Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Parade

For Memorial Day this year, our little village of Pittsford holds a Memorial Day Parade.  We decided to check it out.  It was a decent parade, not too long, not too short.  Although we were quite disappointed when there wasnt even ONE piece of candy thrown.  You know those kids who decide to run into the stupid street and then they get hit by one of the parade floats or something----well that is why they dont throw it anymore.  They ruin it for everybody.  Anyways, the girls had fun so thats all that mattered.  We attempted to get some pictures of them b/c they looked so darn cute in there little patriotic outfits, but as usual they were being little turkeys about it.  But we still managed to get some cute pictures, even though they arent really looking in them.  After the parade we headed to a church BBQ and that about sums up our Memorial Day.  We hope everybody enjoyed the holiday this year, and a big THANKS to all those who have served, still serving, and who have died for our Country.  And a THANK YOU to all the families who have loved ones serving, I think they go through as big as a sacrifice as the soldiers themselves.  Happy Memorial Day everyone.  God Bless Us All.  

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Our House Happenings Lately...

So we have been crazy busy with this new house lately.  Trying to get the inside painted, pictures hung, clothes STILL being put away, and landscaping.  Our biggest project has been planting some trees.  We live in a newer neighborhood, and unfortanately with a new neighborhood means NO trees.  And right behind us, they are about to start building some more new houses...sad, I know.  So because of these new houses being put up, we bought some trees to make kind of a natural fence out of them to help shield us from the soon-to-be neighbors behind us.  We have spent the past week outside, and neglecting the inside of our home.  As much work as this house has been, we are definitely enjoying seeing the results of all our hard work.  We are getting closer and closer to finally being settled.  So here are the latest House Happenings in the past week.....

This is me ever so excited to once again, mow a lawn.  Although my face doesnt really show it in this picture, I actually enjoy mowing the lawn.  Its quality "Lynsee" time.  I dont have to listen to any kids or nobody in that matter.  Its just me and the lawn mower and I like it that way.

 This is the new Japanese Maple we planted.  They actually are really cool trees once they get bigger.

 This was the tree I got to pick out.  Its some kind of Weeping Cherry Blossom something Tree.  Its really pretty in the spring time, full of flowers, and when they get bigger, they get more "weepy" and pretty.

 Mikes BIG project has been planting our "shield" trees.  Here is Mike and Addison digging a hole for one of the trees.  I thought this was a cute picture of the both of them digging together.  

 Dig Dig Dig

 This is how the girls have been occupying their time while mom and dad work in the yard.

 In this picture, Addison is demonstrating how we ALL have felt at the day's end everyday this week.  And YES, she REALLY did fall asleep like this at the top of the stairs...sort of funny, here.

 She is passed out.

And there you have it.  I hope to get some updated pictures of our house soon.  But as previously mentioned, I want to post them all when everything is DONE.  We are getting closer so hopefully sooner than later I can get the pictures up b/c I am really excited to show this place off because we LOVE IT!  And its that adorable!  So soon, very very soon.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Mother's Day Tea

This past Wednesday (05.16.2012), Addison's preschool had a Mother's Tea.  Her class put on a little program for the mommies, followed by some treats and tea.  It was a cute and special time for the Mommies of the class and our little ones.  I was quite proud of Addison for doing so good and participating in the songs.  (in the past she hasnt been the best at that). Good Job, Addie, your mamma is proud and I was glad I got to spend that special day with you at school.

This is Addison's BEST friend Livia...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Opening Day

As previously mentioned, we closed on our house this past Friday, May 11th.  I took a few pictures on this very happy, yet stressful day.

Mike putting the key into the door...

My turn!!  As you can tell, Cooper and Zoey are READY to go in...they werent too fond of all the picture taking delaying this process

 We rented a UHAUL to move all of our stuff from the townhome to the house, the girls were pretty excited when they got to ride with daddy in the "big truck".  After we returned and had Addison get back in our car, she informed me that she no longer likes cars, only big trucks, she is a redneck in the making.

I will show you ONE picture of the inside of the house b/c its my FAVORITE part about this whole house!  THE BASEMENT!!  We have never had a basement before, so this is quite a treat!  I put every single toy that we own down there, and now the kids have a their own place to make a mess, do whatever, and I dont ever have to look at it if I dont want to.  Its loverly!  
(I will show you more pictures of the house once it is put together and painted)

And lets not forget about our little guy who turned 4 months on our special Opening Day... Here he is in all his glory!  This boy is constantly smiling and laughing, but the one time I want him to, he wont.  Anyways, here he is at 4 months! 

He also just had his doc's appt and is growing well, healthy as could be....we love him.

And there you have it.  I cant believe I am even blogging right now b/c I have SO much to do, but sometimes, you just need a break from all the painting and un-packing.  Plus with 3 kids, you cant get a whole lot done without the hubby being home.  Anybody want to come babysit????  

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Moving Day!!

Yesterday (05.11.2012) we officially CLOSED on our new home!!  And we couldnt be happier!  We started moving in our things yesterday, and finished it today.  We are more than happy to be out of that townhome and into our beautiful new home.  The neighbors have been great, our new ward (church) are awesome, and our new house is amazing!  Once i get everything put together, I will for sure be posting some pictures!  But first, I need to put away crap and PAINT PAINT PAINT.

Everything for the most part went quite smoothly, except for closing---lets just say I am not the biggest fan of lawyers right now.  We were supposed to close on Tuesday, but it didnt happen until yesterday, and yeah...long story short, we didnt close when we had planned, I didnt get to paint before all of our furniture got moved in, and now I get to paint AND move furniture to do it.  BUT all in all, we closed and we are IN!  End of Story.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Yesterday (05.05.12), we decided to take the kids fishing at a local park.  Addie has been dying to go fishing, so Mike and I went and bought New York State fishing licenses, poles for the girls, and headed out. We had a good time.  What made it even more exciting is that we caught like 6 fish!  It was awesome!  At the local park we were at, they have a fish hatchery, and they just recent stocked up all the streams in this park, the streams were full of fish.  So it made it a lot of fun for the girls to help catch all these fish. Addison was able to catch her very first fish (with a little help from dad, of course).  Zoey could have caught her first fish, but then she refused to help reel it in, oh well, maybe next time.  It was a perfect day and a fun activity for us to do as a family.  We hope to do many more fishing trips in the near future.  

The girls ready to try out their new poles

Addison and daddy reeling in the first catch of the day

 Still reeling...

And theres the fish!  Addison was so excited, she kept running around saying "I caught my first fish! I caught my first fish!"  My Grandpa Hall would have been proud...

Although she caught her fish, she unfortunately takes after her mamma and refuses to touch or even get near the fish.

The first catch of the day

Daddy catching the second fish of the day with Zoey's little Princess Pole---that thing reeled in about 4 out of the 6 fish we caught!!  Go Princess Pole!

 After many castings, and a few times of getting the hook stuck out of trees, I finally caught my first and last catch of the day!  (I suck at fishing...)

 Like Father, Like daughter.....I love this picture.

The girls checking out one of daddy's fish...refusing to touch it of course.

We had a great time and are ready to go again.  We caught some rainbow trout and some other stuff (I dont know fishy names) but they were all sorts of colors.  They were some pretty looking fish.  We hope to make this a frequent family activity.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Very Nice Day

Today, here in New York, we have had some AMAZING weather.  With highs in the low 80's, and 100% Sunshine, we had to take advantage of it, so we headed to one of the MANY parks here in the Rochester area.  This day got even better when Mike was given a FREE day off of work b/c one of the doctors had cancelled on his surgeries for the day.  So we headed to Powder Mills Park to have a picnic and to enjoy the sun.  For Easter, the "bunny" brought our family one of those Airhawk Styrofoam Planes, so we decided to give it a try at the park.  It actually flew quite well and the girls had a great time chasing after it.  Thank you Mr. Sun for showing your face today, and Thank You Dr. Tamano for cancelling all your surgeries so that Mike could have a free day off.  It has been A Very Nice Day.

Mike and Addie preparing for flight

This is how Rhett enjoyed his day

Cooper and Zoey eating the grass

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I Am Glad That THIS GUY Was Born...

Happy Birthday to Michael!!  He is an amazing dad, a wonderful husband, and an awesome guy.  So glad that on this day, he entered this world, otherwise I would be without him.  Love you, baby.  Happy Birthday!!!!

We celebrated by Mike waking up first thing to find "love notes" all over our home.  I wrote down many ways of why I love this guy.  Then off to work he went, when me and the kids made a surprise visit with a Cookie Cake to his work.  My mission was to sort of embarrass him since NOBODY knew it was his birthday b/c Mike doest like to make a big deal of it...but I do, so I did.  He got home from work and off we went to eat dinner at Moe's (a yummy southwest grill).  After that we headed to TJ Maxx and Steinmart to do some "new house" shopping.  We bought pillows--exciting eh??!!  Happy Birthday, babe!  Here's to many more amazing years with you in this life.