Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Carolinas On Our Minds

Are you sitting down??  Ok, good.  Because this is one, very long post.  Just warning you.

We were able to take a trip back home down South for about 10 days.  It was a long and exhausting trip, but SO very worth it.  Our trip began on August 13th, when just me, the kids, and the dog headed out on our 13 hour drive to Charlotte.  Yes, thats right, ONE of me + THREE kids + ONE dog = One Crazy Mamma trying to do it all.  BUT, I am happy to say that we made it all in 1 piece, and I am just so grateful that my kids and dog travel well b/c all of them rocked that drive down there.  Ok, so here goes our trip in days and pictures....ready??  Ok, GO!

DAY 1:  The Drive, we made it alive--as just mentioned

DAY 2:  We got to play that day at Nana's house.  We were able to hang out with my sister Heather, her 2 boys Will and Peter, and my brother Christian.  We headed to the mall that day, in which afterwards we came back to Nana and Grandpa's house to do some swimming.

DAYS 3 - 5:  My parents just bought a fancy shmancy lake house on Lake Wateree in South Carolina.  The house comes complete with a boat and all.  So we headed there and got to join up with my dad, mom, Uncle Cameron, and my sister Emily, her hubs Brad, and cousins Macey and Sunny.  First thing we did was hop on the boat to do a little tubing.  This was Addison's first time on a tube being pulled by a boat...she LOVED it.  Thats my girl!!  b/c if my kids cant like the water, we might have a problem.  

Rhett and Lucy on the boat ride...they werent digging the life jackets too much.

Addie and Macey on the tube

Heather, Will, Me, and Zoey going for a ride

Captain Ladd Hall

So my sister Emily threw Zoey into the water, she wasnt a fan b/c of the life jacket.  It was quite hilarious watching her trying to figure out how to float in the darn thing.

Swimming at the "beach" area of the lake house

Swimming off of the boat dock

Uncle Cameron and Rhett on the boat

Zoey LOVED riding on Grandpa's boat...I think she went out on every boat trip

Nana and Rhett

On Day 5 or our trip, after spending the morning at the Lake House, we all headed back to Charlotte, got the kids dressed up in matching outfits---compliments of Nana, and of course, what kind of trip would it be if we didnt get yet, another, grandkid photo.  As always, they are all over the place since the Grandkid total is up to 8 kiddos now.  But here they all are--um mmm (me clearing my throat):  Zoey, Addison, Macey, Sunny, Will, Lucy, Peter, Rhett, and Will.

After all the photo taking, we headed off to my brother Christian's football game.  Go Mavericks, they KILLED it.  

DAY 6:  We woke up and headed on down to good ole' Chuck Town (aka Charleston, SC) to visit and stay with Mike's side of the family.  We got to Mike's dad's house that afternoon where his dad set up a BBQ with some of the family.  We had a great time visiting with Mike's Aunt Laura, brother Kim, nephews Jordan and Brennan, and of course PaPa and Grandma Linda.  The girls and Rhett got to take a ride on PaPa's tractor and they thought that was a lot of fun, except for Rhett--he wasnt a big fan of it.

Mike, Jordan, PaPa, Rhett, Kim

The girls taking a ride on PaPa's tractor

 Grandma Linda and Rhett----Rhett was doing his signature "Ladd" look

 All 3 kids on the tractor, Zoey was picking at her bug bites, Rhett was screaming, and Addie was enjoying all the attention....gotta love it

DAY 7:  It was a pretty low key day.  It was Sunday, so we went to church with Mike's dad and Linda.  The singles branch meets in the same building so we were able to see some old buddies of ours.  Later that night, we headed over to Mount Pleasant (another part of Charleston) to go to a friend's wedding reception. It was so much fun to catch up with many old friends and people from my home ward in which I grew up in. The bride and groom look beautiful and the food wasnt too shabby, either.  I wish I would've have gotten some pictures (i suck)

DAY 8:  We got up and Mike went out to his brother's property that he owns to spend time with his brother and they did a little "shark toothing"---definition:  they dig in the dirt for shark teeth. They actually found quite a bit of them and this is something that Mike and his brother have done for years and they love doing it together.  While the boys were doing their "thing", me and the kids had breakfast at Chick-Fil-A (mmmmmmmmm PLEASE PLEASE come to New York!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)  Then we went to Target, World Market, and PetSmart to look at the animals.  After the boys were done with their "shark toothing", we met up with them and PaPa to have lunch at Moe's.  After which we headed downtown Charleston to do some shopping at the markets.  We love downtown Charleston and missing going on a daily basis like we used to. It was a fun day being a tourist again in our hometown.  

That evening we went to Juanita Greenburg's to have dinner with one of Mike's bestest friends growing up.  It was fun to see Dmytro and Sharon again, along with meeting their little boy, Ethan for the first time.  

Mmm these guys have the BEST quesadillas, seriously, its that ridiculous!

DAY 9:  This day was a BEACH DAY!!!!!!  Ohhhh how I miss seeing the beach just about every day!!  That morning we headed for Sullivan's Island.  We like Sullivan's Island b/c there is NEVER anybody there. All the tourists go to Isle of Palms, and most locals aka surfers go to Folly Beach.  Therefore, there usually is never anybody on Sullivan's Island which is in between IOP and Folly...thats why we like it!  All of us, plus Brennan (nephew) tagged along with us for the day.

 Cooper River Bridge

 Sniff Sniff----Mmmm Pluff Mud = the smell of home

Sullivan's Island Lighthouse

Addison, Brennan, and Zoey


This little boy was pooped out

And what would a trip be like if we didnt stop at our favorite place of all??!!!  ANDOLINI's Pizza!!  This is where Mike and I had our first date  Mmmm so good!


DAYS 9 - 10:  These days were spent with Mike's mom and step-dad.  On day 10 of our trip, we headed back up to Charlotte that afternoon to stay 1 more night with my parents and to pick up our ole' trusty dog, Cooper who was staying there while we were playing in Charleston.

DAY 11:  We drove all 13 hours home to Pittsford (aka Rochester).  Once again the kids did amazing, and luckily on the way home the mamma had the daddy to help split up the drive a bit.  THANK YOU to all of our parents who hosted us and played with us.  It was yet, another great trip back home to the South.