Monday, February 27, 2012

New Hair Cut

We were letting Aidan's hair grow out but I came home to find Aidan in the bathroom with a pair of scissors.  He was cutting his hair over the trash can.  I guess he was afriad I would get mad if he made a mess.  Of course it had to be right in the center of his head.  There was no getting around shaving his head.

This was the before

And after....can you tell he wasn't to happy about it.  He cried during most of the hair cut.

It is so easy to get him to smile even when he is whining.  I love this angel face even if I hate his shaved head.

Twins Room

Trev was the smart one and convinced me to get the boys room organized and decorated early. Since he will be in school and I will have less energy the closer it gets to my due date.  We decided on a music room theme with the colors being red, grey, and black.  Trev did most of it himself.  I think it turned out cute for how cheap of a budget we had.

For sure one of our boys names will be Davyn. Owen is a possibiity but not for sure.

We have another wall with a mirror and music notes surrrounding it but I didn't take a picture.

Only 12 more weeks until we get to meet them.  I am excited and scared.  I hope I am ready for this new adventure.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Park for the Holiday

It has been such nice weather so we thought we would take advantage of it being a holiday and eat dinner and play at the park.  My kids definitely needed to get out and release some energy. 

Corbin trying to climb up the rope.

Aidan is so afraid to go down the slides.  The only way he will go down is to force him to go down kicking and screaming the first time so he can see they are not scary.  After that we can't get him off.

Here he is going down the first time.  When I saw that he had flipped inside and came out head first, I was prepared for tears and screaming but he hopped up and ran up the stairs to do it again.   

We ended the night with the kids riding their razors down a big hill.

And with them rolling down the big hill

It was a nice way to spend the holiday!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Craft Necklace

I used to do a lot of crafts with KK and realized I had been slacking when it came to Aidan so the other day me and Aidan broke out a craft.  We had to trace different designs on this special paper and cut them out. We then had to bake them.  They went from the size of 4 inches to about the size of 1 inch.  It also went from being soft to being rock solid.  We made them into necklace charms.  It was actually really cool to watch.

Well when KK saw what we had made she wanted in on the fun so we made some more.

They wear them all the time. I love when a craft is easy yet super fun.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Daddy Daughter Dance

I know I have said it before but I am going to say it again.  I love KK's school.  It truly was the best decision to send her there.  Anyways, they had a daddy daughter dance.  It was for k-5th grade.  KK was so excited when Trev decided to miss school so he could take her to it.  They had to get dressed up and Trev decided to match her outfit.

Before they went to the dance, Trev took KK shopping.  She has been wanting high heels so he let her pick a pair out.  I think this was the highlight of her night.

When they got to the dance they were given a corsage, had their picture taken, and were able to dance to music played by a real DJ.    KK loved dancing with all her friends.

After the dance they went to dinner at IN N OUT...her favorite.

KK is so lucky to have a daddy who loves her so much!!!! She will always be his special little girl!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day

I love any reason to do something special so Valentine's Day is the perfect day for me.  We decorated the kids bathroom with a love note and they woke up to these little presents.

KK got a little doll and a necklace (I love her hair in the morning before I have the opportunity to tame it down)

Aidan got some legos

Corbin got some bath toys.

I hope my kids know how much I love them and not just on Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Visiting the Temple

Our new church time is 1pm.  I feel like we sit around all day just waiting to leave for church so last Sunday we got ready early and headed to the temple.  The kids, especially KK, have been asking about it a lot lately so I thought it would be nice to take her up there and let her walk around the temple grounds.

We didn't stay long since it was windy and Corbin wasn't coorperating but it was still worth it.

I am so blessed to have the gospel in my life.  It truly helps me be a better person. I am also grateful for the family I have been blessed with.  I love my little angels!!!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

29th Birthday

Trev's birthday got overshadowed this year by my birthday.  He told me that this year his birthday is an eclipse and next year mine will be since it will be his 30th birthday. 

He did get some presents that he wasn't expecting but he did convince me to let him open them the night before.  He is so impatient and hates surprises.
How did I get so lucky to be married to such a sexy man?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

30th Birthday

Where has the time gone?  How did I get to be so old?  It is still surreal to me that I am 30.  I never thought I would hit this milestone. 

 It was an awesome and relaxing birthday.  It started out with Trev and the kids waking me up to this....

And this....(lemon birthday favorite)

And this...monkey bread(my favorite dessert for breakfast) of course Trev had to make it black since I am so much closer to death now.

And favorite breakfast when I am pregnant.

Trev made me a special shirt so everyone would know just how old I am.

I was lucky enough to have a birthday weekend not just one day but two.  We dropped the kids off to my favorite mother in law and she kept them for two days.  Trev still had school and studying but I kept myself busy by reading a book. clothes shopping, going to lunch and movie with one of my Besties...and of course when Trev was free hanging out with my man.  We were able to go to dinner Friday night at the Cheesecake and then go shopping to spend some of my gift cards.

I am so lucky to be married to a man who knows just want I need...and I definitely needed this weekend.  I love him so much!!!!!

Here is a picture of what I looked like on my 30th birthday...23 weeks pregnant with twin boys.