Sunday, September 13, 2009

Halloween Wood Craft Workshops

I've added a St. George, Utah Class..... Saturday, Oct. 3rd 9:00-11:00 a.m. Location to be determined... please contact me if you are interested.
I'm feeling ambitious and I've got my crafts already to go for Halloween!!! I hope you like what I came up with this time.
Mummy Yard Stake- $18 (this would also be cute just sitting on a shelf. Let me know if you'd like to do that and I could cut a base to put him on).
Vampire- $15 (if you're not a Twilight fan:), you could put different text on it like trick or treat or happy halloween)
Ghost Trio- $6 for all 3... if you still need stands they are $3 for all 3.

Wednesday, Sept. 23 6-9pm
Tuesday, Sept. 29th 6-9pm
Thursday, Oct. 1st 6-9pm

***Please let me know what you would like to make and what date you will be attending by Friday, Sept. 18th so I have time to get prepared... although I probably won't turn away any last minute requests.

*** If you haven't been to my classes before, here's how it works. First, I live in South Jordan, Utah and the classes are taught in my home. I provide the wood and all the supplies. You come one of the nights and make your craft. You don't need to be there exactly at 6:00... most of the crafts go pretty quickly. If you are not able to make any of the dates, I am pretty flexible and could have you come some other time or you're welcome to do the crafts on your own at home. I also custom cut wood, so if you have anything you need cut, just let me know. I am willing to ship the wood, so please email me if you're interested.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Top 5 Favorites... Name the Dress Form Contest/Giveaway

Scroll down to the next post for details of the contest
Okay, so I have to tell you how this contest has gone for me. The first time I went to our blog after posting the contest, I saw that there were about 7 comments. I was about to click to see what names people had thought of and I thought.... wait a minute. What if the name I like best is my sister-in-law and I want to have her win so I pick her name... or I don't want to pick her name because I don't want people to think I'm playing favorites. So, I determined that I could never look at the comments. So, I had Cami email me the names. She mixed them all up so that I wouldn't know who had commented first or last. She said that if people left more than one name, that she took the first name they left, but still included them in the contest. Can I say how hard it was? Lot's of creative names out there. But, after going through the list and narrowing it down, my 5 top favorites are......

Brown Sugar


Zola Mae


Poly Ester

I put the names up on a poll on the side bar and you have until Thursday, Sept. 17th at midnight to vote. So, if you're one of the lucky 5 (and I don't know who you are) go and get your friends to vote for you so that you can win my super cute apron!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Name the Dress Form CONTEST/GIVEAWAY!!!


Stay tuned to vote for your favorite name from Anisa's choices.

Do you remember this cute Dress Form from our 1 Craft 3 Ways post? Well, I got her at a Garage Sale for $5!!! My most exciting purchase of the summer. I love her. She is vintage... I love vintage stuff. I love the neutral brown. I love her. But, here's the thing.... she needs a name! and I need your help naming her. So, I'm going to have a contest. Read carefully...... Name the Dress Form Contest: Here's how it's going to work. You will need to leave a COMMENT with a Unique Name for her. (by unique, I mean that you need to read through the comments to make sure someone hasn't already used your name.) On Friday, Sept. 11th at 10:00 p.m. I will read through all of the comments and pick my 5 favorite names. I will then put those names up on the side bar with a poll so that our readers can vote for their favorite name. The poll will be on our site for about a week. When the poll closes, we'll see what name is everyone's favorite and my dress form will officially be named. The person that chose the name for the dress form, will win this ApROn.... I got the fabric for this apron at Pine Needles in Gardner Village. I love their fabric!!! I can't wait to see the names that everyone comes up with!!! -Anisa

Friday, September 4, 2009

Swiss Days in Midway, Utah

I went with a friend to Swiss Days in Midway, Utah over the weekend. It is a HUGE craft fair with lots of fun stuff. We went for crafting ideas:) Anyway, I just thought I would highlight a few of my favorite boutiques at Swiss Days...
Cale & Company Design Sweet and Shabby Designs Vinylicious Designs Me and Mom's Hats
We have some talented crafters out there!!! -Anisa

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'm a little obsessed with Owls!!!

Okay, so after last month's wood craft workshops at my home, I got such a huge response to owls, that I went a little crazy.... I made a cute yard stake for my little boy's silent auction at his school (sorry, I donated it before I thought to take a picture....I guess I'll have to make another one). And my sister-in-law and I made this adorable wreath! I just love it. It's already on my front door weather it's fall or not!!!
I have been having fun designing a lot of my own wood crafts. You can find some of them finished or unfinished in my Etsy shop The Craft Menagerie (link is in our side bar). I will gradually be adding finished and unfinished products to my shop. If you are local, stay tuned for my October-themed crafts which I will be doing at the end of September.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Seed Beads

We didn't receive any seed bead projects from our readers this month, but we hope you'll join us in next months' challenge! Below are some beautiful items I found on (complete with link to seller) that use seed bead in wonderful ways. Seller's link here Seller's link here Seller's link here Seller's link here

I began using seed beads on a canvas bag I've been embroidering and I used them on this scrapbook page about my daughter's newly-discovered love of beading.

Hey, speaking of scrapbooking...

Did you notice our new links section (to the right) that puts blogs for specific craft types in to various categories? Well, under the Scrapbook and Photography Inspiration is a link to Twiddle-Scraps. Click on it (or here) and you'll be transported to a gallery of our personal scrapbook pages that you can scroll through for ideas on scrapbooking your own photos and memories. Check it out!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

1 Craft-3 Ways: Aprons

For our 1 Craft 3 Ways this month we decided to make aprons. It was so fun to see the different patterns and fabric that we each chose. I have a friend who is an awesome cake decorator. She teaches classes at Hobby Lobby and I told her a LONG time ago that I would make her an apron. So, I finally made her one for her birthday! I bought this cute fabric at Hobby Lobby:) I don't do well with patterns, but my mother-in-law had an apron similar to THIS pattern that you can buy at Material Girls. I just kind of looked at the pattern and made my own version. I will do a tutorial for this apron in the near future or you can purchase the pattern here. I went a little apron crazy and I have another apron in the works that is made out of a pillow case (tutorial coming soon) I also made an apron similar to this one that I am going to be GIVING AWAY soon in a CONTEST that we have coming up.... stay tuned!!! Anisa

Aprons are the uniform of motherhood. I didn't believe that until I put one on while I was cleaning my kitchen. Guess what? I wanted to clean! But, I'm not in love with the aprons I have in my drawer already. This post was the perfect opportunity to create a new and beautiful uniform that I would love wearing. The fabric was found at a local quilting store on clearance and the pattern came from my moms stash. (Seriously, we're talking the late 70s!) When I saw the simplicity of the aprons, I knew it would be easy to update it. Instead of making the the neck strap and waist ties out of fabric, I used some inch-wide grosgrain ribbon that contrasted with my main colors. I also added the yellow gingham ruffle to the bottom for a little extra femininity. It was such a quick and easy apron and I love that it wraps completely around me. (In fact, Cami told me-ok, she dared me- I should wear it to church. Looking at this photo, I almost could!)

Angie I had no desire to make an apron per se, but looked forward to sharpening my sewing skills (which compared to Angie's and Anisa's, need a lot of work). I asked a small group of friends if anyone wanted an apron. At least three volunteered to help by accepting one. I'm lucky that some graciously deferred and I only had to make one.

However, as soon as I started flipping through Angie's copy of A is for Apron, I found myself in love with at least three different ones and came home with the fabric store with fabric for nearly that many.

I settled on this one for starters. A simple, big pocketed design which filled Jeana's only requirement: she wanted a big bow in the back.


Monday, August 24, 2009

We love our readers!

We love our readers. And we especially love it when are readers work on crafts and we get to see what they do! Here are a couple that were sent in to us.
Liberty sent us these adorable pillows! They are made out of old button up shirts! How cool is that?
Shellie made these cute Placemat Purses after she saw Angie's post on them. Love them.... and that little girl is adorable too:) Sydney sent us this super cute purse that she made. She found the tutorial here on Lula Louise. I especially love the button on the front! It looks like we had a lot of our reader sewing this month... we've been busy sewing too! Check back later this week for our One Craft 3 Ways... we made aprons!!! And don't forget if you made anything with Seed Beads to send those in... we'd like to post your projects on our blog!
