Saturday, June 30, 2012

Just Some Happenings Lately....

As we continue to paint our house, we have managed to squeeze in a little "fun" time as well.  We have been staying busy with all this darn painting (now I know why people hire people to do this job).  Anyways, I am proud to say that I am down to ONE and a HALF rooms--- the half room is for Zoey's room, it has yet to get finished, curse me for wanting to paint stripes (lots and lots of grrrrrr entered here).

We have been staying busy between painting, Addison starting soccer this week--she plays twice a week, we signed up for a Family Swim through the rec department once a week as well, and I am now a Work At Home Mamma---I started working for Mike's brother typing up information on his different websites that he publishes.... and just for a little advertising--- check out 

Ok, so our life lately in pictures....

We headed on down to Hemlock Lake, NY to do a little fishing.  Gorgeous lake by the way...

Do you see how you can see the bottom of the lake there?!?  Thats how clean and pretty ALL the lakes are here.

Mike, Zoey, and Addie fishing there

Our little diva 

Rhett got to enjoy fishing like this.... one day, son, one day.

The girls picking flowers for their mamma

Our Outdoorsy Diva

This past week we made a trip to the zoo with some is Addison and Emilie

Ranger Addie

They have a "swimming part" at the zoo, so here is Zoey wading in the water

We have managed to squeeze in some quiet time at home... here is daddy and Rhett taking  a little snooze

I love this picture, one of my favorite ones of all.  Everyday Addie and Zoey will come out here and eat their snack.  They are best friends and I love it!  This picture is priceless to me.  Love having 2 girls together.

And that about sums up our happening lately.  House pictures coming SOON!!!!!!!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer Days

It is has been pretty warm here in New York this past week.  Without really having a pool to go to, we created our own backyard oasis.  The girls have LOVED their new "princess" slip-n-slide and have lived in it these past few days.  

These 2 girls crack me up.

Addie striking a pose

Both girls striking a pose

Poor Zoey couldnt figure out how to slide...all she would do is walk underneath the "princess bridge" thingy

Sunday, June 17, 2012

3 Special Men

Man #1:  My daddy.
  This is one of my favorite pictures of me and my dad.  My dad has always been on the sidelines rooting for me.  I love this man more than words can describe.

Man #2:  My Studly Hubby

I am so grateful for this man.  He is such a great daddy to his 3 kiddos.  I love this guy more than anything in this world.  

For Father's Day this year, Mike received a "Big Green Egg"...for those of you who dont know what this is, its a VERY expensive grill/smoker.  Amazing tasting food have come off of this bad boy.  Very worth getting!

Mike's new love

Man #3:  PaPa Kim

I dont think I could ask for a better father-in-law.  He is a great Papa to our kids and a wonderful example to everyone.  I love this guy for raising such a beautiful son and am so grateful that he is such a big part of our lives.


Monday, June 11, 2012

(sigh)  We love this little guy.  5 Months now, and many more to come!!!


This post is not the most exciting one, I figured it was time to update again, and because we have been so BUSY with this house, we havent had much time for other activities.  I hope to get house pictures up soon, but we are still painting, and doing a little more landscaping, and I would love to give you the tour in ONE blog post and not a bunch of separated bare with me, I am getting there.  It will happen by the end of this month b.c we are having a House Warming Part/BBQ with a bunch of our friends and our goal is to have the house done by then, plus we have family coming in less than a month as well, so it HAS to be done and it WILL!

Anyways, I am rambling on, I apologize.  One thing we did do is go on a "nature walk"...I guess that is what we will call it.  Right across the street from our neighborhood is a Nature Park with over 118 acres of hiking  trails and such.  We decided to check it out yesterday.

Rhett and Addison

The clan minus Me, I was the one taking the picture (as always)

Cooper tagged along as well....Addie and Cooper

It was a neat little trail.  It started out straight, then had some hilly parts to it. We obviously didnt do the whole 118 something acres, but we did get a little taste of it and hope to visit back very very soon.  Of course we have no excuse not to seeing that it is RIGHT across the street from our neighborhood.  We love New York for this very reason, they have a bazillion parks and nature trails.  We love it!!  We are actually becoming "outdoorsy" people.  We shall see what the summer brings as far as camping, more hiking, etc..  

Monday, June 4, 2012

Our Own Version of "COPS"

This picture is of the scene that happen RIGHT on my front door step this past Saturday (06.02.2012).  Except, the person who got arrested was female and African American.  Crazy eh!?!  We had just gotten home from running around somewhere, when I hear a knock on the door.  So I answer it, and there is this girl, who was about my age, who said, "Hi, Im Ronesha, yada yada yada".  She went on with this story how she lives in the inner-city and she has a 7 yr old daughter, and she is pregnant now (as they all seem to be) and how I am blessed to live in such a nice neighborhood and she hopes that one day she can move her family into a house like mine, and she is trying to get off of government assistance and all that...  She presented me with her little book and said that they are selling magazine subscriptions and she gets a percentage of the money, and the other part of the money goes towards a charity program and all that.  I asked her for a badge and she happen to forget it on this very particular day.  But I have a heart, I do.  So I told her I would buy $20 bucks worth of the ZooBooks (for the kiddos) and then I thought that if she was really scamming me, all she would be getting out of me is $20 bucks.  She went on to tell me that God is Great and asked me if I had any words of encouragement for her, etc..  So as she was about to leave, I look down the street and 2 cops pull up and right away arrest a guy who was doing the same thing she was 2 houses down.  I then was like "holy crap, I gotta stall her".  So I start stalling "Ronesha" and asking her what this company is, and how many people are doing the same thing she is, when she turns around and gets all nervous b/c the cops started to fly up the street to my house.  They jump out and right away put her in handcuffs RIGHT in front of me.  Kind of freaky if you ask me.  The cops got into her book, and she had about 20 something checks from people in the neighborhood INCLUDING cash.  I asked if I could get my check back and the cop gave me my check back as I ripped it up right in front of the girl.  Basically they didnt have a license to sale in Pittsford where we live and so they were basically illegal.  Now the company they were "supposedly" working for is a real company, its just kind of a rip off.  But like I said, I did it b/c I was only going to be out of $20 bucks and if I didnt, I was afraid that she would call up her  thug friends and they would come rob me or something.  HEY, you never know.  And that was our fun, eventful Saturday with the Turok version of COPS.  Good times, good times people.