Monday, April 30, 2018

April Misc

April Misc...

Snuggle time at G Ma and Papa's house

The boys counting down the days until their Bday

Jumping on tramp at new house

Sacrement take over of my phone

How to entertain so many

My first activity in my new ward...I may have been loud and competitive

Just a small shopping trip to Sam's Club

Trying to coordinate outfits for our family pictures 

KK sleeping under her desk 

Friday, April 27, 2018

Decorating New House

We moved and I never want to do that again.  It was so overwhelming to go through everything and decide what you want to keep or get rid of.  I am so happy to be in our new home and to be unpacked but now the hard part happens on deciding how you want to decorate.  I enjoy it more than I thought I would.

The twins room

They love their new bunk beds 

Aidan and Corbins room

I am having the hardest time figuring out our picture wall.  Not sure if I am completely happy but I like it.

KK told me I can not shop anymore since it looks like Hobby Lobby threw up in our home.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Take your kids to work day

It was take your kids to work day.  Trev doesn't really have and office that can handle these boys so we ditched school anyways and daddy met up with us at the Golden Knights Hockey Practice.  It was freezing and we were ill prepared for the cold.  Also it started and hour later than we thought so the boys were antsy when it started so we didn't last very long. 

After the practice, daddy went back to work and we Chipotle for lunch.  

Aidan found another food that is "his favorite"

We then got my car washed and had a treat while we waited.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Davyn lost first tooth

Davyn lost his first tooth.  I didn't even know it was loose until it was ready to be pulled.  Daddy pulled it out.  It was a sad day for me.  My babies are growing up just a little more each day.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

County Fair

We love the country fair.  It has been a few years since we have gone but Corbin insisted we go this year so we did.  We skipped school and went with our cousins. My kids had a blast.  

davit (red) Jade (green)

Gavin and Aidan

petting the pigs

Davyn had to take a picture with the baby chicken

Going fishing...

their reward

KK paid to take a picture with a pig.  She is my animal lover for sure

Daddy surprised us and showed up later...Daddy with Davyn

Daddy with Jade

Preston, Annabelle, and Corbin

Peyton and KK

Corbin and Daddy

The boys with a girl they made friends with and rode rides with

Annabelle and KK