter Breinholt concert with my work, and the BYU Christmas Celebration concert with Nancy and John. You'd think we'd be singing Christmas carols non-stop after that- and we pretty much are... It's been so fun to sit and enjoy a high-class concert as apposed to watching something far less edifying on television. I'd forgotten how much I really do love that kind of thing and have come to the conclusion that it could be a tradition in the making! Gordon has actually enjoyed most of the concerts we've been to as well. (Although he did think the Kurt Bestor concert was a little on the boring side because it was almost all instrumental. I, on the other hand, missed having a piano in the house more than ever after that!) It's also been really fun to see all of the talent that is here in Happy Valley. I was really impressed with the BYU choirs and orchestra. Talk about serious talent! It was also fun to see Mrs. Hall and Ms. Appoloni in action. (For those of you who don't know, both of them taught at Waterford and are now teaching at BYU.) I think I really take for granted how much high-quality, uplifting arts are here in Utah. (I'll just have to keep working on trying to get Gordon to an art museum with me...) So anyway, if any of you out there have the chance to head to a Christmas concert this holiday season, jump on it! You'll be in the Christmas spirit in no time with a little Christmas culture in the mix too!