hey y'all.. how are you.. wanna write about something i love -> SHOES!!! well, sort of a love-hate rship with shoes actually hihihi.. i think today's post would relate most with those within my age or older than me kut.. as i grow older, i noticed that my feet doesnt really tolerate well with MOST shoes.. especially pumps! urrggghhh..
i now have to look for shoes with extra cushioning.. i have to wear high heels or i would look soooo katik.. yes i am the very the katik wakakakakakakaka!!!! so high heels are my savior to help me look balanced anatomically hikhikhik.. problem is, i am not the 20 plus girl i use to be who can stand for hours on a 4 inch heels, and even run in them. now, i have to look for heels with arch support, balls cushion, heel cushion, u name it, semua nk kena ada cushion hekhekhek..
and this prob becomes worst for pumps.. i actually love pairing my working attire with lovely pumps, 3 inches or more.. to me, those pumps will make the whole look, look uber professional and classy. however, everytime i buy a pump, if they feel comfortable during testing kan, nnti bila DAH BAYAR and then pakai baru la rasa sakit!!! knp sblm byr tak sakit????? eeeee byk kali da jadi canie, sakit hati n sakit purse tau tak!
so as i was searching for a solution, i googled "the most comfortable high heels" and i found this article "http://totallyfabulous.typepad.com/blog/2008/01/the-most-comfor.html". according to the article, oprah said the most comfortable heels in the world is from COLE HAAN. haiyaaaa.. why la.. so expensive ok!!! check out the pic below, tat would be my dream shoe.. ntah bila ntah, tah2 da umur 40 - 50 baru dpt pakai hahahaha!!! i actually would purchase black fyi.. but for pic purposes i chose other colour la. kalau tak bosan giler kan..
*Cole Haan Mariela Air Pump*
*Cole Haan Women's Stephanie Air Platform Pump*
*Cole Haan Women's Stephanie Air Pump Black Suede*
i've also heard from a friend that one of the most comfortable pumps is from christian louboutin.. but of course, i would prefer to listen to oprah coz m sure she has done her researches kan.. hihihi..
and, rockport is good as well coz they are from adidas.. rockport tu mcm ok ckit la harga dia dr cole haan tu.. but still very expensive lor.. :(
so, ntah bila ntah my shoe dilemma will be resolved kan.. hihihi..
ok tu je.. just feel like rambling bout shoes.. :P
nite y'all.. ^__^