
Showing posts with the label Pups

Bud Master General (AKA Private Gumdrop) and Roxy Poppins (AKA The Pupster)


Simple Pleasures

Its the simple things in life as they say, picking tomatoes from my garden, harvesting the rhubarb and eating it fresh for my tea, waking up early and heading downstairs for a blogging session before the village awakens. Ah the joys of a quiet Saturday morning with these thoughts in mind, my only company a cooing Wood Pigeon outside and a softly snoring pupster. Keep good company.

Happy as a...

Yesterday morning it rained heavily and we all went for a long walk to enjoy it. Some of us enjoyed it a little more than others. This was not the only roll Roxy pup had on her walk but it was the only one I managed to capture on camera. When we got back I made the most of her soggy state and gave her a bath; she was then towelled off and hair dried (a necessary step to prevent her getting stiff) and after resembled the Pink Panther when he comes out of the tumble image I have long been searching for on the internet. I got a letter from the Dogs Trust on Friday that said 'Life Begins at 14', and I thought Roxy was doing to fabulous job of demonstrating that yesterday on her walk.

Lady of the Vale


Roxy at Rest


Pups at Play


London 2012
