This blog has gone pretty quiet so let me tell you where I have got up to so far. Basically I have been thinking up ideas, doodling in my 12 x 12 journal then going off them!
So first I was haunted by the line 'Life is like a box of chocolates' from Forest Gump. Deciding early on that I could be inspired by chocolate without making a brown quilt, I got to a grid, probably very colourful with bonded shapes in the grid the shapes of Milk Tray chocolates. Only instead of the identifying squiggles of chocolate would be 'life' symbols. Mmmm, maybe still a goe-er.
But then began to research chocolate and considered a portrayal of Questzalcoatl, the Aztec God who brought chocolate to earth from the heavens. Maybe a muli-media version. That is made partly with chocolate wrappers....
Or - this as I watched a TV commerical about hair dyes named after chocolate flavours - how about Turkish Delight - all minarets and veils and well, collaged Turkish things. An fully formed vision of that came immediately to mind, but it was never going to fit into a 12 x 12 format and in any event was beyond my capabilties at the moment so back to the doodling book....
So, how about chocolate dipped things. A whole quilt made of chocolate dipped orange segments. More doodling, then.... POW!... another idea, a really fun idea, a more lateral thinking, word related idea......which is secret for now becuase it is my current favourite. Let me just say, it involves the pillow book of Sei Shongagon and more blue than chocolate brown.....