There has been a lot of rain this week. I wonder if this is sort of what it's like living in Seattle. I like the rain, but it has been more dreary than I am used to, so here is my attempt to look at the bright side of life.
I am thankful for...
1. Bookstores--I know last week I said I was thankful for libraries, but I love bookstores too. You definitely can't check stuff out for free, but I can still spend a good chunk of time at a bookstore, and that good chunk of time is usually spent with a smile on my face.
2. Primary songs--one of the things I love about my church calling is being able to learn new primary songs, and remember old songs that I sang when I was little.
3. A clean house--it doesn't happen all the time, but having a clean bathroom and kitchen sure feels good.
4. Out-of the-blue text messages--there is nothing like knowing that someone you care about is thinking of you even when you aren't there.
5. Albert, for taking me out to dinner after work when "I don't feel cute so we can't go somewhere too nice, but if we're gonna go out, we might as well go somewhere good, but I don't want someone to wait on me 'cuz I just look like crap, but not Wendy's, so somewhere in between....but I'm not really in the mood for Mexican (when
am I in the mood for Mexican) and you are probably are sick of Rumbi......" It takes a good man to take an indecisive wife out to dinner.