Our New Site

Our New Site
challenges start 8th October


Thursday, June 25, 2015

Hello and Welcome

Christi, Jane and I (Zoe) have got together a new fortnightly (2 weekly) challenge for you.   Every 2 weeks (on Saturdays) we will set a new theme challenging you to create a pair of items inspired by the theme.  We are looking for rubber stamping on your submissions but no digi stamps or art.   Other than that this is  an open challenge so anything goes, with our theme as the primary focus.

There will be 2 challenges a month, when there is a 5th Saturday in the month we will not set a new challenge but will have a special treat for you so it will be worth popping back just to see what we are up to.

Our styles are very different and we are looking forward to seeing your different points of view as well.   We will try to get to every single submission but sometimes it might be that just one or two of us manage to visit and comment.   To help us please turn off word verification, if you are concerned about spam posts you can always turn on authorise all comments before publishing then you can delete them.

Why are we doing this, well there seems to have been a serious decline in challenges commencing on a Saturday, we are all part of the Challenges for days team and the Saturday list there is in danger of vanishing.   We all enjoy working as a team and seeing what our ideas inspire in others, we like nosing on your blogs.  You are also very welcome to take a look at our blogs as well.

So if you would like to join in with us there are just a few things to remember.

Pairs of things
Open, anything goes with our theme as your main focus
Must Rubber Stamp
No digi stamps or graphic art

Please turn off word verification.

We will kickoff our first challenge on SATURDAY 1st AUGUST and will last for 2 weeks.  Please help us spread the word and let people know about our new adventure, everyone is invited to follow along for the ride.