Sunday, May 26, 2013


Meet Bam.  He is the newest member of our family.  Yes, he is cute.  But dont let his cute little puppy face fool you...hes a little fart.  Hes not a bad puppy, but he is a PUPPY which means he is work. We are currently crate training him and its going pretty well.  The kids, Uncle Nic, and Mike love him, and the little buggar is growing on me.  Hopefully he can be fully house-trained soon so I dont go crazy.  Although I think I already have considering I agreed to have a second dog....  anyways, here's Bam, our new, cute little Chocolate Lab puppy.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

And Then She's THREE

On April 30th, this little turkey turned THREE YEARS OLD.  And boy do we know it!!  About a week before her birthday, its like a switch was flipped and this girl definitely showed us that she was turning three, and not in a good way  :/  I always say that whoever said that the Two's were Terrible, they were on something.  Because for me, the Three's with my kids have been FAR worse.  Zoey used to be my laid back one, whatever, go with the flow attitude...and she still is somewhat, but man-oh-man, when that "switch" was flipped, all of a sudden this girl has an opinion about everything.  And if she doesnt like something, she will for sure let you know it!  

Happy Birthday our sweet (or not-so-sweet) Zoey!!  We are so glad you were born into our family and that you are our's.  Life wouldnt be the same with out you!!

Favorite Color:  Purple
Favorite Animal:  Puppy
Favorite Characters:  Hello Kitty and My Little Pony
Best Friends:  Adelaide & Kim
Favorite Disney Character:  Brave (Merida)
Favorite Movie:  Rio
Favorite Cartoon show:  Duck Tales (my kind of girl)
Favorite Food:  anything Vegetable or Fruit--this girl is my GOOD and HEALTHY eater
Loves doing:  Hanging out with her big sister, Addie, riding her princess scooter, and jumping on the trampoline

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

South Carolina

Wow, I suck at blogging.  Ok here we go....

On 04.20.2013, we headed off to the Carolinas with our good friends, the Chandler's.  That night, we arrived to my parents house in Charlotte where we got to relax and enjoy some time in the hot tub--which felt fabulous especially after a 13 hour drive.  The next day was Sunday, we decided to just stay at my parents house, chill a bit, and attend my parent's church.  Monday morning came and we headed off into South Carolina to my parents lake house that sits right on Lake Wateree.  We had a blast relaxing, swimming, and boating.  I, unfortunately did not get a whole lot of pictures since I was doing all the driving on the boat.  I will have to steal some pictures from the Chandlers when I get the chance.

After spending 2 days at the Lake House full of boating, swimming, kneeboarding, and water skiing, that Wednesday, we headed down to Charleston to spend a few days.  Once getting to Charleston, we stopped for lunch at one of our favorite local spots, Juanita Greenburgs.  After filling our bellies, we dropped our stuff off at the condo that we had the pleasure of staying in for FREE  (thanks to some friends), and we then headed for the beach.  

The girls-- Zoey, Kimmerle, Addison, Emilie



Nana and Zoey

Nothing like digging in the sand

Thursday morning, we all got up, went out for breakfast and then headed for downtown Charleston to do some shopping and sightseeing.  We started off at the Markets, buying crap that we dont really need.  After walking through the markets, we headed for Waterfront Park so the kids could go swimming in the fountains there.  When it came to planning the parks in downtown Charleston, they were very smart in making it possible for kids and adults alike to go swimming in the fountains--the kids and parents LOVE IT.

Rhett and cousin Peter

Splashin around

Zoey, Emilie, Addison

Zoey and Addison pictured on the pier

Another attempted shot at all 3 of the kiddos

Our lil man

After swimming at the Waterfront fountain, we headed for the famous Pineapple Fountain in Waterfront Park.  The Pinapple fountain is an icon for Charleston.  It is a must see when one visits good ole' Chuck Town

The girls splashing around the Pineapple Fountain

Me and the Mr

After spending some time at Waterfront Park, we walked over to the Battery (another famous spot in Charleston), to do some more sightseeing..

I always get all kinds of crap for never posting pictures of HERE you GO!  Aint I a hottie?!?!?!

The girls climbing on the cannon balls---the Battery played a part in the Revolutionary War, hence the cannon balls that are there

The girls pictured along the waterfront
Zoey, Kimmerle, Emilie, Addison

Me and my Addison

Me and my Rhett

Addison wanted to pose in front of this gate, and "posed" she did

Mike and Rhett pictured in front of the same gate

 Our Zoey

After touring Charleston all day, we headed over to Coconut Joe's on Isle of Palms for dinner.  Coconute Joe's has decent food, but you definitely go for the atmosphere of it all.  It sits right on the beach and has gorgeous views of the Atlantic.  We had the pleasure of meeting up with Mike's family for dinner.  Papa, Grandma Linda, cousins Brennan and Jordan, Aunt Melissa, and Uncle Kim all came down to see us.  Although our visit was short, it was nice to see everyone that we could.

 Brennan and Addison pictured here with Papa

A horrible attempt at getting a picture of the grandkids with Papa

Mike and his brother, Kim

The Turok Men
Rhett, Papa, Jordan, Mike, Kim, Brennan

Friday morning came, and the plans were to head to Chester, SC to my dad's property that he owns.  But we couldnt leave Charleston without a little more beach time.  So we snuck in some that morning before leaving.

The girls, again---if you can read in the sand, it says "Turok's & Chandler's SC 2013

Rhett is ALL boy, he loves his dirt, sand, and sticks.  Needless to say, he was in heaven being at the beach

And here he is again...

And again...

Addie and Zoey having the time of their lives

Little man, at 15 months, FINALLY decided to START to walk--he still has a little ways to go

Although the water was a bit chilly, my friend Heather and I decided that we didnt come all this way NOT to get into the indeed we did, and we loved it!

After a few hours at the beach, we hit the road again and drove the 2 hours to Chester, SC to my dad's "farm" where we spent the whole afternoon riding 4-wheelers, shooting guns, and enjoying my dad's famous Dutch Oven Cooking.  It was a great way to end our vacation.  Again, I didnt get many pictures b/c i was too busy riding 4-wheelers and shooting guns to do so.

 Grandpa Ladd with Zoey and Addison

Riding with Grandpa

 Rhett going for a ride

Saturday came and the Chandler's took off to visit some friends in the Durham, NC area.  We decided to stay another night and then headed home that Sunday.  We had a blast on our Vacay, and it made us realize how much we miss living in the Carolinas (sigh) one day we will be BACK!!  Thanks mom and  dad for everything and thank you Chander's for putting up with us for a week!!!