Friday, April 27, 2012

CiCi's pizza

Our ward did a play group at CiCi's Pizza again.  I was half tempted not to go cause I have already done it a handle full of times, but then I had to remind myself that Corbin and Aidan haven't.  Aidan had a blast.  Corbin had fun at the beginning but by the end he was in melt down mode.  It was his nap time and he definitely needed one.

Aidan and  Corbin making their pizza,  They named it Batman,

Aidan eating the pizza he made while watching TV

Corbin was in complete melt down mode so I gave him a movie to watch.

I am glad I went but I was so happy to leave.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Corbin doing Crafts

Corbin loves to color and paint especially on my walls.  He is my first child who does this on a regular basis.  I figured it is probably because I did a lot of crafts with my other children when they were his age, but with Corbin not so much.  I just have so many other things to do that I don't even think about it, 

So the other day I broke out our paints and let him loose.  He loved it.  He ended up with a lot on his little body but he had fun.  I wished I would of got a picture of the finished product but didn't.
I love this little boy!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Twins Baby Shower

I thought my baby shower for Corbin was going to be my last one but who knew twins were in my future. Andrea and Peck threw me this awesome shower.  

Peck made the invitations and they turned out so cute.

Andrea and Peck out did themselves with the food.  They had so many yummy desserts.  The strawberries covered in chocolate and lemon sugar were awesome.

I am one lucky girl to have so many friends and family who love me.  I was definitely spoiled this shower.

A few snap shots of those who attended....

Thanks to Kassie...all my presents were organized and my tissue paper and gift bags were folded nicely.

The planning of the shower couldn't of been better.  My best friend that I have known since birth but who now lives in New York just happened to be in town the week of my shower.  She is the one on the left (Julianne), Karisa is in the middle and I have known her since 6th grade.  She just had her second baby two months ago.  I love them dearly and am grateful for their friendship.

Thanks to everyone who spoiled us so.  We are extremely lucky to be so loved.

Easter 2012

The kids were excited to wake up Easter morning and find their baskets filled.  Our Easter bunny fills the baskets with little toys but he hides the eggs around the house for them to find.




They were excited when we let them loose to find their eggs.

It was nice this year cause we had a lesson on what Easter is about and why we celebrate it and the kids actually understood and kept referencing back to the lesson.  Its nice when the things you say to your kids actually make a difference. 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Annual Slack Easter Party

We had our annal Slack Easter party this year at my dad's house.  He has a huge backyard with trees to give plenty of shade. The kids were in heaven.  They loved being able to run around and get dirty and I love not having to chase them.  Corbin was obsessed with my dad's hose since my dad was watering his trees. 

I love this picture of him

Our party consisted of lunch, the Easter egg hunt....

Three legged race...
Aidan and Cody getting ready

Aidan and Kaylee giving it a try.  It was quite hilarious to watch them.

KK and Victoria

Corbin wanted so bad to try it.  I gave in and went with him.  It lasted only a few feet before he was finished.

And last but not least the sack races....

He only lasted with me sitting in his lap for this picture.

My dad's turtle actually came out of his hole so the kids had fun feeding it the leftover food from lunch.

It was fun as always. 

Trev's Eating Goal

We make this dish that we call Mexican lasagna.  Its made with corn tortillas instead of pasta and tomatillos instead of spaghetti sauce.  Anyways, Trev loves it.  Every time I make it he says he thinks he could eat the whole 9 x13 pan.  Well, one Sunday he made himself his own 8x8 pan and set out to eat it in one sitting.  I harassed him that is wasn't the 9x13 pan and kept teasing him about it so he wasn't to happy when I wanted to document his experience.  As you can tell with his hand being held to the camera.

I convinced him to look at the camera cause I told him his pictures were going to look stupid on the blog.

I am happy to say he did finish the whole pan. I just know next time not to harass him about it.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Dye Easter Eggs

Easter was kind of low key this year cause of course I have no energy.  We just dyed Easter eggs.  The kids had fun drawing designs on the eggs.

KK and I loved eating the eggs.  Nobody else liked them but that just left more for us!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hospital Stay

My first admittance to the hospital this pregnancy. 

I had been feeling really crappy on Wednesday and had no energy.  That night I woke up at 1 am in such pain that I could no longer sleep.  My eyes felt like they were going to pop out of my head.  I would go from hot to shivering and vice versa.  I couldn't breathe.  Finally around 4am, I woke Trev up and made him go to the store to buy me Tylenol, since that is all I can take and of course we have none.  I take it and it makes me feel better but not great.  Around 5 in the morning. I finally feel OK enough to take a shower.  It makes me feel better and I am able to sleep from 530 to 730 before I have to get up and get KK ready for school.  Around 930 that morning, I start feeling like I want to die again.  Plus, I can't remember feeling the babies move all night.  I call my doctor and she tells me to go directly to the hospital.  We get the kids situated and head to the hospital.  They admit me and instantly hook me up to monitor the babies.  They tell me I am really dehydrated and put an IV in.  After a while of being monitored and getting bombarded with fluids, I start to feel a lot better. They release me a little while later and tell me to keep myself hydrated.  I thought I was but apparently not.  It still took me a few days to start feeling like myself again, but it was nothing like that first day.  I can't remember that last time I felt that bad.  I just hope its my last hospital stay until the babies are born.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Maternity Shoot

I have never gotten maternity pictures taken.  Just the thought of having proof of how big I am never excited me.  I don't know what has changed.  It probably has something to do with the fact that I know this will be my last pregnancy.  So my friend has an awesome camera that she is still learning about and she offered to play around taking pictures of me and the kids.  I thought why not?  Who knows what these pictures will mean to me in 10 or 20 years. 

We made an afternoon of it.  We packed snacks and picked up a pizza for dinner and headed to the park.

I was 30 weeks when these pictures were taken. I think some of them turned out really cute.

 KK is gorgeous and she loves to take pictures so the ones with her turned out the best.

Corbin wanted nothing to do with me and he would smile fine if I wasn't close by.

I have proof that at one time in their life they liked each other.

He's my bud and when he saw KK taking pictures he was more than happy to give it a try...his attention span just isn't as long as hers.

This is the only half way cute picture I have with him and as you can tell it is not taken very willingly on his behalf.

I am so grateful for my kids even when they are being naughty.