Friday, July 31, 2020

July Misc

July Misc...

Trev taking a break while shopping at Sam's Club

Cousins eating popsciles.

Aidan's snack of spinach

Fresh Tomatoes from Tami's garden...Maddox, Jade, Davyn

Sister Night at Tina's house...Toresa had already left

Cousin sleepover

Gravady....Corbin, Davyn, Jade

Grandpa took us out for lunch and ice cream

Corbin and mommy date to McD and getting school supplies.

Mount Charleston Hike

Trista and I took the kids up to Mount Charleston to get out for a bit.  WE tried a new hike and it was pretty and shaded but it was all up hill so the kids struggled on the way up, but we stopped and put up the hammock and ate.  It was just nice to spend time out and with cousins.  Trista also has a 15 passenger van so we all rode together which is half the fun.  

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Beach Trip

Being quarantined has taken its tole on us so we decided to sneak away for a day.  Trista, Me, KK and her 2 friends Whitney and Micah.  We woke up early and drove to the beach.

They played in the sand, boogie boarded and body surfed.

We also rode bikes up the boardwalk and ate lunch.

Walked the pier

and finished the day boogie boarding and playing around.

We grabbed some dinner and made the 4 hour drive home.  

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Mount Charleston Hike

Trev and I joined Dan for a hike up Mount Charleston.  We did the north loop. It was 16 miles and it was not easy.  The first 4.5 miles is straight up hill.  It was so hot by the time we got done.   I love doing hard things but I makes me feel my age when I am spent for the next 2 days.   

Monday, July 13, 2020

Hot Tub is Finally Here

Definitely worth the wait....only took 4 months but it’s finally in and just at the right time. Quarantine is hard when it’s so hot but now they have something to do to keep cool. They playedfor over 5 hours and then Trev and I went out at night when kids were in bed.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Duck Creek #8

We cleaned and got everything loaded.  On the way home we stopped in Logandale to let the twins ride.  It was so hot we didn't last long.

I was so tired when we got home I went straight to bed.

Trev's war wound from his dirt bike.