Thursday, August 31, 2017

Aug Misc

Aug Misc....

Dance party

snuggling in KK's bed while she is at school

Our friends from New York...Ella, KK, Paisley, Vivi
Aidan and Devin trying to catch balls in their mouths

Glow in the dark party

Cleaning out garbage can

Trev messing with his new app

Boy slumber party on the floor in between their beds.  I will be sad when they want to stop sleeping together.

KK's treats she leaves on my phone

The boys running while I follow along in my car

Bike ride with this hunk

Davyn being the photographer

Davyn and KK

Monday, August 28, 2017

Water FHE

I love traditions.  We started a few years ago a FHE water games.  We invite a few families to come join us.  This year my friend Christina put it on this year.  We smarted up and changed to a park with water so we didn't have to pack it in.  


We ended the night with dodgeball.

Saturday, August 19, 2017


Bowling night....

They look so happy and excited for me to make them take a picture

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Corbin Impersonations

Corbin is definitely the comedian in our family.  He is constantly saying or doing the sillies things.  While me and KK were watching a show in our bed, Corbin walked in dressed up and acting like someone else.

Here he is KK...he is wearing her high heels and is reading 2 books because KK is always reading.

Next he came in as me...robe and mug....since that is all I do all day is lounge around.

Monday, August 14, 2017

First day of school

How did they get so old?  How did I get so old?  All my kids are gone all day.  The twins started kindergarten but its full day so I have 6 hours each day to get all I need to done by MYSELF.  I am not going to lie the first month or so was so hard on me but now I am getting into a routine and it't not so bad but I do secretly like when they are sick cause I have buddy to snuggle and hang out with one on one.






The first day for kindergarteners they get to eat breakfast with their parents and then the teacher comes get them and brings them to class.  Its easier to say good bye this way then on the playground.

KK is going to a new middle school so this is us checking it out the week before school started so she would know her way around.

Corbin was with us and wanted picture with the dragon.