
seriously not in the mood to work on boss' presentation slide.. tu je nk ckp.. :P

::wordless wednesday::

On Wednesdays all over the internet, bloggers post a photograph with no words to explain it on their blog. Hence the ‘wordless’ title. The idea is that the photo itself says so much that it doesn’t need any explanation.


hey y'all.. how are you.. wanna write about something i love -> SHOES!!! well, sort of a love-hate rship with shoes actually hihihi.. i think today's post would relate most with those within my age or older than me kut.. as i grow older, i noticed that my feet doesnt really tolerate well with MOST shoes.. especially pumps! urrggghhh.. 

i now have to look for shoes with extra cushioning.. i have to wear high heels or i would look soooo katik.. yes i am the very the katik wakakakakakakaka!!!! so high heels are my savior to help me look balanced anatomically hikhikhik.. problem is, i am not the 20 plus girl i use to be who can stand for hours on a 4 inch heels, and even run in them. now, i have to look for heels with arch support, balls cushion, heel cushion, u name it, semua nk kena ada cushion hekhekhek.. 

and this prob becomes worst for pumps.. i actually love pairing my working attire with lovely pumps, 3 inches or more.. to me, those pumps will make the whole look, look uber professional and classy. however, everytime i buy a pump, if they feel comfortable during testing kan, nnti bila DAH BAYAR and then pakai baru la rasa sakit!!! knp sblm byr tak sakit????? eeeee byk kali da jadi canie, sakit hati n sakit purse tau tak! 

so as i was searching for a solution, i googled "the most comfortable high heels" and i found this article "http://totallyfabulous.typepad.com/blog/2008/01/the-most-comfor.html". according to the article, oprah said the most comfortable heels in the world is from COLE HAAN. haiyaaaa.. why la.. so expensive ok!!! check out the pic below, tat would be my dream shoe.. ntah bila ntah, tah2 da umur 40 - 50 baru dpt pakai hahahaha!!! i actually would purchase black fyi.. but for pic purposes i chose other colour la. kalau tak bosan giler kan.. 

*Cole Haan Mariela Air Pump*

*Cole Haan Women's Stephanie Air Platform Pump*

*Cole Haan Women's Stephanie Air Pump Black Suede*

i've also heard from a friend that one of the most comfortable pumps is from christian louboutin.. but of course, i would prefer to listen to oprah coz m sure she has done her researches kan.. hihihi.. 

and, rockport is good as well coz they are from adidas.. rockport tu mcm ok ckit la harga dia dr cole haan tu.. but still very expensive lor.. :(

so, ntah bila ntah my shoe dilemma will be resolved kan.. hihihi..
ok tu je.. just feel like rambling bout shoes.. :P
nite y'all.. ^__^

:: jungle alert!! ::


tis is just an advice for all ladies out there.. very short one..

even though you go to ladies' gym, please always remember to remove the jungle under your arms.. it is seriously unflattering when you put up your arms to stretch, and other ladies are able to view THAT jungle.. seriously, doesnt mean that we're all ladies, we want to look at your armpit's hair la ewwwwww.. 

ok.. just a friendly advice to all my friends n readers k.. 
*happy working out! ;)*

::my husband: thru my eyes::


warning! tis will be mushy! exit now!!!  hahahahaha!!!

tis entry is a tribute to the knight of my life.. my cyg onchet.. ^__^
(sbnrnyer mental da blocked tak leh nk pikir tuk buat proposal paper malam2 buta ni.. so nk divert otak jap.. :P)

so obviously kat atas ni is my hubby ajoy aka my cyg onchet la kan.. hihihihi.. 

dulu when we first got together ramai sgt2 tak setuju i chose ajoy.. coz nobody could look beyond his physical n looks. and sadly, actually till today pun there are still people who has this weird look when they look at me and ajoy.. some still duk kutuk2 ajoy behind my back (org bgtau aku, toksah nk deny la ok).. 

now let me tell you.. to me ajoy is very handsome.. why??

he is very handsome whenever he puts me first above his wants and needs and other priorities because I AM his priority now.. 

he is very handsome whenever he gives so much support in whatever i wanna do, regardless if it only benefits me, or benefits both of us..

he is very handsome because he is never calculative with me..

he is very handsome whenever his 'angin rajin' comes and he does most of the household chores, especially when i am super bz with work.. and he never complains.. 

he is very handsome whenever he knew i had a very tiring weekday and on saturday morning he lets me sleep in, and when i wake up breakfast is ready for me.. 

he is very handsome whenever he never gives up looking for new opportunity (halal ok) to support us financially and never choose the wrong path for easy money unlike some ppl we knw.. (citer betul nih)

he is very handsome whenever he buys something for him, he never forgets to buy something for me without me asking.. kalau kita mintak tu lain citer.. tis is when he does it unexpectedly.. 

he is very handsome whenever he tends to me when i am sick and i am always having some sort of sakit be it athsma la, gastric la, low blood pressure la, migraine la.. heck, m really grateful ada org nk kawin with me despite all my illnesses! :P

he is very handsome whenever he does all the manly stuff in the house like painting our house, changing light bulbs, pasang furniture, simple plumbing or carpenting, etc.. i say this becoz some husbands dowan to do tis u knw.. kena panggil org buat..
he is very handsome in so many other ways that i cannot describe here hahaha!

last but not least, ajoy has a very nice smile and he is handsome to me.. i tell him that many times too.. but, what is important to me is his handsomeness with the above criteria.. alhamdulillah, i believe i chose the right man to be my husband as he truly is my bestfriend, my confidante, my doctor, my life n my everything. 

if you have a partner like the above, to me, you're very lucky.. sbb most women, tak dpt all of the above and really yearns someone like tis.. some women prefer to choose men with looks or with money and ended up unhappy and dpt suami yg tak tentative and tak supportive..some even beat their wives summore tau.. 

what i wanna stress here is, rupa & duit tak menjamin kebahagiaan.. and m not saying ajoy is perfect.. he is far from perfect.. just as i am.. just as we all are.. but he is perfect for me, as i am for him insyaAllah.. we complement each other.. isnt tat wat we look for in a partner? lantak la suami org tu handsome ke tak ke, toksah la duk ngata suami org lain sdgkan diri sdri pun tak tau lg nasib caner in d future.. so apa kata kita just doakan kebahagiaan masing2 je.. kan lg besttttt.. ^_^

to those yg kutuk2 ajoy boncet la, tak hensem la, mcm2 la, pls be more sensitive la ok.. i have feelings too u know.. u say these things about my husband igt i tak terasa ke.. ure talking bout someone i really2 love.. dlm hati nk je balas mcm2 balik but m not like tat.. so simpan je la kan..

k la.. nk continue buat paper hehe.. bye.. ^__^

p/s: sape yg mkn cili tu sorry la eh.. pedas eh??? 

:: still enjoying our dating life ::

salam all.. lama tak update kan.. sorry, teramat bz.. (ada ke pembaca aku nih??? :P)

anyways.. i juz wanna share something that happened to me just recently.. ajoy n i are still not pregnant.. but, we dont fret about it.. we are instead taking our own sweet time and enjoying every waking moments together.. 

however, that changed briefly recently.. someone asked and remarked the usual about being childless to me. normally i wudnt be affected but somehow or rather i was, maybe because of her body language, intonation and the words she used. i had to gather all my will to not cry, not answer her back with bitter answers, and to brave the afternoon with a smile, and layan everyone else there except for her.. 

oh well the closed pipe didnt close for long, i cried when i left the place, letting out all my tears.. luckily i have great friends to console me and i was soon chirpy and happy again.. 

i just wanna state it out here loud and clear.. until we are blessed with pregnancy and a healthy baby, we WILL DEFINITELY NOT frown about not being pregnant, but instead WILL DEFINITELY ENJOY doing these activities becoz we are well aware that the moment we have a baby these activities would be quite difficult to do:

1) dating dating dating! berdua ya, bukan dgn anak2.. tat doesnt count as a date..
ok, i got some disclaimer to make before you guys with kids starts jumping and accusing me of stuff k.. i know some married couples do take d time to date.. good for you! i hope when we have babies/kids, we'll be like u as well..

2) watching movies.. at cinema, bukan rumah watching star movies or astro first..
disclaimer: we love watching movies at home too. it is just tat we knw some ppl who have kids who made it loud and clear to us tat they envy us for being able to watch movies at cinema becoz since they have kid(s), they have never stepped foot in a cinema. 

3) having romantic dinners.. 
disclaimer: this can be done for married couples with kids too.. i dont know how they do it, but when i have kids, i wud sure wanna find out how.. hehe.. 

4) romantic getaways.. 
disclaimer: kalau ada babies tak jadi romantic dah la kan hehehe..

5) lounging at home just the two of us.. clothing is totally optional haha!
disclaimer: do u need one???? :P

6) sleep! yes we knw we have this luxury for now..
disclaimer: those with kids yg tido sama time dgn parents are VERY lucky! i hv no idea how my babies will be like, but watever pun, we'd better be enjoying watever we have now hehehe..

7) shop what ever we want for us.. coz we dont have to priorities 'the babies' yet kan..
disclaimer: again, do u need one??? bila ada babies confirm babies will be the priority over our blouse or pants or shoes! hehehe.. 

8) hang out at coffee shops, having quiet moments and read novels/magz/etc together2..
disclaimer: seriously u dont need a disclaimer for this kut.. 

9) work xtra hours n not worry about our babies or overtime fee for nursery.. 
disclaimer: kalau ada maid tu lain citer la kan hehehe.. 

10) getting to knw each other more and more.. improving our relationships.. improving our marriage lives.. 
disclaimer: this is actually for married couples who have been married for less than a year and already pregnant. i personally know many friends who do not really have the time to get used to married life, still have a lot to learn about their spouse tp tiba2 da pregnant.. this somehow results in a lot of altercations between spouses. as for us, we are still learning about each other.. n enjoying every moments of it..

 what i need to point out here is there is NOTHING wrong with having babies early, as well as nothing wrong with being late in that department like me.. there are pros and cons in everything we go through in life.. it is how we manage them that counts.. 

all i wanna say is yes, we do want to be pregnant.. but, in the mean time we have stopped stressing about this as it got us no where, which is why we are taking our own sweet time.. 

everybody has their own rights to choose their own path in their lives, we do too. 

HOWEVER, if you already have children and are wondering why we havent yet, choose your word wisely before blurting out a faux pas to us or any childless couples.. some of us are trying extremely hard, looking if they succeed every single month, some are taking it slow like us, and some do not want children for watever reasons that we have to respect. remember, you are nobody to judge anybody for the choice they have chosen in their lives. ok? :)

k la.. shud stop now.. bye.. :)

::boosting metabolism

at my age, fat somehow becomes our pest.. they just never seem to wanna leave.. no matter what we do, they are still there.. degil nk mampus kalau kita org melayu ckp.. hahaha..

one of the reasons is our low metabolism.. what is metabolism? metabolism is a biochemical process that governs how quickly you turn calories into energy.. other than exercise and diet, we need to also look into what we are eating, n ensure those food will boost our metabolism.. so what food can help us boost our metabolism?

- start early with a smart breakfast that includes only fresh fruits
(cemana nk buat canie.. nasi lemak merata2!! murah lak tu! hahahahaha)

- eat often becoz tat will keep our metabolism pumping all day long.. and when we eat many small meals thru the day, we tend to eat less at one time, which will put less burden on our digestive system and let it work more efficiently..
(yg ni xde masalah, just tat bila tgh bz mana pikir small meals, snacking, etc.. esp kalau meetings back to back kan..)

- eat spicy food, if they're hot enough they'll kick your metabolism into high gear and u'll sweat!
(utk budak n9, takde masalah ni.. my gastric je yg susah..)

- snack smart on lean proteins like nuts/seeds..
(almond is the best..)

- chew your food 25x before swallowing..
(igt tak sunnah nabi kita kunyah 40x? kita ikut nabi kita lg bagus kan.. ^_^)
- eat metabolism boosting food:

Apples Avocado Nut milks

Celery Carrots Seed milks

Garlic Berries Asparagus

Lemons Oranges Cucumbers

Mangos Spinach Pineapple

Onions Turnips Grapefruit

Papaya Broccoli Cauliflower

Cabbage Tomatoes Raw Nuts & Seeds

Lettuce Zucchini Green, Leafy Veggies

and drink water all day long..

::july punya citer::

*fuhhh fuhhhh tiup habuk kat lappie*

salam.. almost sebulan tak update blog.. so this entry is gonna be super long! hehehehe.. this is because the whole month of july, i was bz preparing for a big event organized by hdc, event tu kat kem tentera kat gambang.. since we're not using any event mgt co, hdc staffs were really going head on full force in making sure this event goes smoothly.. the result, kitaorg keje mcm org gila la.. hahahaha.. balik lambat.. smpi umah sambung buat keje lagi.. kesian family terabai sekejap.. 

*one of our billboards..

for the event, we had 90 exhibitor booths + 10 activity booths + 7 pavilion booths + 6 'booths' for autoshow.. so all in, ada 113 booths to manage!!! all these while in my previous jobs, i only hv to manage 1 booth in any exhibition.. so this is very2 new to me.. luckily i have a good exhibition unit manager & friends to help me out.. first of, we had to invite all halal industry players for booth participation.. so nk penuhkan tat 90 booths alone nk kena hantar hundreds of invitation, excluding the email blasts we did.. of course after the invitations we had to do follow ups after follow ups including entertaining soooo many calls everyday!!! sgt2 penat smpi husband call pun tak bole layan.. up to a point, i answered my handphone with 'hdc.. hello.." hahahahaha.. tu belum ckp pun asyik fumble je.. nk ckp bawak barang tersebut bawak bawang.. nk ckp sewa lori pun bole tersebut sori lewa.. byk lagi la, tak igt dah.. hahahahha.. kdg2 smpi umah, tukar baju pastu terus tertido.. 

*besar gila padang ni.. bygkan nk kena lari dari one end to another end.. :P

of course there are many glitches and obstacles in running an event like this.. somehow other ppl in the company thinks our job is simple.. apa susah nk dptkan exhibitors.. boy are they so wrong.. being blamed by the top bosses for not getting enough exhibitors like 1 mth before the event is one of my bitter memories, pdhal byk lagi masa.. those ppl yg panic tak tentu pasal tu yg buat keje ni lagi stressful.. they just dont understand that the companies we invited need to make several levels of decisions just like we do.. yg bestnya, everyday ada je company yg tarik diri, but not more than 1 hour mesti ada another company call nk join.. see bosses, dont need to panic la weyyyyy.. relax laaa.. our booths selling like hot cakes okayyy!! hehe..

preparations need to be done until the last day before we left for kuantan, which is on my birthday.. yeah, i havent even had the time to celebrate my own birthday disebabkan event ni.. but since my MIL's bday falls on the next day, mlm tu ada bday dinner with ajoy's family.. pastu balik rumah buat keje lagi.. then pack2 barang, and the next day off to kuantan.. 

even on the way to kuantan my hp doesnt stop ringing.. the best calls are the calls asking if there are any booths for them to participate.. sorry la, sudah penuh hehehe.. this time pegi kuantan naik bas yg hdc sewa.. bas travel n tour tu.. tp mak datok, bas ni sgt2 lembabbbb.. 5 jam 30min dr damansara nk smpi gambang tau!!! kalau dari klang ke kuantan pun tak patut take that long.. because of that my back sakit gila smpi hari ahad! bila da smpi gambang tu, tgk all the tents are up, mmg rasa so pumped up! 

29th july (friday) is the registration day.. smpi midnite kitaorg kat situ.. penat sgt2!! our exhibition team's teamwork, hardwork & perseverance mmg terbaek!! tq so much korang!! because of them, i dont have to worry bout wats going on in the registration room.. i could run from one section of the exhibition to another.. tak kurus jugak tak tau la kan.. besar pdg bola tau! panas gila pulak tu kat sana.. plg tak best masa hari registration ni, kena marah dgn some exhibitors lg.. kena tengking to be exact.. layan me like m a pencacai pun ada.. to those ppl sorry la that i snapped back, sape suh tengking aku tak pasal2!!

 *registration - very hardworking crew! tq so much!

 *registration - part paling leceh, bg tag pemamer. askar da key in setiap nama we sent to them, so nk kena ikut betul2 yg exhibitors da register.. its not like other exhibitions yg dpt 5-10 tags per booth.. camtu senang je.. yg ni leceh yg amat.. nasib baik yg jaga part ni is marianna yg sgt2 strict! kudos to her.. kalau tak lagi kelam kabut!

30th july is the 1st day of the event.. ramai jugak org.. registration pun kitaorg kena bukak lg smpi 12 noon sbb ada jugak exhibitors yg tak register lg.. and then of course comes the time tuk melayan the exhibitor's needs.. nk meja extra la, nk kusi extra la, trip la, kipas tak function la, mcm2! tp seronok jugak.. mlm tu ada konsert by bdn kesenian tentera darat.. suara diaorg mmg sedap, tp malangnya tak tau sape yg pilih set list diaorg, semua lagu irama malaysia & joget! bosan ar! then they invited siti saerah.. man, that girl CANNOT sing!! suara artis BKTD jauh lagi sedap dr saerah tu.. so disappointing.. 

*gmbr gelap sbb sgt panas terik kat sana..

*the concert.. 

31st july, is the last day.. just cant wait for the event to be over.. today we had to collect feedback aka complaint form from the exhibitors.. i wud say 95% exhibitors complained about the facilities in the camp.. nk buat mcm mana, buat kat tempat org, itu yg diaorg provide, byk restrictions so terpaksa la terima sbb even us the urusetia pun complain about toilets & surau.. other than that, positive feedback about our team, quick responds on their requests/complaints (on electricity)! good job all! and also good response in creating more biz opportunities for the exhibitors.. kalau mcm ni, kalau buat kat tempat public and dlm bandar, responds mesti lagi lagi overwhelming! 

oh yeah, this event was supposed to be launched by the PM.. tp agak expected la PM tak dtg bila kuar article kat paper kata on monday dia ada knee surgery kan.. agak disappointing esp when we are all doing this for him.. but after looking at the bigger pic, yg penting the event was a success.. :) 

my personal result of this event - sakit tekak & hitam legam! tak tau la sempat nk putih balik ke tak utk raya ni! hahahahahahha!!
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