It has needed to happen for a while but we have been slackers. All of KK's friends have learned to ride their bikes without training wheels but we haven't even tried to teach her. Well she got a new bike for Christmas so we thought it was a perfect time to show her how the big girls do it. We went to the Dinosaur park so we would have a big space to let her practice.
The kids and I played in the sand
While Trev taught her how to ride her bike. She cried at the beginning cause she hates change and is very hesitant to try things if she thinks there is a chance she might get hurt.
She ended up doing really well. She has a hard time getting started cause the bike is a tad to high but if Trev holds it while she gets on and steadies herself she does fine. She can ride and stop with no problem. We just need to practice the starting a little more.
I am proud of her for trying it even though she was scared.