Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Oct Misc

 Oct Misc...

Davyn learning how to mow the lawn for the first time

Corbin getting Frozen yogurt to celebrate his straight A's this quarter

Taking My dad shopping and to lunch.  He lives with Tami now so he is a lot closer to hang out with.

Halloween 2023

Halloween 2023 was a blast.  We had our annual party.  The kids played soccer, went trick or treating, had a dance party, and sorted through candy and traded with friends. 

Nelson and Trev handing our candy

Corbin and Brendan

Annabelle, Kaylee, Brendan, and Corbins


Monday, October 30, 2023

Freeze Dryer

We have done a lot of experiments with the freeze dryer over the last few months. The boys love the fruit, ice cream and candy,

Saturday, October 28, 2023


All my boys played soccer this season. Corbin was on Aidans' rec team so it was nice for Aidan to drive them to practices.  Trev was the twins coach so he took them so this season I had it pretty easy and would just make sure dinners were ready when they got home.

Corbin scored a goal and this was part of his celebration...which he got yellow carded for but what can ya do.

Aidan played rec soccer and Shadow high school team.  He tried out all three years and he finally made it this year. He practiced and trained so hard over the last year cause he was bound and determined to make it this year. I am so proud at how hard he works to accomplish his goals and dreams.  

He is his award ceremony.  


Golf is new Hobby

 Gold has become Trev's new hobby .  I love it cause the boys can do it with them and they are getting pretty good.  I don't even know how many times they have gone in the last couple of months.  The boys love the one on one time they get.  They are lucky to have a daddy like theirs.


Jade with his backward hat (which I love)


Dad, Davyn and Corbin

eating their hotdog between the 9th and 10th holes

Friday, October 27, 2023


VGK is definitely an obsession for some people on my house. We are lucky enough to get invited to go with GMa and Papa to many games.  The boys love to ride the bus and get dinner before the game.  Sometimes the games are late and they need a rest on the way home.



Jade and Mom

Someone needing a rest on the way to the game


Carmel Girls Trip

I am blessed to have BFF who will take trips with me.  I love them time we get to relax, refuel, unwind, laugh and have deep conversations.  I come back loving my family and life and ready to take it on for another year. It is my therapy that gets me through.  We went to Carmel California and stopped by Big Sur to see the red woods.  We ate too much, laughed until we peed, stayed up late, slept in and came back better moms and wives because of it.  I am one lucky girl to have a husband who supports and encourages me to have time to myself.